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  1. Just wanted to share another cover of mine. I didn't know what I was signing up for when I originally joined this community, but I know for certain I'm not OCR music artist material - and I'm totally fine with that. I just like remixing tunes that catch my ear. I'm no pro at doing full-on arrangements, as I don't understand music to that extent. Maybe one day someone can give me a breakdown on how to do a good arrangement. Actual graphical art on the other hand, that's totally my thing. I still enjoy the feedback.
  2. https://youtu.be/q3skfM-cH9Y A game I almost forgot until a couple of years was Little Nemo Dream Master. The first stage, Mushroom Forest, had such an unforgetable theme and it brings back both feelings and memories I also think it has this melancholic amtosphere which I believe comes from the harmony in the chords that's used. Another thing I loved with this stage was the big mushrooms and enemies lurking around in that dark forest. It really fits into what is supposed to mimic the dreams of Nemo. Of course I remember one more thing, this game was dead hard. I didn't manage to get through many stages, but I really wish I had because I heard the ending is great. Did you guys beat this game? As you can hear I made some difference in the chord progression in the first section, starting with minor chords instead of major. It gave a bit of a new atmosphere with just a little distance to the original. The bass line is very influenced by one of my favourite synthwave artists/producers - Mitch Murder. Listen to the song Assembly Line and you hear nothing but perfection in sense of production, mixing and quality. The perfect reference music if you're looking for a clean sound. I hope that I could come close to that some day! I was fooling around with a distorted lead sound during the creation of this remix, and at the same time was a bit inspired by metal (which I listened to a lot in the past). This resulted in the section starting at 1:11 (right after a heavy metal inspired solo) with double bass drums following what sounds like down tuned distorted guitars/basses in a not so common but hot rhythm. The forest ambience sound is found on freesound.org and contributes to the total atmosphere of forestness. I hope you enjoy this one! Maybe not a very common game, but I played it at some friends houses and liked the music back then as much as I do now. Hope it can bring back some memories of yours too! /Neon X
  3. https://youtu.be/bO0ZfoGJ5RQ Since my new job assigment started I've had 2 hours less time per day for doing this, hopefully 3 weeks won't be my new upload frequency. This song, however, didn't speak to me like most songs usually do, and by that I mean I can always hear new and extended parts in my head before writing it. I had to fight this one to get the composing going which also affected the time before completion. Hardest part of this remix was the intro, yeah really. Not sure why, I think I wrote 3-4 different intros before just picking one, maybe I'll use the others for another remix who knows! Another hard part was the drums, which is quite the fast beat but it's so chill at the same time, something about those drums in the original. I chose to half the tempo and also rewriting the bass line except for some buildups in my remix where I think the bass line fits perfectly. Oh, and the ending chill synthwave also got that fast original bass line, gave a special atmosphere to it which I definitely will try in many future remixes! Other than that I felt like this went into the category of remixes that could be remixed and rewritten in so many different verions. I'm not sure if that's a good idea for a project sometime, doing the same song in like five completely different versions. Could be interesting! Might try it when I get back my 2 hours a day (that goes to driving to work right now).
  4. https://youtu.be/FSBk0q9sN0c It has been a while since I released something. This remix is meant to be some kind of contribution to Halloween 2022, this particular song has been planned since last year (a suggestion from one of my best friends). It's this time of the year once again, the world has changed very much since last time. And I want to dedicate this remix to what has become of the world this passed year. A quote from Dracula by Bram Stoker: “It is a strange world, a sad world, a world full of miseries, and woes, and troubles. And yet when King Laugh come, he make them all dance to the tune he play. Bleeding hearts, and dry bones of the churchyard, and tears that burn as they fall, all dance together to the music that he make with that smileless mouth of him. Ah, we men and women are like ropes drawn tight with strain that pull us different ways. Then tears come, and like the rain on the ropes, they brace us up, until perhaps the strain become too great, and we break. But King Laugh he come like the sunshine, and he ease off the strain again, and we bear to go on with our labor, what it may be.” I'm getting references to the real world and what it is as we speak, and maybe always is, behind the scenes and curtains. Many leaders and powerful people (not all of them of course) keep ignoring what happens in the world because of their personal goals they think are optimal only for themselves. Sometimes it goes way too far, and a whole nation is affected in ways that might not be restored even in hundreds of years to come. The people of the nation might be told that there is good in what the leaders decide and that their world will be a much better place. King Laugh comes and gives them hope and trust. 