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  1. Edit: Update!! Made some changes: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yn02ku I have made the following changes: *Cranked up the bass and EQ'd a lot of low end out of it. *EQ'd the drums. *Edited a few drum MIDI velocites (notable: the double bass section) *Changed some of the drum parts in the piano bridge *Added more reverb to the drums, especially the snare *Doubled the rhythm guitar *Played the piano part live to incorporate humanistic velocities. (Quantized) *Replaced the cymbal at 1:10 with a ride cymbal. I did not initially realize that it was the left crash and not a ride, which is why it was panned to the left. D'oh! Things to still be done: *Tweak with the rhythm guitar tone. I like it, but I feel like at needs a little more bite. *Possibly rerecord all the guitars. I would like to get my timing a little tighter. *Possibly record a real bass for this song. *ADD VARIATION TO ALL MIDI INSTRUMENT NOTE VELOCITES!!! (I know, I'll get too it.) Original post: Here is my take on the infamous Wily Stage 1. Entered in last month's Dwelling of Duels. Posting as a wip because I believe it can be improved as far as the production goes. I'm pretty satisfied with the arrangement. So, tell me what you guys think! http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/12-12-Magfest_Month/14-thesamareaye-Wily's%20Demise-DoD.mp3
  2. A short remix of the music in the Temple of Seasons from Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. There really isn't much to it, but I still may try to get it posted after getting some feedback on it. https://soundcloud.com/that-andy-guy/house-of-seasons Source:
  3. Mix: https://soundcloud.com/emunator/super-mario-64-file-select-wip Source: This is something I was briefly throwing together for the Super Mario 64 project before Argle snatched up the source... I'm sure he's got something far better cooking up for the album, but I wanted to share this anyway since I got a decent amount of progress on it. Structure is pretty rough, more focus on sound design and riffs here. Any thoughts are welcome!
  4. I waited a while to post this, because I wanted to be able to show improvement since my last post. Version 1: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/burned-tower Version 2: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/burned-tower-2 Version 3: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/burned-tower-3 Version 4: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/burned-tower-4
  5. Another style on the tune, this time in downtempo / drum-n-bass. https://soundcloud.com/groboclown/the-kzer-za-chill (Original Post) As soon as I heard the Ur Quan theme, back when Star Control 2 first came out in 1992, I recorded it on cassette and listened to it again and again. I wrote several piano transcriptions and re-interpretations, and then forgot about it. Now, twenty years later, I finally returned to it. The current version is a purely synth piece put together with LMMS. The earlier versions were made in Milkytracker. The main change in this is turning the theme from a 6/8 time to 4/4, as well as lengthening the original 30 second song. I assembled the original versions in Milkytracker. I've taken it through many different turns, and I think it's closer to a final version now. Link to the source: Link to the Remix: http://soundcloud.com/groboclown/kzer-za-from-the-future-2 (style 2) http://soundcloud.com/groboclown/kzer-za-stomp-v7 (style 1)
  6. The FF6 flood continues! This was another recent entry in the second installment of the Final Fantasy 6: Balance and Ruin remix contest. I've tweaked the mix a little bit since the competition concluded, and I think it's ready for some peer review. My major concerns are the mix and production values in general, which is where I feel I have the most room for growth. All comments and critique are welcome and appreciated though-- please don't hold anything back! =) Original Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd0fnITPGPE Remix: https://soundcloud.com/crypto_magnum/chill-cryptid-v1-2 Thanks!
  7. Once again, I got totally sidetracked from working on my album project remixes. This was originally supposed to be a FF8 remix of Silence and Motion, but I decided to scrap that version of it and reuse some of the drums and basswork for a remix of "Anything but Tangerines" from EWJ2. I wasn't going to bother making a whole new thread for this. Original song: http://youtu.be/58V72F4J56A WIP: https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/ewj2-tangerines-wip
  8. Here's my most recent attempt at making a decent remix ! It's a remix of , from Super Mario 64.> https://www.box.com/s/mdodj98u08bczbhqfkro Since my orchestral soundfonts are, sadly, not realistic enough, I tried to do something more synthetic instead. It's still in it's "early developement" stage though, so it's quite short, clearly unfinished and, I think, feels a little rushed at times. Some feedback would be most welcomed ! EDIT : > v2 : https://www.box.com/s/v6ohoba0uqmikjdt5vec
  9. Tomo Club is a string trio with a pair of flutes and a percussionist. This is a recording of a recent rehearsal take we did of "Bonds of Sea and Fire" from Xenogears. We wanted it to sound old.' thanks for listening and I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
  10. Just playing around today and came up with some possibly usable melodies and rhythms. Don't know why, but the song evokes "Cyber Punk" sort of imagery to me. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/metal-demo I don't pretend to know what I'm doing when it comes to mixing and all that, but feedback of any kind is appreciated!
  11. Yap, its yet another Comic Bakery ReMix! Wanted to try what I can do with this remix and I think I got neat start here. This is somekind of psytrance again, with hard nrg(?) influences, it has very energic feeling! At first I just started to make Comic Bakery ReMix, but then I wanted to add that Jurassic Park part too, so its atm kinda random. Most of my time I've used to the first minutes. I'll maybe do different intro, and at 2:00 to end I'll add some stuff and make it better. Tell me what u think, I hope you guys like this too! Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/wip/comic_bakery_v0.48.mp3
  12. Last version of the Mix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1kjpsnejy57h76/jnWake%20-%20We%27ll%20Never%20Be%20Angels%20%28RM%29.mp3 . Old version: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/starcraft-2-well-never-be . Source: .So, I made this mix for last month's DoD and now I want to polish it. I feel there's some EQing I could fix and maybe lower the reverb (and the compression/limiting), but I want to hear your opinions on that! Regarding source usage, the original song follows a, roughly, A-B-C structure. My mix is, essentially, B-A-B-C-A. I tried to keep some of the feeling of the original song in my interpretation. Anyway, hope you comment!
