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I bought a Wii and Mario Kart today. My sister and I played a quick game and it seemed pretty fun. I prefer the GC controls to the Wheel though. Hopefully I'll get wi-fi sorted out tonight.


Okay, so here I am, getting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and never going below 3rd. I get into the 7,000 bracket, and I'm going toe to toe with an 8,000+ guy. I'm right behind him the whole time.

I chunk three frikkin' red shells at him and they all evaporate. He doesn't slow down a bit. He gets a banana and I get another red shell. I chunk it directly at him. It disappears, and doesn't even take his banana away.

What the heck is going on? Is this guy cheating or is there some special maneuver for making red shells literally disappear?


I mean, this guy evaporated four red shells. I would've beaten him for first otherwise. It just ain't right. I'm thinking that some of the players on there know something that we don't or either its some error like you said.

Also, I've had places change too. My GF got second last night, although she appeared to be in third.


I played for the first time today. I've noticed that your shells/bananas don't always slow down the person they hit, but if I get hit by one, by golly I get slowed down. Whats up with that? And is that blue aura around every banana and shell? Why make it easier to notice obsticles?

I still prefer the N64 version after today. I don't understand why they would make so many bad changes to a great game.

I mean, this guy evaporated four red shells. I would've beaten him for first otherwise. It just ain't right. I'm thinking that some of the players on there know something that we don't or either its some error like you said.

Also, I've had places change too. My GF got second last night, although she appeared to be in third.

Yeah, I've been dropped into second after crossing the finish line. It was...irritating, to say the least. Especially when it was to a really good racer I had been sweating to catch up to for the last few tracks. I really think I have never cursed at a video game as much as I have at Mario Kart Wii.

The fact that he evaporated four shells does make you wonder. But I'd think we would have heard something about a shell-dodging trick by now...


The only game that has pissed me off more than Mario Kart is Blaster Master. Spend two hours getting to the last level. Fall on the spikes. Die. Repeat. I literally broke a Gamecube controller on my forehead playing Mario Kart Double Dash.

Anyway, I'm adding you as a friend Majin. Don't be afraid. I can't punch you through the screen.


I've also had similar strange instances of things occurring on the internet play. Red shells evaporating behind a player, then appearing to hit them 3 seconds later. Someone driving through a bomb I threw right in front of them. This can get irritating when you don't know if someone is actually in the position they appear to be.

Biggest place drop was from an apparent 2nd to fifth, when the other players were quite a distance behind. But its all in the fun of the game I guess. I've had one instance of a problem when trying to connect with a friend on worldwide play. It would appear that I was joining him, but for some reason it would put me in a different game altogether. And at other times it wouldn't even recognise he was online even though I knew he was, because I was on the phone to him at the time. I just hope it works when I plan to play him tomorrow night.

I've also added/going to add all the people on the database. My number is 3523-2384-7765. Hope to race you guys sometime soon.

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