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I really hope that a tie-in with the X series isn't the only thing you'd find interesting about this game. Aren't you more influenced by a deep love/reverence for the Classic series? Isn't curiosity for a previously unheard of brand new 8 bit title a bigger draw for you?

Actually, with the exception of the music, I don't much care for the Classic series; it always seemed very slow and exceedingly difficult to me. The X, Zero and ZX series all had faster, more entertaining gameplay, with the Zero series still maintaining a challenging difficulty level. They all have much better storylines - whilst Sigma is similar to Wily in his... let's say dedication, at least there is a well explained reason for his multitude of reasons, instead of just "Oh no! He's escaped again!"

I'll even argue that the Zero series has better music.

Although if anyone wants to see an interesting take on Mega Man 7 written by one of two good authors on fanfiction.net, or an incredibly well written prequel to the Classic series by the other, I suggest flipping through these;

Mega Man 7

Mega Man Prequel

at least there is a well explained reason for his multitude of reasons, instead of just "Oh no! He's escaped again!"

Did you play X6? I thought Sigma acted like a drunk with a hangover in that game, and he really had no purpose for coming back other than 'blah blah revenge blah world conquering blah." Do you see it differently?

Did you play X6? I thought Sigma acted like a drunk with a hangover in that game, and he really had no purpose for coming back other than 'blah blah revenge blah world conquering blah." Do you see it differently?

I loved X6 Sigma. Poor bastard was too weak to even fight, could barely even stand, let alone offer much of a challenge. Yet there he is, trying his damnedest to whoop your ass. Now THAT'S dedication!

I loved X6 Sigma. Poor bastard was too weak to even fight, could barely even stand, let alone offer much of a challenge. Yet there he is, trying his damnedest to whoop your ass. Now THAT'S dedication!

I don't even see how that's different from Wily's attempts. At the very least Wily is usually entertaining with some focus where as Sigma just seem to deteriorate in logistics and character as the series continued on. From a very dedicated self righteous repliroid to a virulent mess which can be equated to a really bad roach infestation...

From a very dedicated self righteous repliroid to a virulent mess which can be equated to a really bad roach infestation...

That is the whole point. He goes from being a villain to an infestation of something that can no longer rationally think but instead only exists to propogate itself and be a nuisance. This is why, starting with X5, the focus shifts away from Sigma as the villain.

X5: Zero is the virus and may turn evil.

X6: Gate is the bad guy. He just happens to rebuild Sigma.

X7: The bad guy is Red of Red Alert, infected with the Sigma virus. At this point, Sigma becomes less of a threat himself than his viral influence.

X8: Lumine is the bad guy and I'm pretty sure he eradicates what is left of the Sigma virus.

Any titles after X8 will most likely not have anything to do with Sigma at all.

With the Classic series, it's basically:

1-9: Wily has released eight Robot Masters and is planning to take over the world! We can capture him but he always escapes because despite trillions of dollars in damages and probably millions and millions of deaths due to his Robot Rebellions, we have somehow failed to put him to death because everyone on the planet except for Mega Man and possibly Proto Man are incompetent but they can't do it because of the Three Laws noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo also Bass!

Up to 8 robots. MM1 had 6. And they were built by Light.

I've never played through 1. It's too hard. :oops:

Mega Man almost killed Wily in 7.

yeah and then he didn't because that would cost capcom foreseeable $$$


Rather sad though that despite Rock's sense of justice, and even coming close to accepting responsibility of Dr Wily's death; chances are he will never do it. Not just because of following the laws of robotics, but following the good ethics of humanity in pure form; thus murdering Wily is out of the question, no matter how many live he possibly crushed through his wars against Light and all of humanity.

Some what off topic but as I think back, Dr. Gero from DB/cell saga series very much reminds me of Dr. Wily :lol: Cmon the emblem of his on practically everything he makes :lol:

Rather sad though that despite Rock's sense of justice, and even coming close to accepting responsibility of Dr Wily's death; chances are he will never do it. Not just because of following the laws of robotics, but following the good ethics of humanity in pure form; thus murdering Wily is out of the question, no matter how many live he possibly crushed through his wars against Light and all of humanity.

Makes sense although it seems that this was pretty much futile as it's currently accepted (at least 'till Capcom says different) that Wily turned on Zero and Zero killed him and pretty much everyone else

Makes sense although it seems that this was pretty much futile as it's currently accepted (at least 'till Capcom says different) that Wily turned on Zero and Zero killed him and pretty much everyone else

I was wondering when this would come up :lol: although I thought it was more Zero turned on Wily rather than the other way around as you posted.


Man, ^that would be so awesome to actually see in a game!

Am I evil for wanting a Classic Mega Man game to end with Mega Man's death at the hands of Zero? :twisted:

I really do think that would be an epic ending to the Classic series, and lead it into it's more serious tone that the X series is presented in.

