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  1. An early attempt at creating a dub sound for the Little Big Adventure 1 Theme (called Relentless in the US release), written by Philippe Vachey. http://soundcloud.com/groboclown/big-adventure-in-dub-v1 The original:
  2. Original: LATEST VERSION (at 3:56): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29072735/BattleCommandRemix_V2d.mp3 OLD WIP (at 2:51) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29072735/BattleCommandRemix_WIP_V2.mp3 OCR only has a few remixes of Jonathan Dunn's music, and more Dunn remixes can never be a bad thing. He worked for Ocean (notorious for lame movie tie-ins) but the guy put his all into his music. This isn't his best (that would be the ), but it's funky and fun, and I liked it enough to try and remix it.I didn't really try to incorporate the harsh marching beat at the beginning, and instead opted for a more light-hearted electronic approach. Because that's what you think of when you think of tanks! I am in the final phases of working on this track (or at the least, I am towards the final portion of the song in my head, needing to make one more section and then the final resolution), so I would be happy to hear some feedback of any glaring technical issues or things that don't sound very right, or arrangement issues (though the song itself is pretty simplistic). Thanks for listening!
  3. message me ill get back to you with one or the other.
  4. More Mega Man! Yay! Started new Mega Man ReMix few days ago and I wanted to share this with you: Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_ShadowMan_rmx_v0.45.mp3 I havent used much time for intro yet, so it could be very different when finished. The real party starts @ 00:22 (or 00:35 ) and latest part I've added is that "dubstepish" part @ 1:07. It doesnt have ending yet. Next I'm trying to do it longer and fix/add some things. Let me know what you think. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuYG5qOsDGU
  5. Here's my entry for round 1 of the GMRB. http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-ostriches I adjusted the volume of the instruments. Also added some reverb and wetness to the main Overdrive Ostrich lead, I hope I didn't overdo it.
  6. This was a fun little project that I've been working on to test arranging music in a large orchestra, and I think it's turned out very nicely. It's also been a lot of fun working on this and listening to each of the different parts of the original songs, so I might work on another remix in perhaps a different style to the original if this gets a good response that might be something I could look into. The arrangement of both pieces is based off the original themes in their respective games - with a few alterations - and was worked out solely by ear. Never Forget starts at 0:04 while Another Rain starts at 1:20. After this, at 2:58 there's a little section with both pieces played at the same time, taking different ideas and chords from each. This was made as preparation for a possible remix of a song from the Halo 4 soundtrack, so if you guys have any requests when that comes out I'm all ears. Hope you guys enjoy it!
  7. Hey OCR, So I randomly started working on this song, without the purpose of really finishing / getting anywhere at all. After 3 hours, this is what I've got: http://soundcloud.com/yannicgeerts/forezd Original on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mp8uMammw Might or might not finish it, but since I uploaded it to a friend, figured it might aswell keep the OCR WIP forums a little more active. Comments and critics are welcome. Keep in mind that nothing is seriously EQ'd and the flow of the song is total garbage
  8. Hey y'all, got a bit of inspiration, looking for some feedback.. DnB has always been a tough genre for me to tackle for some reason. I've tried a couple times before, and it either didn't end up sounding like DnB should sound or I just said "fuck it" and gave up completely haha. I'm gonna finally try to tackle it, but I need some help!! Anything you got for me would be great. Thanks! It's still not like, standard DnB by any stretch, but it's *more* DnB than my other DnB attempts. DnB. Plus it's a little chippy, since I haven't done anything in that vein in a while. Whee! And godDAMNIT that stupid first note should NOT be filtered differently than the rest, but FL is deciding to be a chawch. Mix Source (Planning on adding in 2 others from MMX5, since they're in the same key already anyway, and both pretty damn awesome) Thanks again! pH EDIT: ...anyone else getting a "DaMonz" vibe? Where 'e at
  9. Hi there everybody! I tend to pop in to OcRemix every now and then looking for help/suggestions for my compositions or (beginner) remixes, and this is no different! http://soundcloud.com/darren-schwinghamer/sand-capital Here is my take on a tribal/desert town theme. When I hear it I think of a small village in the desert or a jungle that would be heard in a game like those of the Zelda or (early) Final Fantasy franchises. Could definitely apply to other games or genres, I'm just not as familiar with them. Please let me know what you think, there are some areas where I'm somewhat iffy about, but I'd like to hear other people's opinions. Much appreciated!
  10. Some title screen music I did for a friend of mine last year sometime. For an RPG-esque type game.
  11. Hey all, here's a mix I started working on but never got around to posting. It's a little more on the coverish side of things, probably not OCR submittable at this state of expansion and honestly I don't know where else to go with this anyway. It was more just an attempt to try out a few new sounds I got and work on my production workflow a bit more. All of the additional harmonies on the bell/oboe were improvised. It came out sounding pretty pleasant though so I figured I'd post it. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/emunator/kingdom-hearts-dearly-beloved Source: Enjoy!