6 months later the nation has been cut off from the world completely, and their leader's closest followers drop off one by one. A future of pain, agony and loss is inbound, and the people of the nation almost if forced to leave their homes, their cities, and even their country. This only because of ONE HUMAN BEING. So unfair. I usually don't bring up this kind of subjects but I just can't shut up on what's happening. But what about the music? It's really inspired by what's happening in the world. Inflation is almost all-time high (for as long as I've lived), food and electricity is at peak levels in costs, my country's currency is all-time weak. It's hard times, very hard times. Halloween is coming up, and I got myself a new synthesizer (with a really nice pipe organ, listen for it at the intro and outro). There is tons of synth sounds from Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygene and Equinoxe albums as well, really cool! The original song is first heard in Castlevania from NES, but returns in several other Castlevania games. It's a great song with surprisingly many sections. Oh, and I found a really disgusting female demon scream you can hear in the intro right after the pipe organ section. I would prefer to never enter a house and hear that scream. My own half tempo section with the solo is all in influenced by the present world and musically influenced by Dream Theater, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and the soundtrack of Unreal Tournament 2004. It's the same kind of chord progression I used in the last section of Bowser's Castle from Mario Kart 64. A really mysterious and dark atmosphere, nothing but minor chords which kind of says it all. I don't want to sound too depressing though, and finished off with a classic sus-major chord from the pipe organ, just like in many psalms, chorals, hymns or whatever. There is still hope! And never shall we give up the world, and how we want it to be. A happy place, where all are friends and acting with respect and love for others. *blink*
  5. https://youtu.be/lhpri7saOwU Remix of Metal Man theme from Mega Man 2 released on christmas eve 1988 for Nintendo (NES) I really felt like doing something from an old classic Mega Man game. The choice landed on Metal Man's theme from Mega Man 2! The original is a real banger indeed! So what was I thinking during the creation of this one, well... I thought: "something funky, something bangy, something ambient, something beautiful, something cool, combined with some of that nostalgia and memories". Can't go wrong. But something did go wrong for sure, after I finished the transcription of the original parts everything went blank. My imagination and ideas were totally gone. Lucky me, it only lasted for a day, but that's way too long for me since I've got so little time doing this. Oh man, I wish one day were like 28 hours instead of 24, would be so amazing to have more time for this. Something new I learned doing this remix: I will not listen to the song to be remixed for several hours before writing it. I think my ideas got more narrow because of that, not making enough room for improvisation and taking a step or two outside the box. The hardest part of this song: definitely the bass. I didn't have any problems but it was the hardest part for sure. I could go in so many directions and got stuck several times writing bass lines that was the exact same as in other remixes of mine. I hope you dig the beats I created here, and that you're reliving some sweet memories of playing this game. This is the 2nd or 3rd most played Mega Man game for me, after Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 3. Take care folks! /Neon X
  6. https://youtu.be/4DT4SvMUSN8 This one took a lot of effort from me. I have been suffering hard from a mancold during the last week and meanwhile having a very hard time coming up with ideas of variations from especially the Underground theme I had to put in a lot of extra effort to go through with this. Colds can affect your music creation for sure, I really learned that now xD So I hope this sounds good with levels, panning and the overall mixing, because the cold kind of made my ears and nose canals really thick and my hearing was very affected. I wanted to release this now no matter what, and the consequences from the cold on this remix will be a reminder of how it affected me. So what about the music, first thing I wanted to do something no one's ever done with the Underground theme. Not that I'm looking around searching for remixes that are similar to my own, but putting these chords over the underground melody is nothing I've encountered so far. Nor have I encountered the variation of the underwater melody I wrote to the same chords. Mission accomplished I guess! I also made a more naked variation of the underground theme (1:01) with totally new chords followed by an ambience break (1:16). The ambience break is filled with african skin percussives and yet another underwater melody variation which evolves into a half tempo section (1:46) followed by Dream Theater inspired section (2:06). At 2:24 the song goes back to the initial underground theme and ends with a beatless short section with a reverbed synth underwater variation at 2:43. I guess there are several easter eggs to find in this remix, one of them is the coin and swim sounds I pulled from SMB3. Actually, putting a moderate amount of reverb to the coin SFX really makes it sound beautiful (given it goes in line with the key signature)! I hope you enjoy it, see you soon my friends!
  7. Another VGM Frenchcore remix of mine! ? This time it's "Zone A" theme from "Chip and Dale" on NES. Obviously this track isn't for all ears, but what the hell? I like it! ? Say CHEEEEEEESE! ?
  8. My very old remix of the main theme of the NES game "Alien 3". Even though it was released in 2015, I am still proud of this work! ?
  9. Main part done. Still have some adjusting to do; breakdown might be re-written, gonna see if it grows on me. PS: Tried posting the embedded code, but I can't get it to come up... dontknow..