  13. Whipped this up in the last little while; have most of the track elements and composition complete. Thought I'd put it up here for feedback. The last track I subbed was well composed and thought out but got rejected because of mixing, which is by far the weakest area of my production skills. I think this one is mixed okay, but would like some tips. Like I said, im inexperienced and weak in that department. Is the track compressed well enough? Should it have more pump? Are the instruments EQ'd okay? Tell me! Some other things I'm considering with this track: - adding some toms to the percussion track. - adding another hi hat to the mix / varying the hat patterns already present. - dropping some of the glitch effects in one or two spots. - adding another instrument to the main lead layer - nudging the volume up slightly for the fun chorus toward the end. (3:01) Mega Man 3 - Just Say Gemini beta Enjoy the track, thanks for the feedback!
  14. https://soundcloud.com/eilios/coulrophobia/s-msTgY i was reading it by stephen king and thought about making this remix so here i am!! mostly unmastered with some parts blatantly not done(also some transitions need quite a bit of work), but comment on what is there please!
  15. Hi there I always loved this theme, loved its eerie/magical feel, and thought it would make for a nice chillout kind of theme... well, I decided to give it a try... This is the original: And this is how my remix is sounding so far: https://www.box.com/s/49txegvyia67edajvswf Still work to do, gotta work on those drums, build some variation and expand the original, which is a good source and easily "expandable" me thinks Hope you like it so far and if so, feedback is much appreciated. If you want to chop your ears off after listening, also leave a comment, and attach a photo if you actually do so Cheers!!!
  16. Here's a remix I've been working on for a while now. And I most certainly need some feedback. https://www.box.com/s/bguiu35eb8um6c5dcrv5 The tracks is untitled "Come What May", the remix includes parts from : - Journey's soundtrack main motif (if I had to give a specific track, I guess I'd say "I Was Born For This", composed by Austin Wintory, which inspired me the idea of the remix) => - Final Fantasy XIII-2's "Yeul's Theme", composed by Naoshi Mizuta => - Final Fantasy VIII's "Blue Fields", composed by Nobuo Uematsu => - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix/Birth by Sleep's "Fate of the Unknown" (I feel like associating the track with Birth by Sleep would me more logical and meaningful though) => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMC7qtC_G4w I made it with FL Studio and a few free soundfonts I found here and there. And... well I think that's all the relevant stuff I can think of ! EDIT : v2 : https://www.box.com/s/jbwf5vt58cxczrjw4gx1 v2alt : https://www.box.com/s/myz27mdo923t5fb65h7e ... =/
  17. I would love some feedback on this mix. I took a big break from it because I didn't know which direction to take it. I would love some thoughts.
  18. I wrote this as an initial idea for a song that was going to be the theme to being on the bridge of a massive privateer space-vessel in a game that was in planning but never got started. The idea is a sort of military-esque band of mercenaries/vigilantes. I wrote the song hoping to capture that theme in a SNES-sounding arrangement. This is an early WIP and pretty old but I'm interested on some feedback of what I have! Charon Theme
  19. It has been an interesting day to recreate one of my favorite childhood game songs as a hardcore techno/drum and bass remix. Original: My remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/dot-hack-infection-field It may be a bit choppy, But... Hope you enjoy!
  20. Haven't even named it it's so new. Just started working on this after finishing my Gears of War 2 remix (fingers crossed the judges will like it, my first remix in about 8 years). My first tendency for most mixes is to load a string section and rely on it quite a bit, dunno about doing that for this one. But who knows, maybe it'll really work. https://soundcloud.com/digidistortion/new002
  21. Here is my Remix of Flower Garden from the SNES game Yoshi's Island: http://tindeck.com/listen/kuab (Tindeck) https://www.box.com/s/leixsotn9odscmkk7vci (Box) Source: http://youtu.be/6afS8Hwfx3g Let me know what you think, feedback welcome.
  22. I made this remix for the FF6 contest that recently ended. I like it so I might continue working on it: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/final-fantasy-vi-mines-of I think I should work more on the drums and bass (maybe use another E. Piano sample), but I'm open to any criticism to the arrangement and production. It's pretty straightforward in source usage, the section with the piano and synth solos uses a variation of the intro for the chord progression. Hope you like it!
  23. Hey! So, I entered the FF6 contest that ended on Feb. 28. This was my entry: https://www.box.com/s/kmm3kxme4q1nipvkyj7y Feedback is welcome! Probably my second try at regular old metal, really. I only had about 3 days to really work on this, lol.
  24. So I'm writing a track for the SonicStadium's annual album of sonic remixes, and I managed to scrape together a track on the last few days. I'm used to trying to record off the piano sound my keyboard produces (Casio CTK-900) but it's generally rubbish. GB doesnt have amazing samples either, so I've had to play around with the stock sounds and try and add effects to make up for it's shortcomings. How do others record their piano parts? (I dont have the money to mike up a grand piano as much as I'd like to ). Also, would love some feedback on the track if possible. It's nothing huge, and the piano was all one take (as you can probably tell towards the end my timing lapsed..). I'd love to expand the song over what I've already written if any of it is worth salvaging? Could do with more fleshing out maybe? http://tindeck.com/listen/awvn
  25. It was supposed to be impossible but I have somehow made it work! This is Zeal as a John Philip Sousa march. Anyway, my questions to you are mostly regarding mixing. Particularly compression. Do I need any and does anyone know any good guides for compression? Right now I don't really have any idea of how to use compression correctly. http://lusipurr.com/music/zoltan/201303-TheMammonMarch.mp3
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