  12. So this is the prelude for a Nightwing track so far. The idea is to give Super Heroes their own themes, since the movies and shows have been lacking melody lately. I'm shooting to do sort of progressive elctro-orchestral, and I'm pumped to get some more work done on it. I'd love to hear what you guys think! pH EDIT: And just so everyone knows, I'm planning a much bigger drop after the "I quit." S'gonna be ausome
  13. still needs a little work but i at least got the base down... lemme know what u guys think
  14. Here is a remix of Gato's theme, let me know what you guys think. I need some fresh ears, mine are getting stale. It started as drum and bass, I guess its electronica now. Genre isn't really important to me. Link: V1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/chrono-trigger-gato-wip-v1
  15. Current Version: It's right here! So far, it's mostly an intro-type thing with just bass and some pads/leads. Percussion'll come later. Right now, I just want to know whether this seems like a good direction. I'm sort of inspired by 80s Rush here, minus the rock, what with the odd-time stuff going on, as well as a couple of minor shout-outs to Freewill and Distant Early Warning. When I do add percussion, I think I'll be going at that sort of "world music" feel from the same period with congas, shakers, ect. Here's what I've got so far.
  16. I'm working on an Electro/Jazz/Glitch/Chiptune CV remix, and this what I have so far: https://www.box.com/s/a292f4b302116d4bf027 Is there anything that really sticks out, or is it sounding fine so far? The arrangement is not done though; the only Heart of Fire I've included is the lead in at 0:34 - 0:38 (from 0:30 - 0:33 of Heart of Fire) and the famous Castlevania "Organ-style" line right after that (variation of 0:34 - 0:49 in Heart of Fire). I'm thinking of putting in the section at 0:08 - 0:33 from that source up next. Something to note: All FX and non-percussion other than the 3o3 arp in the breakdown section are custom patches I made in Zebra2. The percussion is generally TR-606, 808, 909 stuff, etc., if that has any meaning to you guys. In case this is necessary:
  17. http://soundcloud.com/keysersozeh/idea-no-2000-v4 The part id like comment about starts at 1.25 and ends at 1.35. Can anyone comment on the way is should mix this for some raw dubstep sounds (the kick vs wobble bass vs snare). Comments on instrument choice and usage also welcome. As you can hear im used to producing fluffy puffy songs.
  18. http://soundcloud.com/aires/bomberman-boss-battle-cover I promise you guys this Not sped up lmao *195 bpm source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwxeDr0PkGE
  19. Good-day. Or Night. Or Both. Both? Nevermind. I'm rather new to all this, And figured a good way to help me get better at it would be to ask people who know what their talking about for some feedback and/or advise. It hasn't bin very long since I started, and since I never studied music before, This is all new. I decided if I'm going to get any good at this, Might as well start here and try to get a little help. I practiced a bit, and decided to start simple. All the songs listed are MIDIs with their sounds changed, With little, If any, Note Altering. Their just for reference. I'll start small, And work my way up. Well, These are the ones I think turned out the best. There's only a few, So I'll just link to my main soundcloud page for conviniance. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis I have to stress, These are only for reference on improvement. So don't expect them to be great. Any Feedback, Tips, Advice, Help, Or anything else is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  20. http://soundcloud.com/aires/diddykong-racing-pirate-lagoon *I NEED A LADY TO SING IF THIS DOES NOT GET CANCELED.*
  21. Soundcloud Link (because the fireslash uploader is down) I'm trying to do an orchestral remix of the Blood Relation (or "The beginning of the End" as it's called on the chiptune file) track from Breath Of Fire I I get it, this WIP is, as of now, ridiculously short, but I plan on updating it quite frequently. So, for now, enjoy what little bit there is
  22. Welcome to the Sonic thread, I will post ALL songs that I make in hear as soon as there done. This is a thread where I post stuff and stuff and what ever I want to post thats music related INCLUDING REMIXES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now just hit the soundcloud follow button and follow my twitter. http://soundcloud.com/aires/short-prog-power-metal-for-the actually its called the untitled song what evaah got my peavey 5150 block letter with a mesa 1x12 V30 speaker sounds beast. like me Now just hit the follow button soundcloud and follow my twitter. www.justin.tv/sonicthhedgog - FOLLOW MY STREAM. I WILL START REGULARLY STREAMING SOON. Btw big thanks to my bud for my new logo! Will resize later for signature.
  23. Hello, thought I'd post my WIP remix of Tower of Dolls . http://soundcloud.com/valkerath/castlevania-chronicles-tower Here's the original:
  24. Source: Remix (wip): http://soundcloud.com/mordi-1/alibi-sooner-or-later-wip Vocals are a bit out of place. It'll probably either end up being without vocals, or have the arrangement completely changed to fit with the usual verse, refrain, verse setup.
  25. I made this moombahton remix of Bynn the Breaker from Bastion this weekend (love the music from this game). It's still a work in progress, any suggestions and comments are welcome! http://soundcloud.com/mykah/scumbag-alley-work-in-progress Thanks
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