  10. https://youtu.be/JSjXXrYRHHk My first sub 2 minute remix, but still contains so many elements and variations. This could also be the most fun song I ever took under my wings. With the original reggae style I could easily add jazz and some blues elements, and spice it up with a pinch of synthwave. SMB3 was (and still is I think) my favourite Super Mario game so far. But then I haven't even played any Super Mario from the 21st century except New Super Mario Bros for Wii U. SMB3 on NES and on SNES All Stars was so much joy and they hold so many memories from those days. The soundtrack is timeless and simple yet so memorable and fresh, I could imagine me remixing the whole SMB3 OST some day. Some of the "easter eggs" in this remix: After the solos the SMB3 Underwater theme intro is used but restyled - 1:32 And at the end of the Underwater theme the SMB3 "Enter level" sound is played with a lot of reverb, but pitched down a whole tone to fit the key signature - 1:34 I used african skin percussive together with GameBoy drums on several parts I hope you enjoy listen to this, I really enjoyed creating it. And if it goes well I definitely will do more of this kind. There are many Super Mario themes that could apply for this style. /Neon X
  11. https://youtu.be/F9XpI-clEiE THIS IS MY FINAL REMIX FROM MEGA MAN 3! At last, I've really come to the end of this fantastic remix journey for one of the most amazing video game soundtracks ever made. For this grand finale I've created something completely new. The original Password theme is more of a swing genre song, I remade it to an 80's billboard hit (kidding), no but the sound is very similar to the 80s decade with warm tones and floating chords along with those synth plucks and piano synth melodies. For the main melody I'm using my alternate signature lead synth. Starting off with that classic 80s fade in including distant chords and muffed pluck, I was looking for that happy feeling you get from the moment of resolution in 80s high school movies, when the main character's love finally admits the love is mutual from his/her side (or something alike). With that said, I'm finishing this remixed soundtrack with a feel-good-song, I hope you will enjoy it! For the first time ever, I'm raising the key one note in the end for an even more uplifting feeling (maybe too much of a cliché, but I'm doing it anyway).
  12. https://youtu.be/13PamW4wmFA I had a hard time starting this one off, with too little motivation and ideas I initially just transcribed it to have that part done. I soon realized the section starting at 0:12 is all about samba or maybe bossa nova, really special in comparison to the rest of MM3's music. I took that as an advantage and kind of synthified and NeonXified it to what you can hear now. I hope you like it, I thought it was kind of cool and not very similar to recent remixes I've written. Then, at 0:41, the original takes a turn to another genre, and so did I. This is more of a light version of my own synthwave style, but with many chord and key changes not very similar to what I usually do. Starting off at 1:10, I did something completely new - a synthwave oriental section starting with some ambient melodies, and then continue with a (nowadays mandatory) solo section (1:38), still with that synthwave oriental touch. I leave all details to the listerers to discover for themselves My inspiration to this remix is a plan I've got for a project I will try to carry through this summer. It's an outdoor bar/dinner place/barbeque area/sun deck. I'm imagining a lot of scenes, light settings, music, drinks, food, good friend's company, and family quality time. Especially the samba/bossa nova section represents all the good times we will get from this in the future. The light synthwave section represent all work that has to be done to reach the goal of having this project finished. And the oriental synthwave section might just represent the toughness, sweat and tears we'll have to endure until it's finished.
  13. https://youtu.be/OyzUjhCxkwA A song with many variations and genres! I took advantage of all original sections in this one and experimented with different genres, the result is kind of a cinematic remix, like a song from a movie spiced with my ordinary synthwave style. I wanted the remix to feel like a story told only with atmosphere, melodies and beats. What the story goes like is up to the listener, naturally affected by the story in MM3 of course. I hope this song brings back memories for you guys, it sure did for me! You know, writing these remixes is not totally emotionless or mechanic, it's a process of emotions, feelings and memories. And I can never imagine what memories it brings back, old or new. Since the original is very naked (no drums or percussions), only played with 3-4 instruments, this really is a heavily arranged version of it, I think I used 13 instruments (including drums and percussion) and 1 FX.
