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Just wanted to throw out a cool Glyph I found -- everyone should try very hard to get the Werebat drop. I don't want to spoil it, but it's a very good option against the next few bosses after you get it, and allows easy transition between physical and magical combat (which is growing more important by the room, it seems).

That is indeed an awesome glyph. I use it along with ->Luminatio<- to great effect.

Well, Syl's beaten it already and he says it's his favorite Metroidvania since SotN.

Yeah well, i heard people raving about Super Paper Mario, and that was a pretty shit game, and i could possible come up with more examples.

When the experience is still fresh, people tend to think to highly. So i'll take it with a grain of salt. Argh, who am i kidding, i'll pick this up anyway.


I'll chime in and say that having finished it I also think it's the best since SOTN, and it does a lot of things _better_ than the PSX classic -- it strikes a good balance between having quests while not bogging you down with them like DoS (soul hunting = quests) or PoR did.

Shanoa also strikes a good balance between physical and magical combat, and is the only hero in the entire series to do so. PoR becomes a Jonathan-fest once you get the VK, and the others are obviously all physical attack based in the endgame.

There is no super / gravity jump in the maingame, which is refreshing. The mechanic to replace it kicks all kinds of ass, and can be used to propel Shanoa in all directions instead of just straight up.

Oh, and if anyone wants to get in on Race mode sometime, my friend code is 2879-2723-8994. I'll even go without the speed / new super jump options if you haven't found them yet...lemme know!


and holy crap I'm getting my butt kicked early in the game.

I've destroyed all the other castlevanias, but that stupid boss in the light tower keeps eating me.

I probably should go level up a few times...

Every last store in town did not have the game in like their websites say they're supposed to.

God does not want me playing this game it seems. ;_;

Picked up my copy the day after it should have been in stores but it seems they were late bring it in... >:L

Nonetheless I'm enjoying myself and I can't seem to get over one of the npc' surfer dude voice acting. :lol:

Not to mention the fucking light house boss lol...


Nonetheless I'm enjoying myself and I can't seem to get over one of the npc' surfer dude voice acting. :lol:

Not to mention the fucking light house boss lol...

I laughed for a minute straight when I heard him talk. My friend thought I was crazy....er.

And yes, I too am having trouble with that fucking Lighthouse Boss. When fans of the series said games were getting too easy, they certainly ramped it up for this game. I can't remember the last time it's taken me more than two lives to beat a boss.

Gergoth might have taken me three. O.o


so I have now progressed much further into the game. I must say that I really do enjoy this one more then PoR, though AoS the first time though was pretty epic. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm glad the final area is so friggin huuuge. :D


Gollgagh...already knew about that, but the bastard keeps bringing his one leg up and hitting me, and of course the damage it does it unbalanced. Either that or when I'm trashing him with both buttons, I'll accidentally hit the jump button while crouched and end up falling down right into him.

I'll backtrack and do some level grinding by going after items I missed in the other levels. Hopefully that'll help.


Got to a mansion stage, The boss there.... I can not help but think it's a frankensteinian version of Kenshiro, or at leaast bears some semblance but that's not all... if he manages to corner you on one side... Just try it if you get the chance. :lol:

Had a goooooood laugh :lol:

Also I've notice that the game is very liberal with sound effects. Saint Elmo, the cat lady, not to mention from the occasionally decent voice to the comical surfer dude. Oh yeah and the ectoplasm, is it just me or does it make a sound that reminds anyone of the baby metroid from Super Metroid..? To me when it dies it seems to make the baby Metroid's sqeal in a some what different pitch...


Beaten (good ending of course) in 11 hours with 100% map completion and most quests done. Missed some items and glyphs though

Beaten the secret mode in 3 hours.

Haven't beaten the large cavern yet.

This game is yet another castlevania masterpiece.

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