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PRC120: How about some Magitek mayhem? (Final Fantasy 6)

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Ok, I managed to get my song onto thaSauce. I used FL Studio to produce the mp3 and did NOT encode the id tags. Does anyone have a clue why that happened for my future referece? I prefer Sonar to create my mp3s (i think it produces better quality and has more tweaks you can do), so I wouldn't like this to be an ongoing issue.

Just open it in e.g. Winamp and change the tag there?


*Submits* Alas, because i had to submit straight away now I only had time for a lower setting of sampler interpolation or whatever (6 point hermite or whatever). Hopefully it doesn't have much of a bad effect on the overall mix...

I'm in, but I think my submission will test the rule of midi-ripping...

Don't worry, after hearing your entry you're in the clear. It's alright to reference to certain sections of MIDI to include in a mix in some form or other (I believe Chickenwarlord does that quite a bit).

It only gets really extreme if it ends up being a conservative arrangement; I believe PRC76 was nasty in particular considering midi-ripping, due to there being three disqualified entries and all. You can tell that since then I've had to be more careful than the usual validating PRC entries.

Don't worry, after hearing your entry you're in the clear. It's alright to reference to certain sections of MIDI to include in a mix in some form or other (I believe Chickenwarlord does that quite a bit).

It only gets really extreme if it ends up being a conservative arrangement; I believe PRC76 was nasty in particular considering midi-ripping, due to there being three disqualified entries and all. You can tell that since then I've had to be more careful than the usual validating PRC entries.

I remade it quite a bit, so I didn't worry when I submitted it. Actually everything except the guitars and drums is a midi rip, and the building of the song is almost exactly the same, but I think I made it interesting enough.


some ff8 stuff crept into my mix, crept in so hard that it became the chorus, is this a problem?

Providing there's a hint of Magic House there, I wouldn't mind.

Still, we got a bunch of entries, so I think we should move onto the voting stage. I might be nearly 2 hours late, but I'm sure we'll move ahead pretty soon.


Alright, time to move onto the voting stage! We've got five mixes submitted, so we've got ourselves a coherent round. Nice one.

Here's what you're going to do (and pay attention Siamey, this is a different system than last time you submitted an entry). You will visit the ThaSauce link and fill in the form at the bottom of the page. Select 3 mixes and rank them from first to third with a reasoning attached to it. Contestants are encouraged to vote as they will automatically get three points added to their score if they do so. The vote of PRC119's winner (Showroom Dummy) counts twice, so make sure you impress him just as much as your peers. You have until Tuesday, May 20th at 4:59AM EDT to cast your vote. The winner gets to choose the source tune for PRC121!

Chickenwarlord - Totally Ordinary Cottage

munchi - La Casa de la Magia

OneUp - Haunted House

setokaibarocket - Call of the Arcane

Siamey - TimeShock


It's been a while..... since I NOT VOTED FOR PRC. Last time was PRC99 (#100 was close, I came back and voted just 25 minutes before that deadline). PRC99 was in september, so I try to vote for every PRC till at least PRC125 (which makes a year without not voting).


I was about to vote, but it seems that ThaSauce is down. Does anyone know if it'll be back up before the voting deadline?

EDIT: Okay, it seems to be back up now. Only six hours left to vote!


Staying up til THAT hour? That's best reserved for the freakin' Dwelling of Duels, not PRC :P

But anyway, we got results! Who saved Relm from the likes of Chadarnook and is advancing to Kefka's tower? Who got lost inside Owzer's house? And who still needs a freakin' airship?

Total number of votes - 9

Total number of mixes - 5

Highest possible score - 27

Chickenwarlord and setokaibarocket are both sharing a last place wooden spoon between them with 8 points each.

munchi lounges his way through to third place with 13 points.

OneUp just got rocked out to second place with 15 points.

And the winner of PRC120 is Siamey with 25 points!

Well done once again! Who would have thought that FF6 and FF8 would blend together like that? (And for the record, no, it didn't sound like Timbaland; his beats are thinner than that :D)

Still, I'm assuming you know the drill concerning PRC source selections, so be sure to send it into my PM box by Friday morning.

Thanks for your time everyone; once again the turnout was fat and I hope the trend will be able to keep itself up over the weeks to come. I'll see you all on Friday for PRC121!

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