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  1. Alright, I think some of you know that I've been doing work for a game project (which as always, I'm not at liberty to talk about). Either way, I have a Ruin Theme here that I'd love some feedback on. I have two different versions. One that has no EQ settings touched, and one that does. Feedback-wise, what I'm looking for is if the applied EQ settings are good...and if not, how I can improve them for each individual instrument. And two...is the composition good and if not, what suggestions do you have to improve the composition. Overall, I just hope you guys can enjoy what I've created, even though it's a WIP. Happy listening guys. :3 Without applied EQs With applied EQs
  2. Okay so... I got bored. This is what happened. Thats usually how it works, truth be told. Obviously I need to get bored more often so I can get more work done, . Anywho, here be another orchestral mix from me. I've been meaning to tackle this theme for a while now, so I'm happy I finally got to it. Its kinda on the short side and I'm really not sure where else to go with this... I tried to sqeeze out as much variation as I could but... we shall see what you have to say on that. Also, when I started to get some substance to this mix, it kinda sounded like a theme you'd hear in a castle like Lindblum or something, so I kinda tried going with that kinda sound. And thus the title. So, enjoy! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0GuW7x8X-Q
  3. I always loved this song when I was playing this game (Top Gear, SNES). It felt so badass. Now... It feels a little calmer in this arrangement. But it's relatively conservative... Thoughts?
  4. here is my WIP remix for WoW's Lament of Highborne: constructive criticism welcome(I had to pick out the melody notes by hand from the OST, listening to it over, and over again. so at some points I improv'd)
  5. Here's my take so far on Koji Kondo's 24-year-old invincibility theme: Undefeatable-Mood-Demo-5.mp3 The version I used for inspiration is mostly SMW2: Yoshi's Island - Powerful Infant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wbX3lqbcfE I also took a few ideas from a new opening added in Super Paper Mario - An Unrivaled Battle: Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  6. Hi, Here is a little remix, in the form of dubstep and chillout, of the "Eria the Water Maiden" from Final Fantasy 3. Love this tune so can't help but make a remix of it. Any feedback would be lovely. Click here to listen Cheers to all soundtrack lovers.
  7. Need some feedback for this. :3 http://soundcloud.com/creast/bat-country-extended
  8. Hi Guys, I have two different versions of a song and I wanted to know which one you liked better and why if you can tell me. Any help is appreciated! Title of Song: Asteroid Boogie Version 1: Version 2: Thanks, all!
  9. Hi Guys, It's me again 8 months later... After finally getting my computers back to the way they should operate, I had some time to compose some more music and work on creating cleaner music. Here's a remix that I worked on: I'd like to know your thoughts!
  10. been a while since I've posted something on here, so here ya go! comments appreciated wip: http://halc9bit.com/private/ffx_3.5.mp3 source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EInRqOrdLmI
  11. Chilled out mix of the Gerudo Desert theme from Twilight Princess. Any feedback, comments, and criticism welcome! Original Track: Gerudo Desert (youtube) Thanks!
  12. New version here: http://soundcloud.com/cc-ricers/cc-ricers-big-hands-to-fill-wip-2 First version I'm flexing my dubstep muscles again. This is what I have so far. I'll try my best not to post an update until I get this to 3 minutes. I expect the final version to be around 4 minutes long. It's not really dark sounding, considering the source, but it does get loud. Well, take that back, it does get darker at the end. I may add some voice samples, but just not as much as in the source
  13. Hey all, first post here and decided to post a new song, infact my first remix. I've been doing music before but never remixed any game music like this, and after hearing the incredible work on this site I decided to give it a go aswell. I started with a relatively easy song to remix, the Chrono Trigger theme (yea I know, it's been done a thousand times). I made the theme into a sort of Jazz-fusion / Funk song (first time doing anything in this style too, double the challange! ) I'd love to get some critique and opinions on it, what to improve and what works etc. Thanks! http://robinsalonen.com/temp/Time%20Fusion.mp3 Update 2 - http://robinsalonen.com/temp/Time%20Fusion_02.mp3
  14. Any sort of feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated. I have a link where you can get all of the songs free with just one download if anyone is interested. http://www.myspace.com/staytranquil http://soundcloud.com/gerryroche
  15. UPDATED Final Mix Attempt 1: "The Angels of Hell" Here is my first attempt at a final Mix of "The Angles of Hell" Not completely happy with the result; the Short flute notes at the beginning sound 'odd', I think some of the EQing is off, and maybe I need to add some compression here and there. I think I'm done the the composition part of the song and now I need to work on the actual production... the part I am least good at. So all help is welcome!!! The music is based on the Wii and original version of Cave Story. Sources: Scorching Back: Main Theme: [url=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX9feeYHL1c Running Hell: [url=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1VTkwllQ8Q Thanx RR
  16. I was playing around one day and came up with a track that sounds like a fusion of drone, shoegaze, ambient, and lo-fi. What do you guys think? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/355760
