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  1. I was messing around with analog-ish synths in reason and came up with this ... http://soundcloud.com/astruve/castlesofdraculawip I really enjoy listening to it but I want some feedback to what others think of it.
  2. So, my dream is to become a director/VGM/film composer. I'm new to composing classic orchestra in general and I wanted to ask you guys about your opinion for this track im working on. I hit walls easily and cant overcome them unless someone tells me how to - in other words im stupid. Please give me some pointers of things to improve and whatnot, I'd really appreciate it. http://www.mediafire.com/?7cmvunj3bh5xhrt
  3. Doing a lot of reworking. Might re=post later
  4. So this is my first attempt at 'rave', which probably isn't a good idea seeing as I only have one VSTi besides everything else that comes with Fruity Loops, but it didn't hurt to give it a shot. As usual, covering songs that nobody has love for. Download
  5. Dear OCR, Just came here to share my latest track. It's a 'Retro Dance' Remix from DKC2's Disco Train. Awesome source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzP3_9qqP3Y Remix (Tindeck link): http://tindeck.com/listen/ckfr It's (nearly) done, but feedback is greatly appreciated! Background info: As a part time job, I work at a rollercoaster / theme park. This one day I had to start quite early, was fun to see the rising sun behind the coaster. Because the theme park was built in a forest area, the early sun really gave the track something mystic imo. That kinda got me inspired, lemme know if you can hear that in the final render! Anyway, enjoy!
  6. Hi! I'm a new face around here, although I've been a fan for ages. Anyway, I've been dabbling in video game remixes for a while now, and I figured it was time to take them more seriously and try to improve the quality of my work. So first thing I want to do is fix up my favorite work so that it may be submitted. Some of you may have heard this when I first submitted it to Youtube two years ago. I like to think my skill has grown considerably since then, so feel free to tell me what adjustments you think I should make to make this song of OCRemix caliber. The remix (as originally posted on youtube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-RIkfPqry0 Among other things, I'd like to re-record some of the vocals and extend the song to include another verse. Maybe change the beat up, too. What do you guys think?
  7. Here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3EWAohEDzc Here's the remix. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12021287/Crooked%20Wings.mp3 Pretty simple, but I like it. Getting it accepted here eventually isn't a priority (nor am I deluded enough to think I'm anywhere close), since I know it's not a stunningly inventive remix or anything, I just want to make it sound as good as possible. I'm still working on training my ear and learning about production. Thanks for your help!
  8. So heres a remix i made of the ending theme from Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Its one of my first actually decent remixes. I would still like to improve it though. Made in FL Studio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltAfpmxVLvc
  9. very old post close thread plz
  10. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/vjjk A dance remix of the Tornado Man theme. Mostly done with poizone. So yeah, I guess talking about what I did here? I always thought Tornado Man definitely had some really cool riffs going on below the surface, so I tried to bring them out here, like with that one really sweet line near the beginning. Other than that its pretty by-the-books.
  11. Something silly I threw together. Critique away! http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rqjn
  12. Ok, here's the link to the song. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=953132&songID=9478350 Go ahead. Critique your hearts out. I've already been informed of humanizing issues. So other than that what do the whole lot of you think could use some improvements?
  13. Well... this is scary. I've been a fan of video game music since I was three years old, a fan of OCR since middle school and now, in college, I'm taking my first shaky steps towards producing something of quality. Visual art is my main creative outlet, and I'm quite new to the process of composing music; I've experimented throughout the years, a lot of it inspired by this place, starting back in middle school on a free MIDI program- but all of it very sporadic. Only recently- and I mean in the past few weeks- have I suddenly become obsessed with this little seed of an idea that someday, if I work hard enough, if I ask for help and suggestions, I too could share my ideas with the world through OCR. So today I'm offering you what I think is my best work so far, although it still needs a lot of work, I know. Please tell me anything- what you think can be improved with composition, production (this is an area in which I'm still very amateur), or whatever else- rip it apart if you must! Here it is: Great Prognostications, a song composed of Flipside (the hubworld in Super Paper Mario) and SMB3's Cloud Heaven. You're doubtless familiar with Cloud Heaven, but here is Flipside if you'd like to compare with the original. Thank you so much for listening. It means a lot to me. I'm really obsessed with improving my musical abilities at this point, but I really don't have much to go on or anyone around to teach me directly, and I've an untrained ear, not to mention one dulled by hearing my own songs too much. So please tell me everything you notice that bothers you! Thanks, -Alter
  14. I am working on a resubmission of a recently rejected klezmer rearrangement of Kirby Super Star's Gourmet Race. As part of an attempt on my part to avoid repetition, I will be adding other Kirby songs to this arrangement. My current goals are avoiding repetition and improving the actual quality of the genre conversion. Current progress here http://www.mediafire.com/?0elxiap60ezq405 Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. The program used was Guitar Pro 5, since I find it to be easy-to-use yet capable of many neat little tricks.
