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  1. Update! And finished! So many changes that I could list... Really pleased with this, though. Final remix link Any feedback would still be really appreciated! Thanks guys! Old: Electric Mudkip and I have been working on this for about a week now, and we're beginning to see the final result of the structure of the track. Definitely quite a bit of refining left to do, and any feedback would be really appreciated!
  2. Short piano/harp/violin piece I wrote when I was bored last night. http://soundcloud.com/neblixmusic/falling-into-the-sky Enjoy.
  3. Hey guys, So over the past month I've been working on a cover / re-creation of Daft Punk - Doin' It Right, and I wanted to share it with you guys! What do you think? I was trying to get close to the original. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening
  4. Another VRC6 cover I started working on today. Might do the whole game possibly. Will probably finish this tomorrow. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35790994/Pluto%20WIP1.mp3
  5. http://soundcloud.com/supersunshine21/sunshine-earth Short version: Art of Trance-style, acid, ethnic, enjoy or not. Rant: Alright, I guess I'll upload this abomination. This was an attempt to emulate Simon Berry's Art of Trance style. I must regretfully admit that I don't think I did the style any justice. Simon Berry is boss and his style of trance is to a large extent the only kind of trance I can listen to and still think sounds fresh nowadays, which is kind of ironic since his style is closer to the technoish roots of trance than say the Dutch style and it's offspring from the early 2000s. Anyhow, I will most likely go back to the drawing board and think more about how I can express the sounds of the earth (as in the elements; earth, fire, water, air). I felt that I had to move on to a new project or else my semi-OCD perfectionist behavior would drive me mad. The important thing was that I at least had something finished (or nearly), as I attempt to make a habit of finishing projects with ideas that I'm "more into". I'm somewhat satisfied with the first half of the song, before any flute and melodic synths are introduced as I feel that I ran out of ideas during the second half. The bassline is okay, funky, but a bit soft in my opinion. 303/acid needs more modulation. Perhaps I will have to venture a bit into dubstep/brostep country to find basslines with energy and grit to adequately express the sounds of 'earth'. Perhaps work more on drums and not include any melody at all (which I'm leaning the most towards). We'll see, but I'll definitely be back for another attempt. Enough ranting, enjoy, or not.
  6. This is a little remix that I have been working on for a while. It's been rather fun to play around with this source, and I'm pretty happy with how it sounds at the moment. All feedback is appreciated! Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/arceace/acoustic-fields
  7. An orchestrated version of the pokemon gym theme, inspired especially by the Gold&silver one. =D
  8. I did a cover of Wood Man's theme from the Game Boy version of Mega Man II in Famitracker and used the Konami VRC6 expansion as well, similar to what RushJet1's done with some Mega Man soundtracks. It's mostly done but I figured I'd share what I have. Tell me what you think! https://soundcloud.com/lukethexjesse/wood-man-mega-man-ii-game-boy
  9. "Outer Space Is A Mystery" by me, PICE! Go get it for free or support my work by paying for it. Every penny is greatly appreciated! http://8bitpice.bandcamp.com/track/outer-space-is-a-mystery
  10. Hello people, here's the 9001st remix of this infamous MIDI remix of the Super Mario Bros. Underground Theme: http://download.efmidi.com/midi-46269-download-nintendo_nes-smbunder.html http://vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/Smbunder.txt I've remixed it before and I enjoy it so much that I tried to have another go at it a couple months ago. Remix here: https://soundcloud.com/supersunshine21/sunshine-underground-sound Hope you folks enjoy it! /Daniel
  11. Hi, I made a Seiken Densetsu 3-like music : https://soundcloud.com/xouman/fighting-the-tropical-boss What do you think? Thanks.
  12. Hey everyone! Been a long time since I've posted a mix on here, but wanted to share my new Zelda remix that I will soon be submitting to the site. I wrote it for a multi-game remix album I've released of which it is the opening track. Some of the other tracks from the album will make their way here eventually as well. http://soundcloud.com/halc/the-never-ending-legend-zelda http://halc.bandcamp.com/album/nostalgia-canon (track 1) Arranges the intros from both OoT and LttP, as well as cameos of Saria's Song and Song of Storms. Please enjoy!
