eviljoker7075 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 That's right, I've not given up on Deus Ex yet! This is my second (but first solo) attempt at remixing the music from the first UNATCO level in the original Deus Ex game. Not really much more to say about it, I hope you like it, is it worth submitting yet? Cheers Kev http://muzicommedia.net/remix/UNATCO%20(EJ's%20Midnight%20Mix).mp3 Quote
OverCoat Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Finally, another UNATCO remix! Worth submitting? Well, it's already better than my old VGMix. Still, there's a few issues I think the judges will look for. The song doesn't really go anywhere, the song doesn't have any high points or low points. Then again, for a chill electronic piece, this isn't really required. At least in my book. You might also improve the mixing to make the song sound a bit more full - the panning is already good. Try experimenting with stereo separation and use the EQ to give the drums a bit more presence. Not so much that they drown out the synths though I would suggest logging onto irc.enterthegame.com and joining #ocrwip for some probably better feedback. You're already cool for mixing Deus Ex, and I think this song has some potential, but force feedback [lol] out of some more people because I probably missed some key issues and I can't figure out what they are. Quote
BlueMage Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Oooh, I'm liking this. So far, captures Mr Brandon's original quite nicely. Builds up well to my (untrained) ear. Like whatever those are that come in around 2:56, flesh things out nicely they do. overall, it does sound repetitive, but given the source track, I won't say that's inappropriate. I'd also be keen to hear your other Deus Ex stuff - it just doesn't get the love it deserves. Quote
Rozovian Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 It's a nice piece, but alltogether a little too simple. Synths are simple. Sequencing is simplistic. Arrangement is based around repetition. Mixing sounds raw. It could use some more complex synths (in most synths, you can control attributes via envelope or lfo without changing the sound compeltely). They work as they are, but they'd be better with more life. Working on meshing another rhythm with the one you've already got might get you somewhere. You're basically just playing everything on the same rhythm throughout. And while it's a good rhnythm, it gets repetitive. At least change the instrument somewhere. For most part, you should abandon the strategy of "add instrument, repeat", and focus on building transitions instead. While I can tolerate this kind of arrangement in electronica (which this is), I prefer more creative arrangments. Use breaks, use other means of moving the song forward. Often, you've got several instruments fighting ove the same frequency area. It's best to avoid this, or at least EQ them to different ends of the area they have in common. You also need more bass. It's not submittable yet, but it sounds interesting enough to be at some point in the near future. Good work! Quote
eviljoker7075 Posted February 26, 2008 Author Posted February 26, 2008 ok, loads to relpy to there!! First of all thanks for the critical reviews, and I'm glad (for the ost part) that you liked it! As for the criticisms, I am working on the structure of the song, and will probably add another (different) section. For now I've updated the file with some EQing done. I'm still getting used to using Live so it's a bit crude at the moment, but better than nothing I suppose. Please check out the new version and tell me if I'm heading in the right direction? http://muzicommedia.net/remix/UNATCO%20(EJ's%20Midnight%20Mix).mp3 Quote
eviljoker7075 Posted February 29, 2008 Author Posted February 29, 2008 sorry to bump... but anyone have any comments on the new version? Quote
Rozovian Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 Bass drum doesn't sound good on its own, either let it slowly come in via a cutoff sweep, let it be accompanied by a bass or the hihats, or just don't have it enter so early. You used a cutoff sweep later on, using it on the drums in the intro might be good. Try it. I'm hearing some more bass, so nice job on the EQ. I'm sure it can get better, butat least it's better than the last version. I'm looking for a key change, a change in chord structure, something that'll mix it up more. It gets kind'a repetitive, even tho you're having instruments enter and exit all the time. Play around with the source, see if you can play it over different chords. I'll repeat: "It's not submittable yet, but it sounds interesting enough to be at some point in the near future. Good work!" Quote
BlueMage Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 The front-range synths (the ones that really grab your attention) are now too loud - they drown out everything behind them. I'm still enjoying the laid-back groove. The synths also sound sharper - softening them could improve the overall sound of the track. Also, I have no idea how that is accomplished. Quote