  14. https://youtu.be/3gwEv3T01T4 After watching all Twilight movies during the last week I was emotionally affected, and as usual it affects how my music turns out. As a boss fight this remix might not have that intensity all the time, but it got lots of emotions and state of minds, also lots of parts! The part introduced at 0:47 is of hope during hard times/battles (just like I did in the MM3 Boss Battle remix), this however is much inspired by the music of a band called Liquid Tension Experiment (J Petrucci, J Rudess, T Levin and Mike Portnoy) which I've listened to countless hours back in the days. The first "break" part at 0:24 have several sources of inspiration, among them the Twilight movies that I recently watched. I wanted to create some sad feeling together with an imagination of a scene where the big boss and the protagonist find themselves equally matched, takes a paus and get into a deep conversation, with a proposal to just lay down their weapons, stop the battle and leave in peace. Then at 0:47 they almost comes to an agreement, but big boss just can't accept he couldn't defeat the protagonist and start the battle once again at 1:09. But after just a moment at 1:25 big boss realize this isn't gonna work, they need to come to an agreement or they both will not survive this battle. They talk for a while, and at 1:37 the protagonist is suggesting a pretty good deal they both can accept. Like a sigh of relief they part ways at 1:48 and hope is the winner of this battle where both sides survive. I hope you like my take on this theme, thanks for listening and reading!
  15. https://youtu.be/7tmfVg5Z1NQ Recently a dear relative passed away. As I write this the funeral is just a couple of days away, and the mood and feelings in me have begun to adjust for it. I think it's an important thing to know when listening to this remix since music I write is strongly affected by my current feelings, mood and energy. There is a sad mood and atmosphere over this remix (duh), the original is more distonal and a bit horrifying, but in the first place I wanted to create a more harmonically beautiful piece to keep some distance to the original, the sadness came with my loss. Almost all melodies in my remix are original compositions which makes this quite unique and almost completely my own. The only thing I actually reused exactly as it is from the original is the tones of the bass, however the chords are totally new. There is two layers of pluck synths which plays near the chords harmony and kind of never stops, it gives the remix a special atmosphere. The drums is my ordinary drum synth together with a couple of GameBoy drums, straight and clean beat. I felt like changing the video background after I finished the remix, I thought this is one was a better match to the mood and atmosphere, and it also kind of made me feel better because of the color scheme!
  16. https://youtu.be/oG0EW0X1UBw The first time I heard the original I thought it had such potential for a really fat refrain (section 2 starting at 0:27). I tried to apply some fat drums and a deep straight on bass to that section. I also tripled the melody voicing at 0:40 from a doubled one. Overall I always thought this is a cool song, I always like a bass playing the same note where the chords change above it. At 0:52 I did a completely new section where a couple of plucks playing different shapes together with an ever rising chord progression and bass. Then it takes off at 1:07 with a very much MegaMan inspired groove from an octaved unison lead synth over a half tempo groove followed by a solo starting off at 1:20 where I put a massive amount of delay on the lead synth. Next up is a variation of the main theme (section 1) where I occassionally change the drum beat time signature to 3/4 from 1:48, but the rest still plays in 4/4 which gives a confusing but yet progressive and controlled groove. Finishing up with another fat refrain where I pitch up the melody voicings an octave to get a peak, and then pull it all down to minimum level of intensity at 2:52 with a single bass tone under some changing chords. I tried to get an unpleasant atmosphere in those chords together with a similar feeling of when you're listening to James Bond themes. On top of that there is a xylophone playing one repetitive tone in this last section, and also in section 1 (from the beginning and at 1:36).
  17. https://youtu.be/raS81bYxK2g I went straight into this knowing I wanted it to be styled just like my Gemini Man remix. I think that synthwave jazz style is very adaptable to this song. My favourite part of this remix is 1:19 to 1:26 which is half way through a solo when my alternate lead synth plays unison with a piano and making some unexpected rhythm and melodies before a short silenced pause. Feels so groovy and jazzy. I made some alternate chord progressions in some sections of this song, for example at 0:32 to 0:45 where the key changes slightly in a way you probably heard in many progressive styled songs. I played that kind of chord progressions a lot when I went to a music high school at the age of 17-19 years old, and also after that. It's something you can apply to many styles and get a really beautiful sound and atmosphere from. If you noticed in this song, the bass almost plays the same note at all times, but with a nice groove to it. This also gives a very special harmony to the chords, when the bass note stays the same and the chords are moving underneath it. An example for you who is interested in music theory, the refrain (from 0:32) goes like: DbAdd11, Abm7/Db, A6#11/Db, Gb6sus9/Db where the third chord, A6#11/Db, gives that key change effect that I think is so beautiful, despite the bass staying at Db. Another cool thing about the refrain is right after these chords it goes up a couple of keys from Db to E which I just love in the original as well. In its entirety I think this theme is so good and remixing/cover it was true pleasure and joy. I hope you can chill with it or just dig it as much as I do. About the background, I tried to create some kind of widescreen monitoring the first part of the stage itself. MegaMan is watching carefully as he needs to go in there and infiltrate Wily's fortress. I hope you all like this! Thanks for reading and listening.
