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PRC117: Explosive Xantho Barbecues (Robowarrior)

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The People's Remix Competition 117


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC116 saw a strong heap of Mega Man coverage; not quite as optimistic as the turnout to Shade Man but as far as this season has gone we received one of the strongest turnouts there. Anyway, amidst the lot, it was a genre mashup fron OneUp that ensured the chooser of this week's source tune.

We've degraded to the blue bomber's origins - the NES - and we're still bombing around but with different kind of bombs altogether. Seen as a Bomber Man spin-off in Japan, our detonations expert for this round is ZED, seen launching his explosives towards the evil that is the Xantho empire.


So I found it. The perfect source!

I got hooked on this tune the first time I played this hard... no, hard is an understatement... this %¤#$£ stupid ass hard game. It's fun though.

Grab your accordions and get on with it!

Robowarrior - Keep Moving (First Stage)

MIDI | MP3 | NSF (track 2)

You heard what he said. Get cracking. Or if you don't have any accordions, kindly ask OverCoat to lend his :D


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, April 5th at 4:59 am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.


Yeah, OCR's downtime has pretty much influenced how this PRC is going to go. Oh well...

The mixing stage was over a long time ago. I might as well bring up the voting stage now so that you know before the site goes down again. You're to visit the ThaSauce link and fill out the form at the bottom of the screen, placing three of the mixes from first to third with a reasoning attached. Contestants are encouraged to do this as they will get a bonus 3 points if they do so. The winner of PRC116 (OneUp) has a vote that will count twice. You have until Tuesday, April 8th at 12 noon EDT to cast your vote. The winner will get to choose the source material for PRC118!

Binweasel - Folks, Nothing to See Here

Chickenwarlord - Slow Down

Sir Nuts - Mainframe Directives

ziniz - Keep Dancing OR I KEEL YOU


Thanks. I did enjoy chicken's, as it based its merits on mood and originality alone. Turning the original source upside down, and giving it a serious tone, I just wished the technical side was a bit more complicated, a more elaborated and less mechanichal arrangement for the left hand would have helped lots.

Anyways, that was kind of an extended review. Hope to see you all in the next PRC.


Aaaah, I completely suck; I never got a chance to apply the bonuses before now, which is like... nearly 2am out here. >.> Either way, even when applying them, the positiones haven't changed, so for those who aren't familiar enough already, here we go.

Total number of mixes: 4

Total number of votes: 6

Highest possible score: 18

ziniz begun his time at PRC with a last place wooden spoon worth 6 points.

binweasel polka-dotted his way to third place with 12 points.

Chickenwarlord made a leisurely stroll to second place with 13 points.

And the winner of PRC117 is Sir Nuts with 17 points!

Mike, you know the drill. I expect a PM in my inbox by Friday. Alternatively, I'll have MSN in use all day tomorrow so if it's possible to discuss the source tune there, then we can do so.

It turns out that by this stage, I'm not in any employment yet, so it seems as if I'm sticking as PRC host for a little while longer (possibly for the rest of the season). Odds are that once I'm done with PRC130, I will most likely pass the torch to bundeslang unless there are any objections to it.

Either way, I will catch you all on Friday, more on time than tonight would ever be. :P


Oh, you can read the Reasons... would've put more thought into 'em if I knew that. Heh. Good job, everyone!

Blimey, third place. Never quite expected that, considering my shoddy production...


I'm not too concerned production wise - I personally felt you had one of the more creative interpretations in the entire round, so color me surprised by your work in that field.

Still, as long as you keep up your strengths and work on your criticisms, I'm sure you'll be able to go places. Who knows, maybe you'll get to pick a source tune someday :)

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