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I feel your pain, I Gotta wait 2 weeks for my Elite to come. That and spending $250, Which I don't have, on it in the first place.

No issues here, knock on wood.

I might actually buy a second 360 when they start shipping with blu-ray drives... makes no sense to me buying a blu-ray player for $300-400 and not adding the extra $50-100 to make it a PS3 or XB360...

Not just satisfied having a 360 & PS3? :razz:


Call me crazy, but I'd rather just go for the Wii, 360 and a Bluray drive for the PC or player. The PS3 needs to settle down with all its technical issues and its constant controller/software revisions. I also want to replace my Wii with one that has a hard drive..

Call me crazy, but I'd rather just go for the Wii, 360 and a Bluray drive for the PC or player. The PS3 needs to settle down with all its technical issues and its constant controller/software revisions. I also want to replace my Wii with one that has a hard drive..

As far as tech issues go, the hardware's pretty strong and the only thing that'll break it is a tiny cabinet that'll keep all the heat and dust concentrated in one place, but most computer hardware will break that way. Plus I doubt they'll go any further than the Dual Shock for new controllers so I'm sure you're good there. Hardware revisions on the other hand, that's all very confusing and what your opinion is on that, I won't really fault you for being skeptical about it, because that's a bit of a mess.

My suggestion is, if you get one, have a good reason to. I have a 60GB with the PS2 hardware, and most of what I play on my PS3 is PS2 and PS1 games. That's not to say I never use the PS3 for PS3 stuff, but the two games I've been using it for basically comes down to Rock Band and the Metal Gear Online Beta, and one of those is a preorder bonus on top of that. There's other games I own and play, but they're either multiplatform or worth playing once. So, basically, what I'm trying to say is wait for something worthwhile like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Online to be released and you'll probably end up happy with your purchase (come to think of it Uncharted is a great game that I keep forgetting to buy, but rented once.)


I'm pretty sure I'll be eventually buying a lot of Bluray movies (pretty much a must for me. Normal DVDs don't really cut it for me unless they're packed with extras nowadays. Otherwise, it's all high def movie channels) and PS3 games and hopefully some of the typical obscure games to come out (if the PS3 is popular enough to have such obscure gems like in the PS1 and PS2 days..)

I'm still waiting for a few killer aps for the PS3 that isn't another derivative sequel or something that won't be released for better online playability on Xbox Live. I'm still a bit more excited for the DS games right now than PS3 at the moment. Though Wii doesn't really seem to have anything worth noting for a long stretch..

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