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PRC116: Mega Groove-Busting in 20XX (Mega Man 7)

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Okay, so NOW we can get the voting stage off to a flying start.

So, this is what you're going to do. You're going to visit the Compo ThaSauce page and submit your vote at the bottom; you will select three mixes and organise them from first to third with a reasoning attached to it. Contestants are encouraged to do this as they will obtain three more points to their score if done. The winner of the previous contest (Sir Nuts) has a vote that will be doubled, so make sure you impress him. Due to ThaSauce's downtime, you will have until Tuesday, March 25th at 12 Noon EDT to make your decision. The winner will get to pick the source tune for PRC117!

bundeslang - Above the Clouds

Chickenwarlord - Fluffy White Things Man

OneUp - MegaMegaMix

setokaibaraocket - Lan Party

V - Waffle Dills in Clouds

The People's Remix Competition 116


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC115's Donkey Kong related contest gathered a decent amount of interest, making it a case of the regular versus the newbie versus the returner. And it was that returner that came through with the win - Sir Nuts pulling through with a chilled take on the source.

We're still with the SNES this week, and amusingly enough this game was released the same year as Diddy's second outing. What contrasts this though is that monkeys have been swapped for robots and instead of Crocodile Isle, it's a case of "welcome to 20XX". You'd better not have left Item-2 back home!


...after going through a big batch of songs I decided (as I always do) that I would just pick up something from a game that I like and be done with it(note to self: write this down, will save me hours next time). It's a great song, I like it a lot and can see myself giving it a try someday, I hope some people show the same interest to remix it for the comp.

Mega Man 7 - Cloud Man's Stage


How quaint; Shade Man was covered for the first ever PRC anniversary, and I never thought I'd see the same game return under my watch of the contest. But hey, time flows like a river and we might see history repeat itself... maybe...?


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, March 22nd at 4:59 am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.

Hmm, I had a listen to it, and I think I'll give it a shot if I'm not too busy at school this week. Oh, and it seems that you've accidentally linked to PRC114 on ThaSauce instead of 116 :P

Bah, it happened again! :P Copy-paste for the lose. It's fixed tho!


My remix is pretty much done, just have to finish it off before tomorrow after school when I submit (after Thursday the library's shut till Tuesday, so I won't be online). I couldn't use as much of the source tune in the mix as I would've liked but I think it'll sound nice =P

My remix is pretty much done, just have to finish it off before tomorrow after school when I submit (after Thursday the library's shut till Tuesday, so I won't be online). I couldn't use as much of the source tune in the mix as I would've liked but I think it'll sound nice =P

Good you remembered me of the Easter weekend. I probably won't have time Friday, so I better post my song tomorrow.

And don't think it's going to be legendary awesome, I just try to improve myself. Last place is mine, most likely.


Okay, so NOW we can get the voting stage off to a flying start.

So, this is what you're going to do. You're going to visit the Compo ThaSauce page and submit your vote at the bottom; you will select three mixes and organise them from first to third with a reasoning attached to it. Contestants are encouraged to do this as they will obtain three more points to their score if done. The winner of the previous contest (Sir Nuts) has a vote that will be doubled, so make sure you impress him. Due to ThaSauce's downtime, you will have until Tuesday, March 25th at 12 Noon EDT to make your decision. The winner will get to pick the source tune for PRC117!

bundeslang - Above the Clouds

Chickenwarlord - Fluffy White Things Man

OneUp - MegaMegaMix

setokaibaraocket - Lan Party

V - Waffle Dills in Clouds

DONE!! Its... unique

Oi!! Oz boy! Where bouts you at? I can see your house from here :P

EDIT: AHAHAH!!! Awesome awesome track dude! Nice bass, is that sampled or synthisized?

Hehe thanks man, yeah the bass is synthesized with Sytrus =D Oh and I'm from Geelong btw.


I hope to get SOME votes, except from my own three points for voting.

May the best mixer win.

If you don't want to vote for this, feel free to vote for PRC100


The deadline is something like august 2008 (if I remember correct).

I guess it's a mistake, I discovered it because it was the last round I didn't vote on (perhaps because the voting system was down/not done at that moment).


Actually, it's a mistake on MY part. o_O The entries there were unanimous so we didn't do any ThaSauce voting. Instead, I've got everyone's blurbs there and I was meant to send them all batched together. You've just reminded me that I STILL need to do that.

Anyway, the PRC is over. Now, let's see who ended up being one step closer to Dr Wily and who got defeated before they could use a single energy tank.

Total number of votes - 10

Total number of mixes - 5

Highest possible score - 30

Bundeslang begun his PRC time with a last place wooden spoon worth 6 points.

Chickenwarlord scraped his way into fourth place with 9 points.

setokaibarocket and V both said "g'day" to second place with 18 points each.

And the winner of PRC116 is OneUp with 21 points!

I guess genre mash-ups are a key component for interesting competition, and you managed to pull it off well enough to get this far. You know the drill now; I'm now expecting a PRC source tune by this Friday, and I'm sure you know what's generally required of the source tracks.

Thanks for your input everyone, and I'll see you all next weekend for PRC117!

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