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  1. Welcome to the Sonic thread, I will post ALL songs that I make in hear as soon as there done. This is a thread where I post stuff and stuff and what ever I want to post thats music related INCLUDING REMIXES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now just hit the soundcloud follow button and follow my twitter. http://soundcloud.com/aires/short-prog-power-metal-for-the actually its called the untitled song what evaah got my peavey 5150 block letter with a mesa 1x12 V30 speaker sounds beast. like me Now just hit the follow button soundcloud and follow my twitter. www.justin.tv/sonicthhedgog - FOLLOW MY STREAM. I WILL START REGULARLY STREAMING SOON. Btw big thanks to my bud for my new logo! Will resize later for signature.
  2. Hello, MikeViper here. Recently, I got inspired to do, what could be described as a soul or R&B remix of the Violet City theme. You can listen to the WIP here:
  3. http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/power-struggle This is one of the songs I helped write for the band I'm kind of part-timing it for. It's pretty heavy imo. Check it out.
  4. ANY AND ALL ASSISTANCE, FEEDBACK, CRITICISMS, AND SUGGESTIONS ASAP IS BOTH SOLICITED AND APPRECIATED THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME MY WIP --LINK REMOVED-- This is for the Harmony of a Hunter Extension Album (101% run) that is to be released later this year. This is my track for it, and I have been listening to this so much that I know I need fresh sets of ears to give an honest critique of any problems in audio/technical production. The deadline is approaching soon and I don't want to submit a half-assed work. Why? 1) it reflects poorly on me as an artist, and 2) it's Metroid, dammit. It's a series that demands and deserves respect, especially in the musical world. So I please ask any mods and listeners to offer friendly words of improvement (or if there is the crazy off-chance that i nailed it on the first try whoopee it's party time) - I do intend on eventually submitting this to OCR (since I feel fairly strongly about my arrangement work - though that might be hubristic bias), so hopefully there are no secret rules broken. Thank you, anyone in advance! -EC-
  5. A Work-In-Progress of my Grandma remix, please comment! HERE IT IS
  6. Hi remixers! I'd like to post my first remix. This is from the Final Fantasy I track called "Scary Dungeon." This is a work-in-progress project. I'm still trying to figure out the ending. Let me know what you think and I hope to improve it over time. Thanks! Original: Remix: http://soundcloud.com/celestialsonata/scary-dungeon-60-222sec
  7. This is a (mainly) 6/8 remix of 'Coin Song' mixed with 'Edgar and Sabin' (the castle theme). Most recent version: .Older version: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/final-fantasy-vi-a-waltz-for-a . Sources: - Coin Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njdju0gL_xk&feature=BFa&list=PL905DD7A1D1A57F4F . - Edgar and Sabin (Figaro Castle theme): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6DwKL87XVA&feature=BFa&list=PL905DD7A1D1A57F4F .
  8. http://tindeck.com/listen/efpm i have no clue where to take this right now. mainly because with the direction it's beginning to take, the rest of the theme would be such a pain to transmogrify into something fitting. it's still pretty rough, not much need for feedback on production yet. i guess i'm looking for ideas.
  9. Here it is, my first attempt at a remix. After a year and a half, I finally get around to making music of my own. And it's most likely horrid. Of course, the fact that I have only a few week's worth of piano training doesn't help me. I decided to remix Big Giant Circles' Puzzlejuice - Casual Mode, mainly because it's not a complex song to rearrange melodically and the fact that it's incredibly catchy. I wrote down and played all the notes by ear. I know that the arrangement is REALLY bare (it's just the main melody), since I'm still learning how to play piano cords (this might take a while). I want you guys to comment on the production value of the songs. Does the piano sound fine? If not, how can I improve it (I haven't even touched the settings on Logic)? Is there distortion/audio glitches that need to be fixed? Is the song too loud? Have at me. The dropbox links to my "song" can be found here. It's available in aif, mp3, and m4a, with the latter two having a bit rate of 192kbps. Thanks!
  10. This is my rough work to see if this got potential. I never wrote any guitar lead before. Comments are welcome. Remix :http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/gerudo-valley-rockos-edit Source :
  11. (Psychedelic Rock, focus on improvisational guitar lines and layered melodies) (Releases under Sikotik, Epochalypse, and soon to be THD 100%) (Songs mixed and produced by me)/shameless self-promotion Give me some feedback to whatever suits your fancy. I'll be adding a hip-hop beats playlist in the near future.
