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  1. Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/?q2gtbesg3x5kxdc Source Tunes: 1) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/T_MortalKombat_Pit.mid MK1 the Pit 2) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/mk2_armory_zb.mid MK2 the Armory Hi OCR. I got a Mortal Kombat mash-up mix of various electronic styles with some trick and glitch drumming as well =D. It may feel a bit sparse at parts and not all of the samples will be final, depending on what you guys think . No longer mashing up tomb theme, but am using the MK2 armory tune, I'll host a link for that later =p. UPDATE 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?7znabs5dkfo92lh "ending" isn't the ending still. Last segment is pretty rough and ugly sounding, gonna try and find a way to make it better lol. UPDATE 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?9gbzd7atgwqd69y UPDATE 3: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Mortal_Kombat_HoboKombaaat_VerA6.mp3 it says ver.6...don't ask why =D
  2. Hi everyone! Back again with attempt number 3 This time, it's the Grunty's Lair theme from Banjo-Kazooie (also containing bits of Klungo's Theme from Banjo-Tooie, and the final boss music and Bridge To Grunty's Lair theme from B-K as well). I've been working on it for so long that I've lost all objectivity, so some feedback would be nice. Does anybody think it's got promise? DECEMBER 23RD UPDATE: http://chaffcitycomic.com/trs/The_Radical_Sifu_-_The_Beauty_Machine_%28Banjo-Kazooie_WIP_2%29.mp3 This still isn't very good, but I don't know why. Would very much appreciate pointers. (I've played with the mixing a LOT. Don't know what y'all will make of it now). Original source tune: Responding to criticism of past mixes that my arrangements have been too faithful to the source, I've tried to be more creative this time. Don't know if I'm anywhere near fulfilling OCR's demands, though. Above all I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE CRITIQUE. I want to improve on this. Me and this game go waaaay back, and if I'm going to make a submission, I want this to be it. Thank you!
  3. I started a remix of this battle theme from the game Skies of Arcadia. I plan on making it a classical/trance hybrid, but I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to improve. Thank you much! Remix: http://www.electricconcerto.com/music/skies_battle.mp3 Current Version: 0.2 - UPDATE 1 - So I played around some more with the melody, both in sound and in structure, and added some more pieces to the remix. I'm getting a little closer to the sound I'm looking for, but I know I'm not there yet. There is a lot of instrument, note, and production tweeking to be made, but hopefully I'm on the right track. - Initial Upload - So, this is the first copy of the remix, though really, it's just an intro with the melody in there as a way for the listeners to get an idea on how the melody ties in there. I know when I listen to an uncompleted melody, it drives me nuts if some form of the source isn't in there. I do plan on correcting the melody and leaving it there where it's introduced in this version, unless you guys find it unacceptable.
  4. I've been working on this for a few hours every night for the past week or so. I know it needs a lot of work, but I figured I could post it here and get some feedback on what I'm doing right, what I'm doing wrong, and whether or not it has potential. Hydro City Groove WIP
  5. I was kind of nervous about posting this, but I feel like I've reached a dead end with this one and need some help/feedback. This is my first remix, I guess; but I really wanted to do something from this game (one of my favorites). This is my version of "The Four Portals" Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMsZ6xIk8wY Remix: I think some of the mixing is off, and I need to clean it up and adjust some volume levels; but apart from that I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks!
  6. So I was originally planning on doing some epic orchestral/ electronic version of some DKC2 songs, but then I started strumming my guitar along with some of the originals and I ended up making this. http://www.archive.org/details/DKC2Song_899 It's still in it's really early stages. I just threw some cheap soundfont drums in for now, eventually I'll get my drummer friend to record some live ones. The ending is still under construction. It has parts from three different DKC2 songs, "Stickerbrush Symphony", "Bayou Boogie", and "Hot Head Bop". Tell me what you think!
  7. I was enjoying this mix at first but eventually I gave up on it. Just wasn't feeling it anymore. The source tune is really cool though, someone should give it a go. Original theme: Dancey and energetic remix. Unmixed and unfinished, unfortunately: http://www.box.net/shared/fq5b42m11f
  8. http://tindeck.com/listen/hloz Its meant to be a normal club dubstep track but I suck at making anything normal.
  9. So, I'm working on some rep for a demo reel and I wanted to do an epic film score... and I wasn't really happy with any of the straight orchestral adaptions of HM2. So, here's my take: think 300 meets Inception and you'll get the style http://soundcloud.com/prototyperaptor/red-alert-2-hell-march-inception to do list: proper ending, melodic development, transitional work so, what do you think?
