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...but there are still 6 more WAVs that have yet to be turned in...including Ballad of Ages and Jazz Is Undead! How hard could these last 6 tracks be to turn in?

And is there a basic version of the site you can show us for the time being?

  GTAHater836 said:
How hard could these last 6 tracks be to turn in?

Not very hard. People are just being LAZY

Three of the leftover tracks are basically ready for wav status, but the other three aren't quite done yet. Pirate's Gigue is all Proto's fault. :<

  GTAHater836 said:
And is there a basic version of the site you can show us for the time being?


But you can have this picture that is completely unrelated to the site:


I think I was bored and made it specifically for a post poking fun at Proto. Hmm, I'm seeing a theme here.

Behind the scenes info, people. You guys are lucky.

(Seriously, we don't have a basic version of the site. But if we did, I wouldn't post it.)

  whiny rich kid said:
How hard could these last 6 tracks be to turn in?
A lot of people soil themselves in the face of excitement or anticipation.

go change your pants, kid. don't bitch about project timelines until you're contributing. hylian's got like seven thousand mixes on this project, and you don't see him shooting one-liners around. why would he ruin any part of the project by releasing it early, let alone because of comments by the kid who registered solely to bitch about project timelines?


HylianLemon, everything you said there, I understand and accept. But I want to kick The Prophet of Mephisto in the beanbag and see what happens by crikey!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I liked Oracle of Ages and Seasons at least as much as A Link to the Past. I've never doubted that either of the Oracle games deserved remixing...


ProtoDome got his overworld track accepted to OCR. I'll make sure to try to work out a release date when his track can be posted at the same time, so when you see Oracle of Ages on the main page, we've released. I'll make a new topic on the community board for the release, as well.


Because we're already two or more years too late to make it official. I don't think Ben wanted to limit the people who wanted to contribute, and I respect him for that.


Pretty much what Krow said. I never really intended for the project to become as big as it did, so from the start I wasn't planning on going official. I've asked/been asked about it, but the powers that be ultimately decided we're not cool enough.

There are definitely a few OCR-worthy tracks on the album, but mostly it's stuff that's pretty cool but probably not OCR-worthy. Official or not, you will enjoy it at least a little. Hopefully you'll enjoy all my tracks more than I do, now that I've gotten sick of hearing them all the time. I did like them at first. :<


I'm sure if we go through with a listening party, all your tracks will sound better than they normally do, Ben. It's probably because most of the time you're actually trying to find things about them you don't like, rather then enjoying what's there :P

I think they're awesome so I look forward to going through everything in one sit-down.


"probably because most of the time you're actually trying to find things about them you don't like, rather then enjoying what's there"

i like that. i would do well to remember it when listening to my own stuff

  • 2 months later...

And so the time has come; the last track has been turned in and the project release is nearing. It's been a wonderful year and a half with everyone who has contributed to Essence of Lime, so thanks to all who helped make my first real OCR experience so, so fun. Also, special thanks to Ben for taking the time to organize and conduct such an awesome project. You rock, dood.

...So let's all get ready to take that final step!

  TheKrow said:
And so the time has come; the last track has been turned in and the project release is nearing. It's been a wonderful year and a half with everyone who has contributed to Essence of Lime, so thanks to all who helped make my first real OCR experience so, so fun. Also, special thanks to Ben for taking the time to organize and conduct such an awesome project. You rock, dood.

...So let's all get ready to take that final step!

I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic group of people. And I'm definitely glad it didn't end up being a one-man project like I'd intended over two years ago. :tomatoface:

Thanks, guys.

And for you people waiting for the release...it's going to be the BEST MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Name anything from Beethoven to the Beatles. They do not compare. This album will prevent suicides. This album will cure cancer. This album will do some other things I'm not at liberty to discuss.


  Hylian Lemon said:
I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic group of people. And I'm definitely glad it didn't end up being a one-man project like I'd intended over two years ago. :tomatoface:

Thanks, guys.

And for you people waiting for the release...it's going to be the BEST MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Name anything from Beethoven to the Beatles. They do not compare. This album will prevent suicides. This album will cure cancer. This album will do some other things I'm not at liberty to discuss.


...but I want it...NOW! And talk to OCAD about a listening party if that's the kinda kink you're looking for. We do have a registered room in ETG :wink:

  Level 99 said:
...but I want it...NOW! And talk to OCAD about a listening party if that's the kinda kink you're looking for. We do have a registered room in ETG :wink:

I highly encourage this. Highly. I think once we have an official release date we should try to plan the listening party for the next weekend after release (depending on when that is). We would be very gracious if OCAD would host it :l

...well at least I would.

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