  12. This was my first entry in the Sonic Zone Remix Competition ( http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39652 ). I'm thinking about finishing this track up and submitting it. http://tindeck.com/listen/nfjr Thoughts?
  13. I've been working on a "metal" remix of the theme of the Gestahl Empire for zircon's FFVI contest. This is my first remix so any comments/suggestions are really appreciated. Link: http://soundcloud.com/jnwake/empire-of-metahl . Source: .The arrangement is pretty much done though I'm always open for any advice!
  14. a remix of jim guthrie's com64 needs to get remastered. any ideas? http://soundcloud.com/tneko/com64-cats-hate-rain-remix
  15. This is the first time I've ever fully humanized a song, so I'd love some feedback on that aspect. Listen, enjoy, and review! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/desert-waltz-teehee-valley
  16. Hey guys, So, last time I came on here, I made a huge mess yelling at judges and blah blah blah. This time I'm going to take the workshop approach before I submit anything in as to avoid any more conflicts and disagreements with the nice people of OCremix. Here's my soundcloud. Hell March is the first one posted. www.soundcloud.com/brian-butts Thanks.
  17. This is a mostly finished song, but my mixing/mastering skills are basically non-existent, so I'm always open to suggestions. Anyway, I wanted to get some feedback on the song overall: http://soundcloud.com/seraphiansounds/hikari
  18. Listen up guys, I Mixed these songs using the Djay App on iPad. Let me know what you think.
  19. Something from Mother 2 I shat out http://youtu.be/taUOwr-hg-s
  20. This remix is from one of the best tunes of Jurassic Park for the SNES, an awesome game. It's an epic orchestra mix, but there are also a few more mellow sections. Enjoy, and review! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/ticeratops-trot-remix Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/ticeratops-trot-remix-2a - Replaced the samples with much better ones - Removed the short french horn riff at the end Version 3: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/ticeratops-trot-remix-3 - Altered the dynamics to be more dynamic - Added a couple modulations that are used during the quieter parts - Changed the key of the entire song from C to F# - Changed the 'B' lead from french horn to woodwind -Did the same in a later section - Replaced the boring chords with a higher-quality progression
  21. There is my remix in progress. This is the fourth version for the time being, and then I'll updating. I want to do some changes yet, but is almost ready. So just say what you think about, if it is worthy of joining the OCRemix, and if you want: give an ideas too. Remix: http://www.myspace.com/hicky8djs/music/songs/tranquil-shop-marketing-40-beta4-29-05-2012-41-mp3-87876399 Source: Note: If you're having trouble hearing the remix try to allow the cookies in your navigator because need to open other window to the player of myspace when you click the "play button". I'm just saying this because I met people with this problem.
  22. http://soundcloud.com/williamthurin/storm-synthesis-auvic-remix My entry for Auvic Remix Contest: http://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=91771 Anyone else have any entries? Please critique!
  23. I entered this one in the last Dwelling of Duels competition and didn't score too well. I think I really need to redo the vocals (or find a better vocalist maybe?) Also, I may need to re-record the classical guitar part because some strange pops crept into the recording from some unknown technical issue... Anyhoo, here it is, let me know what y'all think! http://abstract-productions.net/music/rdr_far_away.mp3
  24. Hello. I'm a long time fan of OCRemix but I'm new to the forums and remixing. I started making music on-and-off maybe eight months ago (mostly 8-bit/NES style), but I decided to try my hand at arranging an existing tune which was an interesting challenge. It mostly sticks to the original arrangement but with a few additions, and while I don't feel confident enough to submit it to OCR it's definitely been a positive learning experience and I appreciate any feedback that'll help me improve this song and future endeavors. Thanks for taking the time to listen. http://soundcloud.com/mentalatrophy/phantasy-star-4-runes-theme
  25. Hi! It's been a very long time since I've posted anything here. I started this about six hours ago, stayed up through the night because I got sucked in. It's a remix of storm eagle's theme from megaman x let me know what you think. Thanks http://soundcloud.com/halfprice/dirty-bird-shuffle
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