  18. https://youtu.be/I4Gh3jeTFZ8 Because of the nostalgia it brings to you, I wanted the start of this song to sound just like the original but with some new instrumentation. Then I took advantage of the original 3/4 tempo but remade it like that good old 6/8. The original is a very short theme, I think I doubled the length at least, but since it is supposed to be the intro of the upcoming Fortress themes I kept it short. At the start of the song I wanted to sample that alarming sound you hear from Wily's flying shuttle just before this song starts in the game, but unfortunately the sampling went terrible so I skipped it. But now you know that I wanted to add it at least success There are many minor 7 chords in this song, but I extended it with a section that successively slows down and consists of a clean C minor followed by an A minor7b5 to get a tension effect and a feeling of uncompletion, very much intentional.
  19. https://youtu.be/GIbvLsBuWTU This remix is quite straight forward my ordinary style, many enhancements from the original song and a couple of new sections I composed. I was so hungry for a metallic hit (also used in my remix of "The Man With The Machine Gun", and another unreleased remix). I put it in a half tempo section at 1:09 to get that headbanger vibe and a stronger impact to the listener, I hope you like it of course! My new composed section at 0:35 and 1:24 has the intention of providing a stream of hope during hard times or hard battles. It is based on the standard drum and bass beat of this theme with a nice chord progression over it.
  20. https://youtu.be/1PlLWMABKpg During the creation of this I remade it several times. First when I got the refrain as that funky groove I decided to go all in on that funk lane. Having my mind on a futuristic weapon manufacturing process and that art of Mega Man when he has cables connected to him I was inspired to a more funky/synthy piece than usual. Combining that thought with vibes from classic 80s TV commercial songs I knew exactly what I was looking for. After a bit tweaking with rhythmic details and variations I was finally happy with how the remix sounded. I hope you can groove along until the end! There is small unique details throughout this whole piece. Let the machinery begin!
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcKELb0KsMc Before I started producing this I read about Dracula and wanted to base the atmosphere and content of this song on that. I know Bloody Tears often is referred to totally different scenarios in the games but... Well, this is my way right now. I pictured his castle (the one in the background art), intimidating and terrifying (represented by the fearsome laugh at 0:29), I can't imagine the feeling if I should stand outside its gates and hear that laugh. I also pictured how lonely Dracula must be, and that he for almost an eternity has been a resident of that vast castle. Dracula himself says a lot about love and life of men in books and movies, how he envy the simple life of mankind and the short lifespan (Dracula has kind of eternal life) while he struggles against time and, most of all, against his own sanity. I sampled a sound (at 2:01) of night crickets, humming monks and finally a church bell sequently to create a feeling of nightly calm, spiritualty and Dracula's nocturnal life which I think plays a part in Dracula's nature connected to his sanity. The arrangement of this song has ups and downs, just like the sanity I picture within Dracula. It has hope and despair - what if Dracula just try to live among us, with us and create a "normal" life, seek love and dedicates himself to whomever he loves. Oh, but he can't, the eternal life that he has been given just don't fit among us. And his knowledge of the past comes with deep prejudices and certain ways of how one should treat and behave. Can he adapt to the present? It has anxiety and harmony - who can he love? Will he be forced to curse his loved ones with eternal life to commit to love and dedication? What if his life is a gift just as it is? The extraordinary abilities, eternal life and knowledge absorbed from ages ago until today. They are with no doubt useful. Can he make himself available to mankind without consequences or misuse? It has denial and acceptance - Dracula always had two choices, he could shield himself off from the rest of the world, or he could accept who he is, and fight for himself to be a part of the world of mankind. But will mankind ever accept such a terrifying creature, so dangerous, but yet so polite and mature. His purpose and actions must be very clarified and transparent, but can he be trusted despite that? To get more serious: On top of that, Dracula wants a Halloween party - every year, which my straight 4/4 beats in this song represents. The end of the song which is in half tempo represents how Dracula, despite all invitations sent, ends up dancing by himself in laserbeams, smoke and lit up candlelabras, high on drugs and wine, just floating through time within the walls of his castle in large halls.
  22. https://youtu.be/TuTqBZ7sYGA A very cool original theme even if it is a short one. I tried to stick close to the original and apply my style to it. You will also hear some new parts in my remix which just came to me pretty natural when transcribing the original. The vibes and flow in this theme is so good in my opinion, I think I might have captured that just a bit in my remix. I could listen to this on repeat for a very long time and jamming with my guitar to it. I wasn't sure what art to use for this so I took a snapshot of the actual select screen and only kept the boss portraits (along with Rock Light of course, which is his real name)
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