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  1. This song is one of the stages for Sticks, the new playable character in Sonic Boom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUbZfWcf_Oc How is it?
  2. Sup everyone?? its been a long while! My last release was back in 2011 for the wild arms project. Since then i took some time off from making trance music and decided to get back into my roots which is making rap beats, Although i grew up listening to early 90's dance music and trance in the late 90's, I've always had a soft spot for rap. This is my very 1st collab! and i couldnt had picked a better person! I've known halc for over 12yrs im glad we have finally did something together. Enjoy! Be on the lookout for new stuff from me! (download from soundcloud) Link: https://soundcloud.com/halc/jewbei-dr-halc-icebreaker
  3. Hey, how is everybody doing? So, what do Mass Effect, hiphop and British accents all have in common? Me. And if you like me or any one of those three things listed then you're absolutely going to hate what i've done on this EP. Music for your Mako. Apparently, it's music. All my love - DiGi Valentine ~♥
  4. Finished this a while back, considered posting her now. Or...uh...it's here, all that matters. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/celerinajackrabbit/samoose Original:
  5. Hopefully this doesn't count as beat spamming the board D: anyway, here's some more stuff I made https://soundcloud.com/datfootdive/lamenting This one's very short. I went through a phase the other day where I only wanted to sample guitar stuff. Hope You like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVyeArqBCII This one is an old vintage style hip hop sample I did from a Stevie Wonder record. Not really a video game or anime remix, sorry :/ Also, the drums MIGHT sound a bit low because I was experimenting a bit. Tell me what you think and if you like it please leave a like it helps keep me motivated a bit.
  6. After a few months of working on and off this track, I am pleased to finally present this piano/electronic remix of the Main Caverns Theme from the Nintendo video game Metroid II: Return of Samus, which was released in 1991 on the Game Boy. This track proved to be especially challenging to create, namely as trying to replicate the original tune first was very difficult. All those fast and short notes playing fairly quietly in the background at various parts. X_X Sheesh, and I thought my Space Harrier and Castlevania 2 remakes were difficult to craft on my own. ; You can check this track on on YouTube: You can also listen to and download this tune for free from the following: Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/582042 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/drmackfoxx/metroid-ii-main-caverns-piano-redux Hope you enjoy this song!
  7. Hey guys, Let's give this another go. We were just going through some of our SEGA stuff that we put out earlier in the year and thought this track might be of interest to you. We talked about it and thought it maybe better met some of your criteria for variety etc... Anyway, looking forward to hearing what you think of it. The Opus Science Collective Version Thanks in advance, OSC
  8. Check out my new remix of some ashes cricket commentary! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gItMrd_shxI
  9. Hey guys, just started making music a few months ago and I'd like to see how good other people think it is. Criticism would be extremely appreciated Here's one I made from sampling Cowboy Bebop. https://soundcloud.com/datfootdive/black-piano And here's one I made from sampling Space Dandy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-we2PD0Hbo It's mostly hip hop and jazz stuff if you're into that kind of thing. I could improve my drums a bit too :/
  10. Hey everyone. Finally got around to recording my wife's vocals for our cover of Let It Go. Let us know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/let-it-go
  11. 'Sup? I don't often do straight covers, but here's one with a MIDI keyboard. https://soundcloud.com/timaeus222/stormy-weather-cover-by-timaeus Finished it in about 3.5 hours, because I was in the mood.
  12. Not much to say, just an idea I fleshed out. I feel like it's done, but I don't know if it's ready for submission. Anything is helpful. ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/touchsoundmusic-1/he-who-turns-his-back-on-god-bloody-tears Source:
  13. This is an 'Urban Space' struck I made a while ago that I have recently added to and remastered. https://matthewdeargameaudio.bandcamp.com/track/space-hop Be great to get some feedback on arrangement and production. Cheers P.s. Has anyone else found that bandcamp plays tracks at a much lower volume than the file or soundcloud?
  14. Original Song: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/phase-no1-skeith-remix Despite this game not being too well known (.Hack original quadrilogy for PS2), it is a very fun JRPG with a huge back story and many predecessors and followers. This is a game series close to my heart. Though not many of the the songs in the game are memorable on their own, they do the game justice. This song stood out to me when deciding what to remix next and is one of my favorite songs and moments from the game. Enjoy.
  15. Hi all. I made another glitch-hop track, for those who are into that kinda thing. It's one of my favorite genres. Anywho, please enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/kruai/dungeon-crawl
  16. Hello again, I know I might be a bit greedy posting two threads so frequently but this is one I definitely could use some help on this one, I was a bit sceptical the idea would work but for the most part i think its gone pretty well. However I'm not sure the intro is completely there and a t times the guitar sounds a bit off although I only noticed once i started mixing. Its at minus 6 so you might want to turn it up Thanks for the feedback, agree with it! Sadly my hard drive died last night and that had the project folder, i think I've got a backup, will take me some time to get back to it though Thanks for listening
  17. What do you think c:? It's a remake of an old composition of mine.
  18. I thought Chemical Plant Zone is a very dangerous and unwelcoming place. So I took it over and turned it into a Lounge Zone HEAR IT
  19. REMIX: https://soundcloud.com/colinsm/fine-field-multiplayer-mix ORIGINAL: I know it's not that great. I had to rush this version for a deadline. But it's still a great learning experience to figure out how to improve it if I ever want to re-do it in the near future. What do you guys think?
  20. One of three LF covers I've recently made. Check out the rest if you like it. New music always under produktion!
  21. I wanted to try to take advantage of guitar rig 5 so I used it along with slayer. I NEVER really use guitars until recently so I am still very unfamiliar with it. Any opinions and constructive criticism welcome http://soundcloud.com/xsquader/dead-end-grave-xsquader
  22. Hey, guys! I thought I would put this finished cover out there for critique. It is probably one of the best covers I have done so far, and I am always looking to improve. This was more of a straight cover, with a little bit of artistic creativity. If any of you can understand or speak Japanese, your feedback on my singing would be MUCH appreciated. Breakdown on the recording/mixing side of the cover: -Every violin or vocal recording has a reverb preset attached to it to add warmth and increase depth of recording -There are two recordings of each violin take, each panned either left or right to create a fuller sound -VST piano from FL with a reverb preset from FL -string section (during vocal part) was mixed and sent to me by a friend who plays viola -Recorded an analog clock with microphone to produce the ticking noise Like I said, if you have any suggestions for better mixing, recording, anything... just let me know!
  23. Hello! I just wrapped up a looping boss battle theme that I wanted to share with you guys. Hope you enjoy! Youtube - http://youtu.be/xeWSyGJQ9nI Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/garoadmusic/the-darkness-approaches
  24. I recently stumbled upon this site and thought I would share my most recent composition to get some feedback. http://youtu.be/URO_OjTeA28
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