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  1. Hi! I made this in the weekend, this is a song I really wanted to do a cover but for some reason I never did. This is actually my second cover ever so it's not that well done. I'm expecting to learn a lot doing this so I will try to do a cover per week. Hope you enjoy it! Can't wait to read some feedback! [yt]MWEVvZN5XFU[/yt]
  2. In the Green Gloom You won't find a more boring rendition of this . Six minutes of your life you can never get back.
  3. Hi, had chance to do something again after all the years. This is the woderful original no-one will know: This is my remix: - MP3: http://music.vultracide.net/Paul_Ograbisz_-_The_Unrecognized_Powers_-_09_-_Wrath_Of_Earth__Wrath_Of_Earth_Remix_.mp3 - Stream: http://www.lastfm.de/music/Paul+Ograbisz/The+Unrecognized+Powers/Wrath+Of+Earth+%28Wrath+Of+Earth+Remix%29 PART 2 [EDITED (INSERTED) AFTERWARDS] The song deals with the main intro theme of the rather unknown game "Wrath Of Earth". The original intro song is kind of minimalistic (as midi music with teccy beats sometimes is) and perfectly fits my personal music concept and preference; regardless of genre. SONG STRUCTURE [PART 1] [to 01:04] Custom beginning part no futher original melodies. Made it because the synth in the real remix part was so cool and I wanted more of it. [PART 2] [to 03:11] The actual remix. [END 1] [to 03:59] Custom end part with no futher original melodies. My testing of Goa style music. [END 2] [to END] And my beloved wonderful long ending. The basses there remind me of the beginning of a Paul Oakenfold remix of Madonna's "What it feels like for a girl", so I left them there for the smooth end. Could be an own strange song but I wanted to leave it by the remix because it was created with it. SONG PROBLEMS 1 - Mastering: To much middle and bass sound. - Segue from intro to remix: Listener surprised/overwhelmed by the new sound setting. Could not solve this. SONG PROBLEMS 2 Here "problems" that occur because people hate these aspects while I always love them. ^-^ (I make the music for me, but others throughout the world should also listen to it.) - Long intro - Drums do not change really - Minimal concept / much repetitions - Some parts that make the song longer but I could not take them out or build something else in it. Especially [03:12 - 03-28] I really wondered the first time I made a wav file of the arrangement because the song was so long.
  4. Wellity well. This my friends is NOT a Trance Remix of Ice Cap Zone. A rare addition for OC Remix, (Don't worry I read all the rules first) - but I decided to upload it here on the forums if anything needs to be fixed up or cleaned out, I made the quality as best as I could. I originally had a longer version of this remix with an extra added piano intro and some unnecessary middle section, that needed to be fixed up or cut out, so i cut it out. This is the Final (or OC Remix) version of this remix. I couldn't keep it on Mediafire because that's not working for me today and finding other websites gave me a brain cramp to upload mp3 files on, but then I remembered "hey! I have a Soundcloud account!" So here it is. Feed back is welcome. https://soundcloud.com/cameron-hons/icy-nights-sonic-3
  5. Hi,i made a little music with Perfect Dark instruments,tell me what do you think : https://soundcloud.com/xouman/infiltration
  6. https://soundcloud.com/kai-tunes/sonic-knuckles-flying-battery Hey all! Just a neurofunk/mecha inspired remix of the flying battery zone tune. If you're into maniac bass sounds you might like this one. Enjoy
  7. I was in the mood for some more ambient music, and since I've made it a goal to write one song every week, this is what I came up with. Hopefully you enjoy it!
  8. https://soundcloud.com/williamthurin/the-legend Took me way too long to render. I had to split it up into 3 parts (remove 2/3 of the VSTs each time and then render). What took the longest though was trying to find a way without having to do that. Got pops and crackles every time with the full project, maybe I should download some RAM.. Tell me what you think.
  9. Here is the finished composition. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/aco-slipstream-queen
  10. Hey everyone, Just made this fake-bit. Tell me what you think if you are interested. https://soundcloud.com/darkbrandflake11/an-8-bit
  11. Hi there, recently I've been playing around with some unusual combinations like accordion in a techno-ish beat, represented in this song. It turned out quite awesome to me at least, what about you? Any feedback is welcome ~ Click here to listen!
