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If you've heard my previous two submissions (that are still on the panel :P ), you'll know I have a penchant for hard rock/metal, but turning it into a somewhat emotionally driven affair.

I've always loved Lufia, ever since the original came out and I rented it only to find one of the best 16-bit soundtracks I'd ever heard (the Fortress of Doom theme is probably the single best song ever created in my eyes).

So principal recording has begun on what I envision to be an epic piece that spans both Lufia 1 and 2, visiting tunes from both games and melding them all together into one epic piece.

It's an ambitious project and will probably take a while, but it's something I've been wanting to do for a very very long time now.

I thought I'd post up a (very) small sample of some of what I have done, and ask for advice. I'm not sure what sounds better on the clean guitar part:



The first one is using the middle pickup, and it's much thinner and more glassy sounding.

The second is using the neck pickup and is much fuller and rounder, but I can't decide which one sounds better. That's where you come in; I simply can't decide and would like some outside opinion. Let me know!

And please know that this is very early and rough in the recording process, so nothing is EQed as it should be.



Haha that clean guitar riff sounds exactly like the riff in Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones :P

I personally like the one with the middle pickup (single coil?) better, but there's really no particular reason. I guess it just feels better to me.


I was just saying to my brother that Lufia had the absolute best one two punch with intro songs. First that slow one while the story was being told, and then it goes right into the BEST VIDEO GAME SONG EVER while you play through the Sinstral castle.


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