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Hello and welcome!

This post is a spur of the moment thing, and completely and totally impulsive.

Hello, and welcome to FPHC01!~

FPHC stands for Four-Part Harmony Competition, and this compo will take entries based on themes or lyrics where the entrant has written a multi-part harmony to fit the theme. Yes, this is a singing compo.


1) Entrant must write a 2, 3, or 4-part harmony which uses most, if not all, of the words provided in sequence, or repetition. (Use common sense).

2) Entrants are NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY FORM OF AUTOTUNING. This includes any proper auto-tuner, vocoders, etc. Anybody caught using any autotuner will be disqualified.

3) Either upload to your own webspace, and PM me the link (DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY IN THE THREAD OR YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED) or email the song to me at [email removed]

4) Entrants may supply only one entry.

5) Collabs are allowed, and encouraged. If you participate in a collab, you may enter with either 1 collab, 1 solo and 1 collab, or 2 collabs (with different people).

6) Entries must be 100% A Capella.


The voting stage will be done via PM.

- You will choose your top 3 entries (Or top 2, or only 1).

- Number 1 will receive 3 points, Number 2 will receive 2 points, and Number 3 will receive 1 point.

- You cannot vote for yourself, however, any entrant that votes will automatically have 1 point added to his/her score.

- Voting for this week's compo will end Wednesday 3/12/08 at 11:59PM EDT

COMPO TO END ON 3/9/08 11:59PM EDT









1 - norg - 25

2 - Escariot - 11

3 - DrumUltimA - 10

4 - Nickthoven - 8

5 - injury (starla) - 7

6 - Flik - 1


- DrumUltimA

- Escariot

- norg

- Nickthoven

- Flik

- injury (starla)


This week's theme is brought to you by #ocremix and RizBow.

"i'm double majoring in mechanical engineering and physics, i use to draw everyday for years, but i wana pick up the pencil again, my singing is getting half way decent, i'm almost as good as frank sinatra, but i haven't been training that much lately, i've reached world class status in 3 video games, i'm barely starting to play racquet ball, i have terrible flexibility and i probably will never have good flexibility"


This will end in such a short period of time because there is already painful amounts of interest on IRC, and I just posted the link. Further FPHCs will have more advance notice... yey...

Edited by Escariot
if i can throw something together...i'm there.

edit - dude, make it longer. like, by a week. please?

This one is like... half-joking... Kind of a joke theme.. I'll post a new one Monday. Probably going to run Monday to Monday

Nick is my roommate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome! Welcome to Nick. Haven't seen you around before, so yeah...

Side note: This is quite possibly the best idea I've ever taken credit for.

the due date really, really needs to be extended on this. seriously.

It's already been extended from tonight at midnight to Sunday at midnight... The next one is coming out Monday... So I can't push it back any further



Seriously... Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight, the compo is closing at 11:59PM EDT. I've heard people tell me they are going to submit, but I've only received one other that wasn't mine.

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