Man, ^that would be so awesome to actually see in a game!

Am I evil for wanting a Classic Mega Man game to end with Mega Man's death at the hands of Zero? :twisted:

I really do think that would be an epic ending to the Classic series, and lead it into it's more serious tone that the X series is presented in.

Chances are if they were going to hint it ingame-wise the best way is to show some amv of him toiling away working on the newest "devil" model all the while Zero's helmet is onimously sitting high on a pedistal being worked on by robotic arms working on the interal connections. The sparks creating an illusion of a deadly stare straight at the mad doc.

or you know, add a cheesy 8-bit epilogue tag that reads "in ten years Zero, Dr. Wily's last creation, kills the mad roboticist..." leaving what happens after to the imagination :)!!

As Bleck mentioned, it's already public knowledge so there's little reason to be redundant.

As Bleck mentioned, it's already public knowledge so there's little reason to be redundant.

I would hardly call it "public knowledge." Only the more hardcore of Mega Man fans would even know about the hints, since you need to see the arcade Mega Man cutscenes to even know about this stuff. And then, nothing's ever been confirmed by an official source. The only bridge we've formed between the Classic and X series is built with myth, theory, and speculation. I think it would be great for Capcom to provide an official scene showing the great hero cut down in his prime, with the promise of an even greater hero on the horizon (namely, Mega Man X)!

Only the more hardcore of Mega Man fans would even know about the hints, since you need to see the arcade Mega Man cutscenes to even know about this stuff.

or just read it on the internet like pretty much everything else


While it's true that Wily is constructing Zero (Mega Man X4 alone proves it), with purposes to destroy either Mega Man or X, it is certainly *not* true that Zero kills Wily. It's the predominant fan-based theory, but it isn't the truth. Wily could die of something completely unrelated, or he simply could just... fade to obscurity in the hundred years between the two series.

The Cataclysm Theory is purely fanon. While it is a theory I find very interesting with lots of different interpretations and entertaining ideas, it certainly is *not* common knowledge. Who knows, maybe Zero's never activated until right before he beats the tar out of Sigma. It's a wait and see.

Though I would like to see more allusions to X and Zero in Mega Man 9. It would be entertaining to say the least.

I would hardly call it "public knowledge." Only the more hardcore of Mega Man fans would even know about the hints, since you need to see the arcade Mega Man cutscenes to even know about this stuff. And then, nothing's ever been confirmed by an official source. The only bridge we've formed between the Classic and X series is built with myth, theory, and speculation. I think it would be great for Capcom to provide an official scene showing the great hero cut down in his prime, with the promise of an even greater hero on the horizon (namely, Mega Man X)!

Why would you want that? You don't want Mega Man 10? :(

The series don't need to be bridged because despite what the fandom believes, the story in Mega Man games is only there to contextualize the game and is peripheral to what's really important: the game itself. These aren't RPGs and Capcom isn't really trying to tell a grand epic. Why do you think everything is so convoluted and inconsistent? They make it up as they go to give the game a framework. That's it.

Mega Man is Mega Man, X is X, Zero is Zero, ZX is ZX, and Legends is Legends. They take place in different time periods. We don't need games to tell us "what happened" between them because ultimately it's not all that important.

The Cataclysm Theory is purely fanon.

It is also at this point the only story that makes sense

The story in Mega Man games is only there to contextualize the game and is peripheral to what's really important: the game itself.

I would argue that the youngest waves of gamers enjoy, even need, a good story to drive the game forwards. Even I've found in some RPG or platformers with weakly told stories that about halfway through, I suddenly lose interest because I don't even know why I'm moving forwards anymore. RPG or not, people like to identify with the main protagonist these days, and I think I'm right in saying that at least a sizeable amount of people aren't necessarily going to enjoy the underlying message of the game being simply 'stop what is undoubtedly Wily again because Capcom likes money'.

And here I thought I was just running around stages blowing shit up cause it's fun. Guess I need some more dialog to interrupt me at every turn.

Youngest. Youngest wave.

I would argue that the youngest waves of gamers enjoy, even need, a good story to drive the game forwards. Even I've found in some RPG or platformers with weakly told stories that about halfway through, I suddenly lose interest because I don't even know why I'm moving forwards anymore. RPG or not, people like to identify with the main protagonist these days, and I think I'm right in saying that at least a sizeable amount of people aren't necessarily going to enjoy the underlying message of the game being simply 'stop what is undoubtedly Wily again because Capcom likes money'.

Yeah but see, that's what Mega Man 9 is about, in my view. It's gonna show the younger generation that you don't necessarily need amazing dialogue and deep stories to have a great game. There's a big movement these days in getting back to simplicity in gaming; you see it in the indie market, and the (and I hate this term) "casual" market. What's old is new, and I think that with the advent of Mega Man 9--and digital distribution on consoles--we're going to see more and more "old-school" stuff.

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