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  1. I really, really loved Beware the Forest Mushrooms from Super Mario RPG, and I have been trying to get better at music creation, so I thought I would do a remix of it. It can be found here. I'd really appreciate comments, as this is my first ReMix. Thank you for reading!
  2. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/390303 This is a remix of the final boss battle from Super Mario 64. (Full ED.) [183 - 130BPM with a LOT of tempo changes] original version
  3. I am trying my hand at a solo piano piece (synthesized, not live). The basic melody is pretty much done. I might lengthen it a bit. Flourishes will be added, but for the most part I want to keep it simple, nothin' fancy. Mostly, I am looking for feedback on how the song flows, humanization, and if the track is at all interesting (i.e. not repetitive). http://soundcloud.com/ezlo/slile-suzavka-wip-v-1
  4. Here is my song. Rip it apart. It is supposed to sound like it fits in Metroid Prime, but right now it doesn't. The synths used are FL kick, snare (lowered one octave), clap, and hat, Magnus Choir, and Massive. Not many effects are used other than Fruity Peak Controller, Limiter, and Soundgoodizer. Good luck. http://mp3upload.ca/music/download/35727 Right now it sounds like "Sledgehammer", which isn't bad, but without vocals, is rather boring. And I didn't make the arp melody, only tweaked a few bits.
  5. Wait. . . wat? No Mystery Dungeon this time? WTF HAX Anyway, something different this time. . . a remix of the Southern Face Shrine theme from LOZ: Link's Awakening. I started it last night, finished it this afternoon. Besides for the low synth being panned too far to the left at times in the intro and at other times (I'm in the process of fixing this now), let me know what you think. hahahahah EDIT: It's been fixed. http://tindeck.com/listen/wlzs The name of the remix itself is "Castaway, You Should Know the Truth." Source if needed: Thanks, -TGH
  6. This arrange has been sitting around since Summer 2010 and I never really finished it, despite Nuclear Fusion being one of my personal all-time favourite themes. I arrange in FL-studio due to simplicity (so many haters, though). I accept any and all criticism Original theme: The entire arrange is now posted here: Sorry, no longer have this on my soundcloud. Alternatively you can see this on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyQGdwRCG_Y . It was also put into my touhou medley at the very ending: http://soundcloud.com/ravensjig/reiuyi-touhou-medley General tips or advice are very much welcome!
  7. Aight, So here is a quick WIP of a mix that I started a couple days ago. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=newmoon1.mp3
  8. Gloomy Galleon was a terrible level in an ok game. Its music, however, was fantastic. Maybe my favorite piece by Mr. Grant Kirkhope. It's melancholy and atmospheric, and when I remixed it into a more energetic piece, I wanted it to still have that atmosphere and a bit of sadness. Original: This is just a work-in-progress from someone who is still new to this. So please, be harsh. Tell me what I should do with its production (I am still learning all of that stuff), what needs to be fixed, and what I could add. Remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/gfms
  9. Wanted to remix the postgame-lose music of Outrun 2019. I am quite new at this, so any advice I can get is good advise. Remix Here Original one I'm trying to go for a hip hop kind of flavor.
  10. Just an idea for now. Still experimenting. EDIT: New one:
  11. Alright, I think I've been doodling with music software for long enough, time to get some actual feedback on improving the quality of some of this stuff. This is a track I haven't been working that long on, but it's one I've grown to like. It's the beginning of a remix of, as you might have noticed, "Saren" from the wonderful Mass Effect soundtrack. Now, here's a direct link to the current version of the track. And a youtube link to the , almost forgot.Now, there are a few elements that I've been wondering about especially: Firstly, the voice clips. Using them seems a bit... maybe too easy. Do they detract from the music itself? I made a few tries, but couldn't make those parts sound as convincing without them as they do (to me) like this. Secondly, the part between :40 and 1:40. I have the feeling it could be made to sound more like actual club acoustics, but, at least with various combinations of bass boost, volume control and multiband compressors, I couldn't get it right without either completely muddying up the audio or making the wrong instruments accented. Obviously, feedback on anything and everything else up to and including the state of mass media today is also appreciated.
