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Is there any food/beverage I could bring as well? I was planning on just bringing some food to begin with (and forgot to mention) but that kind of changed when I changed to not driving up myself.

Is there any food/beverage I could bring as well? I was planning on just bringing some food to begin with (and forgot to mention) but that kind of changed when I changed to not driving up myself.

I'm not sure how it got decided that djp and I were carpooling with you, Xerol, but my car can't seat 5 people and all our stuff comfortably for three hours. So I won't be able to give you a ride. :-( Is it possible you can still drive, or catch a ride from someone else?

I'm not sure how it got decided that djp and I were carpooling with you, Xerol, but my car can't seat 5 people and all our stuff comfortably for three hours. So I won't be able to give you a ride. :-( Is it possible you can still drive, or catch a ride from someone else?

And there you have it, xuck in action!


Pixie said you'd be able to, and I just kind of assumed that was still in place. That being said, I'm along the way and if you want to swing by my place and trade a passenger so it's less crowded (and so I don't end up driving up alone and taking 4 hours and 230 miles again). At least let me know what timetable you were planning so I can somewhat plan around that.


Yeah, um... I even talked to Dave about it. I'm not sure why he didn't inform you, Vinnie... Xerol was in this from the beginning - even before significant others joined up. Are you sure you can't seat 5 people? No trunk? It's not like people will need much stuff for a short 2-day sleepover... Backpacks or duffles can be held on laps.


All right. I've got my final plans already ironed out. I will arrive at the station probably around 11:44 AM or so that's what the schedule tells me. I would like to stay for the BBQ, but I have to catch a 8:00 PM train at the 30th St. Station. I'm not too sure how well that would fit in. It all really depends on the timing. Heating up the grill and cooking takes time and all of that jazz. I would hate to go to Ardmore only to have to return after 15 minutes. So yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Anyone bringing Guitar Hero stuff? I think that would be quite suitable.

DJP: I will require a total of TWO large dark blue hoodies. I've realized that they don't come in black, but it would have been pretty cool if they did. Please respond so I know that you've read this post.


I can swing by and pick-up Xerol on my way up, but I'll need some more information.

@Xerol: I need to know how much stuff you're planning on bringing and where to pick you up. Am I correct in assuming that you want to arrive on Friday evening?

@Pixie/Zircon: I'll need an address so i don't just wander around in PA with Xerol...


A heads-up to everyone who is staying overnight on Saturday:

Saturday marks the first day of the semifinals on OurStage. These only last Saturday and Sunday, and chances are, both myself and sgx will be in them, and competing for a $5,000 grand prize. We may want to do some group voting for a bit sometime on Saturday, but it might look fishy if many of you don't have accounts and the OS staff all of a sudden see a bunch of registrations from the same IP. So, if you'd like to help (it's simple and fun to judge) you might want to register an account now. :)


Kulaman: we can't host any more people Friday night. Dave, Anna, Vinnie, Amy, Xerol, and Bahamut are all going to be there already. You two are welcome to journey up together Saturday morning, but it would still be nice if the former crew could fit Xerol since that was the original plan. Hoping Vinnie or Dave will see my previous post about that.

In other news...

Yes, you may want to register on OurStage.com if you haven't already! Andy could make it to the finals with TWO songs this month, so it would be really great to have your help voting at the meetup if that's the case. That would be fun, hehe.


Talking to djp last night it sounded like he and Anna wanted to get a hotel on Friday night. That would leave room for Kulaman, if he were to bring Xerol. Let's let Dave confirm though.

In case there isn't room at Jill/Andy's apartment for Kulaman, my car can physically take five, but it would be a very uncomfortable ride for those in the back. It's not a big car. I'm personally ok with it, but I'll be driving. :P I don't want to speak on behalf of those I've already promised I'm taking, i.e. Dave and Anna, whether they'd be ok with it.

Sorry for the miscommunications but yesterday Dave seemed as confused as me that we were supposed to be taking Xerol. I think this plan got decided without us. :< Thanks for offering your car up, Kulaman.


Andy and I definitely remember talking to Dave about it way back when... And I also remember Xerol bringing it up in IRC when he was there. But regardless, having three people in the back seat isn't really that bad. Andy and I drove from Baltimore to PA with 5 people in a rented PT Cruiser (read: tiny) with our stuff piled up practically to the ceiling (including laps) and it wasn't that bad. This, of course, would be nothing like that... :>

As soon as Dave can give a definitive answer about hotel-age with Anna, we can figure out who'll be driving when and with whom. Phew!


Whoops, Dave was planning to do the hotel thing Saturday, not Friday. So that means the Kulaman plan won't exactly work. But talking to Dave it sounds like he is ok with us picking up Xerol and just having three in the back. Xerol, I'm sending you a PM about our plans. When we've got everything figured out, I'll let everyone know what we decide.


So it turns out I picked up a summer job...and I'm working Saturdays from 1-6. So seems I wont be able to make it to the meetup this time around. I'd get a sub, but I'm going to need one July 4th most likely (goin home that weekend), so I dont wanna ask for both weekends off. If something changes around then maybe I'll pull a miracle off and be able to show, but I wouldn't count on it.

When are you guys planning on getting back to 30th st station? If it's after 6 or so I might be able to tag along for BBQ/sleepover, but if not no worries.


Indeed you shall.

I'd like to get there around 11am and chill for a while before we go haring off to 30th st. station and then the festival. I'll probably be a bit frazzled after driving that long alone and need some time to recover.


NOTE: We will be meeting at noon, Saturday at the INFORMATION DESK in the middle of 30th Street Station, where all the Amtrak train times are. It's pretty hard to miss, as it's in the main concourse.

In case anyone misses us for any reason, either in Ardmore or the meetup point (30th Street), here are some directions.


* If you're driving to Ardmore first, and you're going down Cricket Ave from Lancaster, look on your RIGHT. You'll be driving for a short distance, passing a parking lot, a pub, and a carpet cleaner on your right, before you arrive. Look for a two story red brick apartment building with black shutters. To the LEFT of the building is the entrance to our parking lot. It's narrow and will take you all the way behind our building, where you will see the parking lot itself. Don't park on the street!

* Once you are parked, go back to Cricket and walk back the way you came up to Lancaster (it's just a straight line.) You'll wind up at an intersection. Go STRAIGHT, passing in between the Primavera Pizza Kitchen on your left and Radioshack on your right. You'll walk straight into the train station, which is little more than a bunch of benches near the tracks. You should be able to find a door to the ticket office; the door faces outwards to the tracks. Get a round trip ticket to 30th Street Station, if you can. If the ticket office is closed, don't worry, you can get a ticket on the train for $5.

* Upon arriving at 30th Street Station, IF we are still there, then get to the main concourse, which is down a ramp. If we left for Manayunk, get to the ticket counter and simply buy a round trip ticket there. The clerk should tell you where to go.

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