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  1. Hey everyone, http://soundcloud.com/andrew-head/stranded-on-dragon-roost-1 It's a remix of the Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Theme, in the style of the Wind Waker's Dragon Roost Island. I put this together a few months ago and know there are a few rough edges, though would love to know what everyone thinks, especially about how I may be able to improve it. Cheers, Andrew
  2. original: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/luf1map.mid tasty treat 4 u: http://tindeck.com/listen/dxnl SirRus is back bitches! Woo! And this time, in the words and accent of Mario, "I'ma gonna win!"
  3. I love Sierra games, and I love Sierra music. It's my goal to make a quality remix of one of the classic songs one of these days. I really like the original of this song, but I'm kind of new at mastering and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance for your help, Defiance Here is the original: http://www.spacequest.net/sq3/soundtrack/SQ3_01-%20Introduction.mp3
  4. This is a remix of the old LoTR RPG released by Interplay. Here is mine: Here's the original. I really enjoyed making this rendition. I've done quite a bit of editing and cutting already, and I hope that all is left is mastering. Any guidance on where work needs to happen would be appreciated. thanks!
  5. Based on the sheet music: Asu he no Kizuna (明日へのキズナ) - for piano - transcribed by Chris Lin I started to orchestrate the music Click here to listen to valkyriaanimeopening.mp3
  6. Original Version(s): (interpolations)My Arrangement: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/392960 This song is the embodiment of childhood. The memories. The freedom. The joy. All encapsulated in this classic piece. I wanted to make sure I stayed true to that in my rendition, along with infusing a few extra callbacks from other Zelda installments. Hope you guys enjoy! Constructive feedback is a plus! Note: I prefer arrangements to all-out remixes, so my style usually steers close to the source material. I'm trying to extend my range from this, but I hope you all enjoy regardless.
  7. So rather than try to do a note for note electronic cover (syncing it's a nightmare) I thought I'd do my own original song combined with the super sexy swingin' voice of popstar Selena Gomez. The song is "Naturally". I actually really love her voice. She's cute too. Though I don't think I love her nearly as much as .I'm making two versions. A electronic one (this one) and a Metal one. I haven't done much to it yet in the way of instruments and all this side chaining and what not. I wanna make these mixes totally destroy! So any tips at all would be great. anyway Let's do this thing
  8. Please read before listening: First of all,I wanna set things straight: I am not aiming to make this track become an OCReMix one (I don't even dream of it.) ,that would be an insult to all the artist out there. I did this totally starting from zero. It's my very first work with FL Studio,and just to let you understand what I mean,before getting to work on this track,I didn't even know what a synth was. (God,that's humiliating ). I have really small experience with the piano at my back though. So let's get to the point: I'm not a highly skilled DJ or Remixer (duh!) ,I just made this to test my innate skills. So I ask you guys,who know a bazillion of things more than me in this field,to please dedicate 5 minutes of your time to write your own opinion about it. What do you think of my skills,considering that it's the very first time that I deal with this sort of things? Tell me how bad they are >_> Please,be cruel. Final Fantasy VIII - Help Yourself (Find Your Way) Source: Link: http://tindeck.com/listen/ewch Link (Old Version) : http://tindeck.com/listen/bgbq
  9. new thing: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/the-traversing-teknikolour-party-rainbow-road-remix source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtz-40AjwOM This is a pretty well known one. I decided to go a more disco/soul route with this one mixed with chip-tune pop and eighties synth textures, creating a sort of folding time warp. Plus I think the song is very interesting. The mastering is a little rough but I will fix that later. For now, what do you think?
  10. Hello Im new here so I figured I'd post a few of my latest songs that I am working on so people get an idea of my style. I have huge dry spells so a few of these songs are over2 years old and Spazer isnt even a month old. Situational Gravity http://www.gamermade.com/staff/toast/atmozpheryc/Situational Gravity.mp3 Hunter Hunted http://www.gamermade.com/staff/toast/atmozpheryc/Hunter Hunted.mp3 Effected Mass http://www.gamermade.com/staff/toast/atmozpheryc/Effected Mass.mp3 Spazer WIP - Working Title http://www.gamermade.com/staff/toast/atmozpheryc/spazer.mp3 Let me know what you think of Spazer since I am still messing alot with it. The top 3 are pretty much finished though. I'll add more songs as I go.
  11. UPDATE: New version in place as of 1:56 am EST - Added more variation/effects and swapped some synth sounds, etc. http://www.gamermade.com/staff/toast/atmozpheryc/Terraportation.m4a Based on Vectorman - Terraport & Tidal Surge (Ocean) Chiptune - http://ocremix.org/chip/2669 This has alot of areas I am still tweaking and undecided on the actual sound. I just wanted to get peoples reaction to it so far. The main theme is Terraport but you warp into the Ocean level for a few beats so I titled it Terraportation... see what I did there Oh and this is my first remix submission under this name which I use for my original electronic music. 4 years ago I submitted a remix of FZero - Red Canyon but it sucked bad and got canned. Rightfully so. I always have found it super hard for me to remix video game music because I am in love with the original so much that I cannot come to alter it.