  12. Hey guys, I haven't submitted anything here in a while, so I thought I'd take another stab at a remix. I'm remixing the Death Egg Zone from Sonic and Knuckles into a dance/electronic thing. I'm not sure what to call my genres anymore! Anyway, here's what I have so far: http://soundcloud.com/kruai/death-egg-zone-remix I've been at it for a day or two and now I'm not sure what to do. Do you guys have any recommendations? Update: Messed with balancing and compression, few changes to instruments. Newest version: http://soundcloud.com/kruai/eggs-in-spaaace-death-egg-zone-remix
  13. I've always loved MM, ever since I first layed it, and there was that awesome creepypasta/ARG earlier this year that totally rekindled my love for the game. Anyway, I got really into it again a few days back and wrote some lyrics while at work. Really stupidly abstract Skinny Puppy-esque lyrics that don't rhyme or follow a coherent melody or pattern and are everything I hate about other people's lyrics. So I screamed them out and put some badass synths and drums and guitars to it. This is a first-take demo and it has a whole lot of flaws, there's going to be areas I'm going to rerecord entirely. I just felt that some feedback would be cool from you guys. And yeah it's on Sendspace. I can put it on Megaupload or anything else if you guys want though, but it's not ready for Bandcamp. http://tinyurl.com/TerminaDemo1
  14. Leave feedback please! The first one I have is Tourian. It's based off of Super Metroid(Sound effects) and Zero Mission(the harmonies and chords) TourianASTTP.mp3 - 2.39MB Next is the Red Brinstar area from Super Metroid. I gave it a tribal sound to give it a more lonely feel, as if Samus was stranded somewhere http://www.zshare.net/audio/83779440f70a5f9a/ And last, but not least, Ridley: http://www.zshare.net/audio/83779524a8880363/ I'm still trying to come up with more ideas for these tracks, so all feedback will be greatly appreciated!
  15. no more agressive electro house now like last dance i posted. heres my new wip and collab with Jbond http://soundcloud.com/aires/bomber-wip-3now its back to deep house and my fav/signture(imo) synth arsenal! well this might be techno/trance since its 140 bpm EDIT:: 3
  16. Here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3EWAohEDzc Here's the remix. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12021287/Crooked%20Wings.mp3 Pretty simple, but I like it. Getting it accepted here eventually isn't a priority (nor am I deluded enough to think I'm anywhere close), since I know it's not a stunningly inventive remix or anything, I just want to make it sound as good as possible. I'm still working on training my ear and learning about production. Thanks for your help!
  17. I want to take some of Shining Force 2 music and arrange it. I arranged so far the "Lively Town" track and tomorrow I'll try make one of the battle themes. Download: http://www.4shared.com/account/audio/4Xj_qCt9/Lively_Town_Arranged_by_Hidan_.html I want really to improve. My friend Rozovian told me that I have some issues with chords and told me to read about it to keep improving. But I want your opnion too so I can improve even more. =)
  18. Just my idea for the "Lost Woods" portion of the upcoming game Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I added Link sound effects(From Ocarina of Time) to see what it would sound like within the context of the game. Honestly, I really don't know what else to do with it, but I feel that it is lacking something, especially where the music builds up
  19. So this one is definately a work in progress...but I've gotten a lot of compliments on this one. For now, it's a short song as it is a WIP and not totally finished yet. Tell me what I should add, and in you opinion where I should go. Here's the link: http://www.archive.org/details/SpiritSummitPokmonTower (Click the download link if the playback fails) Source:
  20. This is what you could call the skeleton of an Ice Cap Zone remix I am working on to submit to OCR. As of now the mixing is sub par and there is not enough variation from the source. However this does have the basic feel I'm going for I think, so with that being said, I'd appreciate all reviews and critique, but keep in mind this is nowhere near finished. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/386368 http://soundcloud.com/kylethedarkn/sonic-3-ice-cap-zone-remix-wip
  21. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hipnotyk-Music/113610178708782?v=wall I don't think I can directly link to the song, but there's the wall of my music page. Lucidity is the only original song I've posted on there, and I haven't been able to acquire anything other than Finale just yet so it doesn't sound as good as it could. If anyone would like to help me acquire a program that doesn't sound so... Finale-ish, that'd be great. --- About the song. I put this together pretty quick over the course of two nights while at the Army School of Music. The instrumentation calls for a Flute, Clarinet, French Horn, and two mallet players. The song has a "opening theme of an RPG" sort of feel to it, the first song you hear when you turn on a video game and have various clips of the characters in battle. I incorporated some canon elements and gradual variations on the main melody as the song progresses. Writing for this instrumentation has been quite fun. I have considered expanding the song to include a Tuba and snare/cymbals as it could use a little more bass and auxiliary support, perhaps when I can acquire some software that doesn't sound so primitive I will do that. Again, any help in that department is appreciated, I would love to be able to do some legit-sounding remixes and contribute to this community in a big way. Anyways, let me know what you think of Lucidity. It's been fun getting back into writing music again and I plan on doing much more in the future. SPC Harrison -Hipnotyk-
  22. This is something I made when I first got Mixcraft using samples that come with the program. I wouldn't consider it finished by any means and there's no mixing on it at all but any thoughts or feedback would be nice as I've kinda lost my thread with this piece
  23. For anyone who doesn't know, Jeanne D'Arc is an SRPG pretty similar to FF Tactics: War of the Lions (but it's better IMO). The soundtrack is mostly blah, but I always liked the title screen music a lot. What I have so far may be somewhat too loose of an adaptation for OCR.. maybe. I only have 2 minutes done. I'm really not sure what genre you'd call this, but I'm going for "chill" with an occasional Eastern vibe. I don't have any EQ done for individual channels because I suck at it (EDIT: I attempted EQ!). If anyone is willing to give me some tips through Skype about EQ that'd be awesome. Here ya go.. Remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/szzk Source:
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