Rozovian Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 The synths also sound sharper - softening them could improve the overall sound of the track. Cutoff knob on the synth settings. Don't turn it down too much. Adding an EQ and dropping the high range a dB or two might work too. Quote
eviljoker7075 Posted March 5, 2008 Author Posted March 5, 2008 Ok, I've done a third version... This one is quite a bit different: - I've made loads of sections shorter, cutting out those long intros and "repeat-phrase-with-new-instrument-added" bits -I've added another section in the middle (it's short I know, but breaks the song up a bit more I think!) -The drums are sounding better... -...as is "that lead synth" which was too loud -finally, some vocal samples from the game Let me know what you think: http://muzicommedia.net/remix/UNATCO%20(EJ's%20Midnight%20Mix).mp3 Quote
BlueMage Posted March 6, 2008 Posted March 6, 2008 Vocals :/ um ... yeah. Vocals. They don't really suit the piece. Can definitely hear the synths are softer, big improvement there. I really liked what you were doing with the 2nd version - my complaints were only nitpicks, and as best I can tell, of the mastering/EQing variety. I'm afraid the vocals do not add value here. Quote
eviljoker7075 Posted March 6, 2008 Author Posted March 6, 2008 hmmm, is it worth submitting yet? Quote
Rozovian Posted March 6, 2008 Posted March 6, 2008 Weird effect on the vocals. Also, I'm not sure the J's are gonna like them. I don't remember OCR's take on using voice samples from the game, but the J's can answer that better themselves. Besides, those samples get both cheesy and repetitive. Unfortunately, they sound like something of a necessity. See if you can find some musical hook to use instead. The drums still need work. They feel a bit poorly matched. There's a really high-range ticking sound you use as a hihat towards the second half of the track. Doesn't work well, and the panning doesn't really work for it either. I think adding another hihat effect would even it out enough. You know the ending is cut off, so I don't have to point that out to you. I like the ending tho, it cuts down to bass, then suddenly rises again and dies out. That's a good ending for a track like this. I think the bass could use a little more volume, or just EQ'd to ahve a bit more bass. I think there's some frequency rivalry between the bass and another instrument alternating octaves, which is unfortunate. See if you can separate the tracks using EQ by dropping one's low range levels and raising the other's. It's also lacking in the high range. There's some resonance from the "lead" and some other instruments, but ultimately, the way to get a full sound up there is to use a hihat or a more clean hi-range instrument. I recommend hihat for this remix. But overall, it's pretty promising. there's those production issues to deal with, but this track has loads of potential, methinks. As much trouble I'm having getting a key change someplace good in my own wip, this track needs some kind of soundscape change. The section you added passed me by, but the track overall did feel less repetitive than before. I think it still needs a bigger change. Raising everything two semitone towards the end is the classic move, but doing it earlier might work better for this track. I said it before, I'll say it again: "It's not submittable yet, but it sounds interesting enough to be at some point in the near future. Good work!" Quote
Liontamer Posted March 6, 2008 Posted March 6, 2008 Nothing wrong with using in-game voice samples. Much like any idea or technique though, don't overdo it. That's not from a "this is a violation" point of view, but rather a "keep it tasteful" point of view. Quote
eviljoker7075 Posted March 7, 2008 Author Posted March 7, 2008 Ok, big update now. Really i've not done that much to it, production wise. I've extended the middle section and added a keychange at the end. I did a little to the high-hats, but only in the key change section at the end. Wanna get opinions on the structure first before I start polishing it off!! Thoughts now? http://muzicommedia.net/remix/UNATCO%20(EJ's%20Midnight%20Mix).mp3 Quote
Rozovian Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Middle section addition first felt like a medley-itic transition to next source, but you pulled it off. Great work! And great lead for it, too. Also, I'm not hearing the same hard headache-inducing ticking hihat noises in the end this time. Good fix, good addition, good wip. The drums feel a bit cheap, but I can't relaly help you much with that. You should go to #ocrwip for feedback, or hope someone that knows more about drum samples and mixing them finds your wip. Quote
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