  12. http://tindeck.com/listen/rkob So yeah, here it is! The original will be posted at the end of this short rant. This is a remix of Dark Cloud's departure theme(the one that plays near the beginning). It's a lot more dance oriented then the original, to say the least. Enjoy and comment! =) Original:
  13. <------ Guitar <----Piano I wrote a song, it's a theme for the first town in an rpg. You know that town, you've seen it a hundred times. it's a pallet town, lumbridge, the little nameless village where you start your epic journey. This isn't a pallet town remix, thats just a comparison. This is one of my own works. Anyway, I can't decide whether it sounds better for piano or guitar. Im leaning towards piano right now cause it sounds kind of too high on one guitar part, but I really like how the one part near the end sounds on guitar rather then piano. What do you think?
  14. This is for my 2nd album I've just started on. I never have a title in mind at this point with any of my songs, but this one is definitely going to be titled "Never Look Back" http://www.speedyshare.com/files/26765258/NeonFire1WIP.mp3
  15. "The NEW THING moon-groove" http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/the-new-thing-moon-groove-ducktales-moon-remix Still tweaking some things here and there. I feel that overall there it is only loosely faithful, but I suppose that is alright. What say you people? What is your feedback?
  16. Hi ! my version of the ballad of the wind fish from Link's Awakening : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrwMUiYcnPo I would appreciate any form of comments/criticism. Thanks !
  17. Accidentally didnt put the name of remix as title so sorry for that. I am a new member of ocremix and my dream is to at least have one song accepted into the forum. The song that i am remixing (which should have been in the title) is Mega Man X's Storm Eagle Stage. I know there are numerous problems with the piece but would like all comments and feedback to make this more tolerable to listen to. I was tryin to go with a sort of trance vibe but it can always be changed so any comments would help. Thank you for takin ur time in reading and lookin into this. Click here to listen to Megaman X - Storm Eagle Tranced 04.mp3
  18. http://tindeck.com/listen/jcsw Hey guys, this is Eilios with a house track called "Cursed Realtors!". It was inspired by Heath Morris's Timeshock(the original, not extra) and has pretty solid foundations. While it is a house track, it has a small window into the orchestral side with a lot of vibrophone in there too for good measure and to keep a kind of "haunted" feel to it.
  19. These are neither done, but I seem to be bad at transitions, or melodies. Welcome the newb. Things like this (something I was working on last night; just synths and drums) http://soundcloud.com/asuyuka/sync1a-3test-3/s-alcsG And to hear this one... its been sitting around for a while, with no real idea where to take it. But loops nicely. =P http://soundcloud.com/asuyuka/song1g/s-ZoZGd And yes, if anyone has any hints, I'd be pleased to hear them. No, no formal music theory training, just little bits I've read. ^^; And a lot of time playing with tunes from game music (more for synth programming, I got a bank for the VST version of Harmless coming up; felt too lazy to convert it to FL's native format) Also have a couple of original pieces I was doing for a game project that never got off the ground... due to some limitations right now, I can only email them. If anyone's interested, PM me and I'll pass them along.
  20. A fun little ditty, though...I'm unsure of where to go with it. Until then... Enjoy. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3253668/BAC%20WIP%20%232.mp3
  21. http://soundcloud.com/haematoma/systematicfailure I would like to collaborate with someone for fun.
  22. I should of done this before submitting it. This is a light jazz version of the Tarm Ruins/Lost Woods theme on The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons http://www.bmarquis.com/media/SwingForest.mp3 I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope for criticism to better this piece.
  23. First off: I am new to OC Remix forums, so hello everyone! Secondly: I really like Concert Band marches, and I also really like Final Fantasy 9. I decided to take on the arduous compositional task of arranging a march because I feel Zidane's theme could use an energetic Sousa-esque interpretation. I'm having some clear problems with it, but rather than affect your interpretations of it by pointing them out myself, I'd like to let you guys go into it cold, so you might draw the same conclusions, OR you might point something out I totally overlooked. Any feedback would be really appreciated. I hope you enjoy it! http://soundcloud.com/andy-frank/zidanes-march-in-eb-major-f
  24. here's my other take on Matoya's Cave Click here to listen to Dreaming Matoya WIP.mp3
  25. here's version 1 of one of my Interpretations of Matoya's cave: Click here to listen to Matoya's Magic Piano WIP.mp3
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