  10. As the subject line states, I know this one is done by everyone and their dog, but I wanted to give it a shot. Working on a sort of speed trance version, check out the link, let me know what you think. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VGB2ZOUQ
  11. There was a time; this was my second submission to OCR... Naturally, it was declined. Poor samples, too loud, too mushy, not enough arrangement and was mainly all about the original song. I was fairly new to the scene; and hardly knew how to use my DAW. I have learned a lot from the community, and decided to give this piece a second go, 132GB of samples and VST's later. Please have a listen (ESPECIALLY DarkSim, No Escape, SBeast & Cyril the Wolf, you guys submitted the best critiques on my last piece). http://tindeck.com/listen/cujb As always I did my best leveling the track so things don't smash together. After all the work I've done on this track it sounds quite good; but my ears may be missing something. Are those drums coming across too loud, maybe? Effects Used: Gross Beat (gating of the drums and gating the sidechain), Fruity Filter (for filtering the low pass of the drums). VST's Used: NeXus 2 (majority of the synths and arps). Absynth 5 (introduction arp, which also falls at the end of the song as well). Kontakt 5 (Drums). Thanks for having a listen!
  12. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12375558/DKC%20Aqua%20Theme.mp3 This is my first time trying to remix a song and one of my favorite songs was Donkey Kong's Aqua Theme. I use Fruity Loops as my music maker and was wondering what i can do to enhance my song to a new level. The ending is not fully finished and refined so please disregard that. Thank you for your time in reading this.
  13. This remix was requested by Rizbow after one night after asking the #ocremix channel to give me a song and I'd remix it. I really enjoy it and would not have heard it otherwise so big thanks to Rizbow. Right now i'm looking for feedback on everything and possibly where else I should take it musically. Source ...
  14. Ever since I found OCRemix I've been in love with the site. Listening to all the creative music here finally made me step up to the plate and attempt to..enhance one of, what I feel anyway, the best boss themes ever. I'm surprised that no other music from The Legend of Dragoon has made it on this site, but anyway, because this is my first song-in-progress, I would like to here feedback from some of the more elite remixers on what you guys, and gals , think. Anything to get better. This is just the intro and a bit of the beginning of the song, as I am trying to learn FL Studio at the same time. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J9JJMZOC
  15. Hey guys, I'm working on an iPhone game with some people and we want kind of an epic Super Mario Galaxy kind of feel to it (without sounding too much like it). The first level is supposed to have a "brand new adventure" feel. The song ends abruptly, I know, but I'm pretty much just going to wrap it back around to the beginning to make it loop from here. Any suggestions on how to make it sound better overall? Thanks! http://www.upload-mp3.com/files/235931_rqnwv/Happier%202-1.mp3
  16. This is a project that I've been working on for a long time (probably close to a year). Now that I've gotten better at orchestrating, it's finally coming to fruition. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Nobuo Uematsu's masterwork Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI, adapted for brass quintet. A quick note about the mp3 - the first repeat back to the top is slightly different from what happens in the mp3. Specifically, the tuba drops the octave. Pedal C's FTW. I've also considered dropping the first eight bars of the piece the second time through to keep things from getting too tedious. Anyway, here you go: [File Deleted] I apologize for not having a rehearsal recording for you to listen to - this piece is hard and we haven't got all the sections ironed out yet. Most of it is sounding pretty solid, there are only a few trouble spots and that's what I'd like to direct your direction towards to see if I can get some help. 6:50 to 8:10 in the mp3 is the final portion of the Kefka boss fight, and is by far the trickiest part of the piece. Unlike other portions of the piece, it's essentially melody + bass line and has thus left me with less to work with. Here's a link to pages 10 to 13 of the score: http://www.mediafire.com/?j3ye9kha996z5bh The repeat from P to Q is where I'd like to have more going on or, at the very least, have some variation between the repeats to keep things interesting. Problem is, I have no idea what. Writing new material is not my strong suit - I tend to get locked into what it does sound like instead of what it could sound like. So. Thoughts, comments, concerns? -------------------- Latest version: 7-13-11 Notes: The parts are pretty much finalized. The 7/8 +4/4 section issues have been pretty much ironed out by removing the horn from the mix. While this unfortunately removes some color and variance, it is so much easier to coordinate that that's an acceptable loss. Our regular trombonist, Lee, is out of town for the month so we're using a sub for this recording. He's sightreading, so be nice. He also plays a lot less aggressively than Lee so it might be kind of hard to pick his solo out at the end. Hopefully we'll get another crack at this with Lee, who'll be back in town for a brief period, on Monday.