  13. Just messing around. The point here was to try to sound sort of like the newest Devil May Cry. I apologize in advance. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/nightclub-showdown
  14. My hope was to make a song that didn't necessarily scream Fruityloops. I think the song is "listenable" at least..¿ https://soundcloud.com/sackwhite/synthetic-pop-and-groove is the link. Eventually I'll have more stuff to upload. My internet is horrible so who knows when that'll happen. I put two others that were kicking around. Anyways, I know there's plenty of people with some great ability with music software like Fruityloops (or studio), etc. I can't wait to get some pointers. I get by with tinkering.. but at times I feel held back by a lack of knowledge. Thanks for listening and giving whatever feedback.
  15. Hello! Here's a space-themed remix: [edit: final] It has elements from the Hyperspace tune of Star Control 2 by Riku Nuottajärvi (original ) and the Camanis tune from Tyrian by Alex Brandon (original ).If anyone could give it a listen with fresh ears, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I'll use the feedback to improve for the final version, if I can. And in return I'll comment on a bunch of other tracks here, as before, to keep the mutual feedback going. ^^ The ending is just a fade-out because it will eventually be connected to another track on an upcoming album. Genre-wise it's, well, I don't know - spacesynth-ish breakbeats and big beat, or something.
  16. This is what I'm submitting for the first round of the Final Fantasy Crystal Clash composition tournament. Despite being around OCR for quite some time, I really haven't done too much of the remixing thing. I suppose I tend to spend more time on original music but I'm looking to change that. I wanted to stick with a jazz like sound that the original version of has going. I dialed things back a bit and when for a more laid back brown vibe. So, there's some sax, organ, and drums. I also have a bit of Chapman Stick layered in there too. The entire song was done in Reason. None of the instruments were recorded live. They're all from synths or samples.As far as mixing in some stuff from , I used what is more or less the melody. I kept it in the same key as Sazh's theme, though. I was surprised how well it fit in.Anyway, here's the tune. Feel free to give out constructive criticism. I feel fairly happy with what I accomplished in such a short time since we're only give a week to mix for the compo. https://soundcloud.com/theshaggyfreak/sazhafreyasazh-sazh-vs-freya/s-ZrbhR
  17. ***Should say 'Proceeds' in the title haha. Christ what a typo. ALREET. So this is my latest song. This song is going to be going onto an album where all proceeds are dedicated to Child's Play. The Bit Rate quality on this song is MUCH lower than the album version with purposeful clipping, so if you want a high quality AMAZING sounding song (Plus you're not a tight arse) BUY THE ALBUM WHEN IT IS RELEASED AND SUPPORT THE CHARITY. The album is currently in production and it features some top quality artists like Ayotom, Zircon, NemesisTheory and so forth. It's a mix of genres, but hell, why am I trying to sell it, BUY THE ALBUM AND DONATE TOWARDS THE CHARITY ALREADY. If you don't know what Child's Play is, CHECK IT OUT ON THE LINK BELOW. It is most definitely my favourite charity and it gives children a childhood to enjoy. http://www.childsplaycharity.org/ OH ALSO ENJOY AND METAL YOUR HEAD OFF. https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/paradoxia
  18. If you haven't played this game already, it's pretty fast-paced fun and full of pixellated carnage. The soundtrack is also awesome, especially the track I chose to remix. The game sees you answering messages on your phone, and trying to piece together who is sending them to you, and why. I've tried to tell a story using the remix as to the slowly decaying mental state of the protagonist as he tries to overcome the trauma of being forced to commit killing sprees behind a mask. Who's There?
  19. Electronic, synths, piano, drums Nothing Left Feedback is welcome and appreciated
  20. Hello to all the ocremix community, My name is CArlo Francesco Lopez and i wanna share with you one of my recordings. Its a cover of the Trunks Theme in Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2 (SNES). I hope you enjoy it. Cheers
  21. Hey Guys, This not a Remix, but is an Cover: Click it to see!
  22. Hi guys ! It's the first track I'm posting on OCR right now. I hope I'm making it right. So, I'm working on an album of fanmade Pokemon covers and re-orchestration. This track is a cover from the very first pokemon games, "The Tower Pokemon" ( )Link to my cover : https://soundcloud.com/lzn02/pokemon-the-musical-journey I'd like to have your feedbacks ! Thank you, and take care,
  23. http://soundcloud.com/doppelbros/aquatic-ambience-dk-country
  24. A short baroque piece :3 https://soundcloud.com/gallenw/sonata-for-harpsichord-and
  25. https://soundcloud.com/detective-tuesday/goku-prod-by-the-aeon I rapped over my homie's beat. Ain't nothin too heavy but I had lots of fun with alliteration and weird flows.
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