  12. https://soundcloud.com/marksoto/title-kebakos-theme For those of you who don't know, "Cat Girl Without Salad" was a game announced by Wayforward, which unfortunately turned out to be an April Fools joke. Nevertheless, I took the liberty and produced a soundtrack for the non-existent game anyway. This is the title/Kebako's theme. The soundtrack is complete and will be available on September 28th through Bandcamp, unless otherwise noted. Hope you all are looking forward to it! Direct link to Wayforward's Cat Girl Without Salad: http://www.wayforward.com/blog/2013/4/1/get-ready-for-wayforwards-latest-epic-adventure-cat-girl-wit.html
  13. I've only started getting into OCReMix in the last few days - I've been subscribed to the YouTube channel for a while but now I've started using the website and I love looking up fan remixes of games I've played. At the moment I'm playing through the Final Fantasy series in chronological order and I'm up to FFV, but I started playing because of the music and some of the first Final Fantasy music I listened to was from FFVII and Advent Children. So here's my ReMix of the Final Fantasy VII battle theme. I was thinking of submitting it formally but the only thing I'm not certain about is that the production on the track might not be good enough - I'm not really very experienced at mixing and mastering. But I'd love to get some feedback on this track and/or find out how to get a better overall sound. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnytnowzi04tnuu/13%20Final%20Fantasy%20VII%20Battle%20Remix%202.mp3 Here's the original ( ) by Nobuo Uematsu if you'd like to listen to its original form.
  14. I really enjoyed making this one ^^ Here's the originals Ikaruga - Cave Story - Remix https://soundcloud.com/lightslash/ikaruga-ideal-cave-story-a
  15. F-Zero X - Crazy Call at Cry (Port Town) - Metal Cover Game: F-Zero X Song: Crazy Call at Cry (Port Town) Arrangement by Gamer Shredding Team. Any suggestions are welcome. Saludos desde México !! P.S.- we are working every day in optimizing our recording methods and musical technique. Any comment would be well received, and considering that our goal is to grow as a musicians, you must know that this proyect has been done just for the love to the music and videogames.Hope you like!! Thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this cover. SUBSCRIBE !! http://www.facebook.com/GamerShredding Download This Song On SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/gamer-shredding
  16. Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time (Metal Cover) Game: Chrono Trigger Song: Corridors of Time Arrangement by Gamer Shredding Team. Any suggestions are welcome. Saludos desde México !! P.S.- we are working every day in optimizing our recording methods and musical technique. Any comment would be well received, and considering that our goal is to grow as a musicians, you must know that this proyect has been done just for the love to the music and videogames.Hope you like!! Thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this cover. SUBSCRIBE !! http://www.facebook.com/GamerShredding Download This Song On SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/gamer-shredding
  17. Metal Remix Hey all, this is my first post on OCR and I'm very excited about it. This is a metal arrangement of four songs from La-Mulana, a Metroidvania for PC from 2005. I've been doing some other PC covers over the summer and this is my latest, and one that I felt was produced well enough for me to post here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, especially on the mix, I feel as if there is a set of frequencies I'm lacking but I can't figure it out. https://soundcloud.com/katamari-jr/monumental-subterranean EDIT 9/24: Changed thread status to finished. Any feedback still appreciated, however that will be used for making future songs (or in the case of arrangement feedback, for when I play this with a live band) Songs included are: Mr. Explorer LA MULANA http://youtu.be/-Eom1JlPpH8 Fearless Challenger Curse of IRON PIPE Check out my soundcloud for more metal remixes! SoundCloud
  18. So, I wrote this a while ago intending for it to be used in the Final Fantasy VII web series, but hahahahaha. I figure I might as well work toward getting it posted. Arrangement: The Triumphant Coquette https://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/the-triumphant-coquette Source: Honeybee Manor Thoughts?
  19. http://youtu.be/hz9cZM2cTB4 Hope you guys like it.
  20. Hey all, It's been a while since my last ambient track so here's a new one I just made. Reminds me a lot of outer space... Hope you enjoy!
  21. Hello, I do not have much to say ... Yes, this is my first job, so please do your constructive commentation, so i can learn more about arrangements! Enjoy!! https://soundcloud.com/alan1st/final-fantasy-battle
  22. https://soundcloud.com/blizzardx3/palmtreepanic just sharing my version or tribute to one of my fav stages in the game that ive loved ever since i first heard it if this is in the wrong thread i apologize non the less please enjoy and download
  23. Heres my remix of Take up the Cross http://aphelionx.bandcamp.com/track/take-up-the-cross-top-remix
  24. Aside from doing the remixes, i produce my own original content, from here you can listen to my whole album, i call the style Aggrotrance. Enjoy it. http://aphelionx.bandcamp.com/album/abyssmal-intermission
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