  17. Hi, im new in Ocremix, and i come to show a musical theme, called "In the Hive of Wasps", a remix of "Wasp Hive" of "Donkey Kong Country 2" in a Electronic version... Please tell me that I add or remove it to sound better... Sorry for my bad english... i speak in spanish and i use the google traductor for translating the text... Here down is the link of the musical theme (click in the image)... NEW VERSION!!! NEW VERSION!!! NEW VERSION!!! Listen the new version and comment...
  18. I havent posted anything up on this site for over a year... This is an interesting new take on my style. The track isnt mastered yet (some instruments need volume levels adjusted, ect.), but let me know what you guys think of the composing and transitioning. http://soundcloud.com/lithe/moment-of-falling-1 If the track starts off too mellow for your taste, wait about half way through!
  19. I've wanted to do something with Crysis for the LONGEST time. I have a nice rig, and I can kinda sorta max it out with the help of heavy modding. So anyway, a while back I started making a preview video for some dumb Crysis Machinima I was doing and while taking that footage realized how amazing the scenery is by itself.. without the help of actors or gunfights. So it's been a few months now, and I started to think it would be really cool to create a really immersive video with these overwhelmingly cool shots inside the Crysis sandbox. I decided I want the video to show the two sides of Crysis.. nature and those war-like machine aliens. For nature, I wanted the music to be beautiful, warm, and chill. For the aliens, I wanted some aggressive industrial ambience. I'm pretty sure I know the sandbox well enough to have the aliens fly in swarms and have those giant ones walking and attacking too. I even have some nuclear bomb mods that, if my rig can handle, would make you crap your pants. So here's a preview of the track I'm working on. If you have any ideas on how to give either ambience more impact, I'd like to know. I want it to be overwhelming in a good way! If you have any ideas for the video portion of the project as well, I'd love to hear those. EDIT: Hm, already noticing a problem. On my speakers, the track sounds much clearer. On my headphones (they're cheap but I still use them for listening to music) it sounds very muddy. I don't get that.. Early preview version: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/crysis-nature-and-conquerer-preview CONQUERER section: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/crysis-nature-and-conquerer-conquerer
  20. Just wanted to get this concept out there. It's really rough at this point.
  21. I know there area lot of Windmill Hut/Song of Storms remixes, but none of them seem to be getting posted which is a shame. So, I thought I'd take a stab at it. Here's my electronica/trance/techno version (I'm no good with genre labeling). It's short, but I may extend it a bit. Click here to listen to storm_doors_-_windmill_hut_remix_-_WIP_v2.mp3
  22. Doesn't necessarily count as a remix, but thought this is the best place to get feedback about this kind of stuff. So my plan is to somehow merge every robotmaster song into one big song. The biggest problem I think is going to be the tempo, which changes between every song. I'll try to update this post according to every new song I manage to squeeze in. Opinions and advices how to improve are welcome and I'll try to make changes accordingly. Additions: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798359/megamedley_hardman_snakeman_topman.mp3 (Top Man partially) Improved (?) production: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798359/megamedley_sounddsd.mp3 Sources: Stage select
  23. Hey wow, it's been a long time since I've been here Anyway, I've been working on something else, this time a Great Canyon Remix from the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. I'm really experimenting with this one and I need some outside opinions on it. . . Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvgAcxG4nI Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/mvky It's not nearly finished yet, but if I could get feedback on what I have so far that would be great! Thanks, -TGH
  24. Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum/remixing. I'm not very good yet, but I decided my first remix will be one of my favorite songs from DKC2, Stickerbrush Symphony. The song is only in its beginning stages, but I'm wondering if people like the direction it's going. Thanks in advance for the feedback! Click here to listen to Stickerbrush Symphony2.mp3
  25. Helo, this is my first time posting here on the OC forums. I've always wanted to make remixes, but never got the courage and programs to make some until now. although the following song is not my first remix, it is the one that I'm taking more seriously, the others just being practice to learn how it works. it's still untitled, as this is only the instrumental. I'm waiting for help from others with the lyrics. so without further ado, I give you my remix. it was made with Mixcraft 5. I'd love to hear opinions of those with more experience. once I got the lyrics written and recorded, I'll add them to the song. (oh, and I have a noob question... is there a way to change the thread order so that the first post into the thread is the top one? for some reason it's configured to be newest posts on top and it's hard for me to read it right.)
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