  15. Remix I've always been rather disappointed in the amount of Thunder Force remix material out there, and I've been wanting to tackle this for quite some time, so I went ahead and remixed the TF4 intro, Lightning Strikes Again. My greatest difficulty here was stretching a mere 30 seconds of material out into a song of respectable length, and I did my best to keep it fresh without deviating too far from the source, although I kinda go for a ride during the second half of the song. Although this version is more or less a complete song, I've tagged it as a WIP, since I still feel that there's a lot more that could be done with it. I also somehow managed to resist granting it the title Lightening Striker... feedback is much appreciated.
  16. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/363103 Time spent: 4 hours Rate, comment :3
  17. First the rap beats: http://soundcloud.com/fli/a-lot-of-people & http://soundcloud.com/fli/laura Both of which require some form of a sub in order to hear the bass And dubstep preview: http://soundcloud.com/fli/wiggles-preview
  18. This isn't really a "remix," but a cover, but I'm doing a series of covers on Mega Man 3 while playing through the game. I'm gonna be doing one a week... first up is .
  19. G'day/Night all. I've been working on a little project lately - just adding my own little touch to my fav tracks on the incredible FFXIII OST(via remixes). Recently stumbled upon OCR, so I figured I'd share it with this community as well (usually post on Youtube). Track2-SulyyaSprings-Remix-. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think. More'll be posted as they are produced.
  20. Another one remix by me on Alien 3. Some feedback will be great! Thank you for your time!
  21. NOTICE: due to my doctor putting me on a 2-week parole for tendinitis observations I will probably not get to complete this remix for a long while... but all advice and critiques are welcomed since I'll have plenty of time to take note of them while my hand is healing. Anyways, even if you're not a KH fan/slave I think "Simple and Clean/Hikari" is a very beautiful song. Here it is (for reference to see if I strayed too far or stayed too close) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyEZHfCDzqM&feature=related and then here's my WIP so far. Click here to listen to Simple and Clean prototype.mp3 basically, if you've ever heard of the duo "Ratatat" then you should be able to tell what I'm trying to emulate... but it's pretty early in the morning so I couldn't record the whaling alien guitar parts and wake up my neighbors:sleepdepriv:. next time. peace
  22. Well I guess this game not so popular for remixing, but still it has perfect sound line. Any way this is my attempt to do something with it: I think it's finished, but maybe You don't think so. Tell me what do you thin about it pleas. P.S. I'm thinking about remix album of NES's Alien. I will be honored if someone want to collab with me. P.P.S. Yeah.. I know. My skills sucks:mrgreen:
  23. Hey guys, I've always loved all of the work done on OCReMix. I just recently started messing around with FL Studio, and I've decided (being the nerd that I am) mess around with video game tracks. I have no previous experience whatsoever, but I'm looking for any criticism I can get. This remix is from the original Legend of Zelda, the Dungeon Theme. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/josh Thanks for your feedback
  24. Edit: Once again, here's a new update. This has changed a lot since the original version, namely, the middle and ending sections have been flushed out, and its been recorded (almost) live now. More than anything, that makes it feel a lot more real. Critiques both good and bad are always welcome: Most Recent: Through the Bay --Original Post-- Well, I suppose this is as good a way as any to come out of lurking, as I've been hanging around OCR for a long time. And I've taken a few stabs in the past at writing music, and played piano off and on for years, but nothing ever really got too far out of the idea stage. But a few months ago, I got the idea for this song, and from there its made it into something I consider at least presentable. The inspiration for this song is the Jolly Roger Bay level in Super Mario 64 - starting out on the beach, running around for a bit, and then jumping into the water, and eventually coming up in the cave (that parts still being thought out). So, whats everyone think - is this close to OCR par, and if not, what do I need to work on to get it there? Whats good, whats not? (Though I know that the dynamics right now are non-existent in this version - when played live on a piano, and this should when its done, they are there. Sorry about that part.....if enough people complain, I'll go add them into the digital version) Super Mario 64 - Through the Bay (Sources, if anyone wants them. If you don't recognize these songs, I'm sorry : Mini sources (used a bit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jQRGLoiiek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntlQpNRfst4 Thanks for the feedback! -SuperSlacker
  25. Alright, third attempt at Remixing. I've only gone about a minute into this song (the last thirty seconds is unfinished), but I want to see what people think before I put my heart and soul into it. The source (already awesome): The mix: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/work-in-progress-corona-jumper-remix Are my samples OK at least? I finally went out and actually bought some (affordable) samples. Thanks for any feedback. EDIT: One thing I already changed was the lead synth's volume. It seemed too loud to me.
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