  17. incomplete , min and 43 secs of music, and i think i need opinions...... yes this is the name of this remix http://tindeck.com/listen/ezca source ::
  18. At first I had started on this as a license track or whatever you want to call it but now I've decided that I want to make an album of breakbeat tracks with this being one of them. It's a wip though so it can go anywhere at anytime but for the most part it'll sound like this just way more refined since it's part of an album project. Try playing this to some action sequence whether it's fighting, or a car chase scene, or gun fight, whatever I think it fits nicely lol anyways hope this is enough to spark some interest... Rush
  19. well I won OLRmegeddon with this but I really think this has potential for this site. I spent way to much time on it than I should have. I can redo vocals/lyrics or anything else really. http://tindeck.com/listen/wzno source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHfXMxxYv28
  20. So this one is fairly close to being done, but needs a lil more polish first. I have kind of an abstracted to do list for it [i.e. the intro], but I'm interested in what other people think needs work too. www.soundcloud.com/drinkeekrow/chicago-remix
  21. Ok so this is the first song I've mixed on nice Monitoring headphones. Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros. I would like to get some feedback on how it sounds to you guys. Specifically the mix. Thanks http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/355143
  22. I'm working on this remix of "The man with the Machine Gun" from Final Fantasy 8, got a short background melody partially finished, then realized I had the notes wrong, so I'll be going back over it, but I think it still sounds nice. Have a hear, let me know what you think. http://soundcloud.com/mirev/prison-wanderers EDIT: FINAL version one: http://soundcloud.com/mirev/prison-wanderers_five_seven
  23. EDIT 2 (FOR TRANSITIONS)DELETED FIRST ONE! http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v2 LolOlolololOlolOl (Warning MILDLY PROGRESSIVLY HOUSE'Y) some loud parts, still gunna adjust some vol IF need. and NO this is not a revised version of Friged Ice Cap, this is straight house with straight up synths and drums. made this in ableton and fl studio
  24. Well.. I've posted two songs here before and never got any feedback Just so you know.. I'm not going to get upset if you tell me it's awful. I have no ego, no experience to warrant such a thing. I've read the threads where people are ripped to shreds and I'm ok with it. I just want to improve. This is my second song, borrowing elements from the Song of Time and the Wind Waker title screen. Was a lot of fun to make though I'm sure there's plenty of problems to discuss. Thanks for any feedback. http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/hero-of-wind-of-time-wip
  25. About six months ago I eagerly started on a remix for OC, but as I learned... rushing leads no where. I'm kind of biding my time now, working on original projects with a pretty simplistic plug and play sequencer until I gain enough experience to move on. Also trying to gather more info on better virtual instruments and sequencing software... if anyone could lead me in a direction on that I'd be very grateful. The music I've been producing pretty much falls in the genre of an audio soundtrack for a movie or video game, I'm having difficulty writing anything else. I used mixcraft and various virtual instruments to make these songs. I'm no musical genius but I played a few instruments in my 18 years... just a bit. These songs are just drafts, I'm looking for feedback. I know they're not too particularly good, but I need people with musical ears to critique them. Here are my 4 major songs plus one random recording. Anyways, without further ado: warming up: This song was literately me warming up and testing this prelayered virtual instrument that imitates a full orchestra. I just decided to record, I think it sounds decent, nothing special. first song: This is the first song I wrote, I added the bass, brass, strings, and choir over time. I know it says melodichaos, but I'm trying to think of a better name. I layered some guitars with an orchestra together by accident and got the effect that is the melody of song. I know a real guitar would make this song so much better, but I thought the effect was kinda cool at the time... anyways, my sense of rhythm is off and the virtual instruments aren't too great... uh any other feedback would be great. It was heavily inspired by err songs like "hell march to the apocalypse" in terms of the instrument choice, road to bowser's... ect. It's basically a villains theme, I suppose. I'm pretty much editing it everyday so the link literally changes every time I update this post! second song: tried to play a melody I made while sitting at my piano and record it with this orchestral vst, didn't work out to well... =/ third song: the sole instrument playing is the orchestral virtual instrument, it has a deep tone but is painfully simplistic, as a lot of my works are. I'm trying to currently trying to access the melody and add to it as I grow. fourth song: If you've been following a long, you can kinda tell that I've grown somewhat in my er, music making. This song is probably my best in terms of a coherent rhythm and bassline, and it's maybe a little catchy. It was my attempt at jazz, but ended up being kinda like a mystery score... I have others, but that's probably all that's stomachable, the rest were experiments in techno and pop >_< I do admittedly have a problem with bass rhythm and drums... more so drums though. I just added drums to my first song but I'm still working on the percussion. All songs have been edited and posted on tindeck
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