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Greetings to all. I've recently put what I hope are the finishing touches on my first serious game remix--I chose one of my favorite games, the original Rayman, and took the theme of Betilla the Fairy (the one who gives him powers 'n stuff) for the subject of my mix.

You can get the original song here, for a reference. Then, head over to this link to hear the remix.

Most of what I was trying to do in this mix was keep the original "feel" of the song. Dreamy and beautiful, just what I really enjoy. I figured those qualities would translate well into trance, as well as the main melody. I really like how it turned out, personally. I hope you like it too, and I look forward to hearing some comments!

Here's the million dollar question--is it worth officially submitting to OCR?


Overall, its pretty good. You have the right idea but the beginning sounds a little weird to me. Also, the bass needs something more, more umph or something because they sound a little flat right now. I've never played the games but I like the melodies and stuff in this song a lot. The melodies definitely sound spot on and you shouldn't have to do too much more to them.

O by the way, this mix isn't exactly trance its more like dance/club or hard trance at the very least.


This is really nice, but I think it needs some more variation and stuff IMO, nice breakdown though. The piano with the melody needs to come out a bit more I think, oooh and add a longer reverb effect to it, just don't swamp it with reverb :P

I guess if I was on a dance floor, I wouldn't really notice the gripes I have, but this is OCR; and stuff here gets noticed. A lot. I'm not the best critiquer, and hopefully other peeps will be able to fill you in more on what needs to be fixed.


This is pretty good stuff. What you have in this song is pretty darn good, but the first half is very repetitive. I'd work on varying it up more; possibly adding an accompaniment such as a flute, strings/violin or piano. Overall, the whole song probably wouldn't make it if you submitted it currently, but it's not very far from the bar. I'd say if you tweaked it up a bit, you could get this passed. Overall quality and arrangement is very good. I'd definitely keep working on this one. Excellent job!:wink:


You could probably cut out the fiurst 30 seconds. You can probably leave the bass drum alone if raise the master EQ's low range - which will fix both the drum and the bass which currently feels kind'a weak. I don't think this is YES material just yet, but I can hear it being accepted sometime soon. Compare your production with that of Blind's works.

Arrangementwise, this is good, but very repetitive, not just in the beginning. I'd scavenge the source for more bits and pieces to add, whether it's lead melody or just backing melodies. Nothing's stopping you from making a variation to the lead melody, a variation that can be traced back to the source.

Overall, it's good. It needs more polishing and some cuts, but it sounds promising to me. Great job man!


Nice choice for the source. I haven't heard this music since playing Rayman for the Gameboy Advance. And the PS1 version sounds a whole lot better.

Your remix is very repetitive indeed, but you were trying to follow the trance genre to a tee, extending sections to 32 or 64 bars before adding new changes. Trim everything down so you essentially get a "radio mix", if you know what I mean. Reassemble the parts of the source into new ways, like bringing some of the backing instruments to the front.

The production is well-made, though. And if it weren't for the repetition issues I would say this mix is ready to go.


Hey dude awesome choice of game, Rayman music is totally ignored.

I'd get rid of the club intro. Mix sounds pretty good but maybe add more incidental parts and fx, otherwise you'll probably get busted on it being too repetitive. I'd change up the melody too.

Definitely work on this, this site needs some Rayman love.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there! Didn't pick up the 1st wip, but i'm going through the second one now, see what I can find.

First off, overall I really dig the feel of it. Sounds professional, as a trance song I think it's great. Some personal opinion for refinement though.

For starters, most of the long buildups could use shortening. From :29 to :58 could easily be half as long and keep the same purpose. Its too long and can easily be cut down to keep the piece moving faster. Another thing that is too long is the drum roll starting at 1:59. Sure its a fine effect, but it doesn't really need to start that early, and would make for a more exciting crescendo if it started at 2:12ish. I mean it lasts almost a full 30 seconds; no drum roll buildup need last that long.

Two more things. When you add in the gated synth in the second half of the piece, I feel like it would be a much greater impact if it were more full and prominent. It doesn't have quite the presence it potentially could, it could do a lot if eq'd right. Last thing is not SUCH a big deal, but personally I think you could take a little bit more creative liberty with the bassline. I know its supposed to be constant quarters, that's all well and good, but it can do more than "unts unts unts" its way to the end. Sticking in a little more variation here and there can go a long way in adding dynamics to a piece.

Anyhow, despite the long post it is a very good song, I'm just wordy. I hope you fix it up so I see it frontpaged one day!

EDIT: Tried to go back and listen to it today, both links are broken! Boo :(


You've got a really annoying noise pad thing at 0:3X and lasts about 20 seconds. When it's rhythmic after the 1:00 break, it's better. Drums sound great, tho the snare could use a little nudge more volume. The snare roll could start at a lower volume, and have a sharper peak before waning at 2:30. When it comes back, it's good, tho it's lost it's effect a bit.

Piano (higher notes) and trance rhythm thing needs some more volume, they're drowning. Wait, is the piano EQ'd to lose their highest frequencies? Cool, but the high mids need to be louder then.

Overall, this is ass-kicking stuff, seriously. It's awesome! A bit too much snare roll, and some tweaks lefgt to do, but I'd YES this after some minor fixes. Dunno if that means the J™'s will, but at least it means it's good. :D


Alright! Any more comments before I make the final revision? As far as the length goes, this is about as short a track as I can possibly make. I'm used to making 6-9 minute tracks! 8)

By the way, I REALLY appreciate all the comments given. I've been able to take this track a lot further than I would originally have taken it. Thanks so much for all your help, WIPers!


Hey there, nothing much more from me, just if you wanna think about upping the gated synths a weeee wee bit, maybe test it out and see how it sounds? Aside from that great job on this, I'm pulling for you.

Haha for as much good as that does.

NICE WORK :nicework:

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