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um...you are kinda forgetting something just a bit major...WHERE'S NEEDLES' MASK???? without it, he's just simply marcus.

on a side note, just a few questions: during twisted metal is this taking place? I assume 1 because if you follow the deep story which hardcore TM fans know about you will know why.

what other characters are you going to be representing? put axel up in there!!!

lastly, needles is more buff and isn't into the whole mixed martial arts as you seemed to have put him in while fighting some random dude. he's more of a straightforward stab you in the face killer. is that fighting scene fo reaaaal? and why not less hand to hand combat and more either needles killing innocent peeps or car combat to show his visciousness

um...you are kinda forgetting something just a bit major...WHERE'S NEEDLES' MASK???? without it, he's just simply marcus.

on a side note, just a few questions: during twisted metal is this taking place? I assume 1 because if you follow the deep story which hardcore TM fans know about you will know why.

what other characters are you going to be representing? put axel up in there!!!

lastly, needles is more buff and isn't into the whole mixed martial arts as you seemed to have put him in while fighting some random dude. he's more of a straightforward stab you in the face killer. is that fighting scene fo reaaaal? and why not less hand to hand combat and more either needles killing innocent peeps or car combat to show his visciousness

Dude, it's a trailer. If I answered all those questions and showed all that it would be called "watching the movie". Wait.

  • 4 weeks later...

I really don't want to be overly harsh but there's nothing Twisted Metal about that trailer. The Sweet Tooth is quite clearly just a ripoff of Heath Ledger's Joker. The flipping of the knife, licking of the lips, the interrogation part with him wearing cuffs and doing the finger point and wink thing in your first trailer, and his voice, are all just ripped right from TDK.

You even used part of Joker's theme from Dark Knight, which I'm pretty sure is illegal.

Just terrible.

I really don't want to be overly harsh but there's nothing Twisted Metal about that trailer. The Sweet Tooth is quite clearly just a ripoff of Heath Ledger's Joker. The flipping of the knife, licking of the lips, the interrogation part with him wearing cuffs and doing the finger point and wink thing in your first trailer, and his voice, are all just ripped right from TDK.

You even used part of Joker's theme from Dark Knight, which I'm pretty sure is illegal.

Just terrible.

ok, calm down. we finished shooting this a whole 2 months before the dark knight even came out.

i had no idea our interrogation scene was so similar. the music yes, but it's only for the trailer. i had my own music composed, but it didn't really work with the trailer.

sorry it's so terrible. lets see you do better.

i mean did you even look to see when this thread and the first trailer was posted? before july 18th.

It was a joke; sort of one-upping the first guy's reference.
I know. ;)

lol I fell in my chair laughing.

I don't want to be mean, but this is hilarious.

I also again laughed when you used the batman theme music on top of your trailer which also was a cheap imitation of the Joker's character from Dark Knight, and then claimed to have finished 2 months before Dark Knight came out.

I do want to see the finished product,,, but not because of the trailer.

ok, calm down. we finished shooting this a whole 2 months before the dark knight even came out.

i had no idea our interrogation scene was so similar. the music yes, but it's only for the trailer. i had my own music composed, but it didn't really work with the trailer.

sorry it's so terrible. lets see you do better.

i mean did you even look to see when this thread and the first trailer was posted? before july 18th.

Ok, if you're going to seriously try and tell me you did not rip from The Dark Knight, you're completely full of it. Or I guess it's just a coincidence that you used music from The Dark Knight soundtrack in the trailer.

Your Sweet Tooth is a complete ripoff of Ledger's Joker, anyone can see that. The flipping of the knife and licking of the lips like I said is just a complete rip, and both of those things among others were seen in the trailers for TDK, which came out long before July 18th, last December in fact, and you obviously saw that and stole from them. You don't need to see the whole movie to ripoff the characters.

And I assure you, if I had any interest in making a Twisted Metal film, it would be a hell of a lot better than yours, since I would be too embarrassed to make something that crappy.

I was perfectly "calm" in my first post, if you can't handle criticism, don't post your terrible movies on public forums.

I also again laughed when you used the batman theme music on top of your trailer which also was a cheap imitation of the Joker's character from Dark Knight, and then claimed to have finished 2 months before Dark Knight came out.

I know right? And he denies it. So funny.

If you're trying to avoid looking like you ripped off another movie (which you did), it's best not to use music from the soundtrack of said movie.


Hey, hey,c'mon guys! Cut the guy a break. Let's rejoice in the knowledge that the guy playing Sweet Tooth here can ever so easily take the reins of Heath Joker in the next movie! Ladies and gents, we've just seen the theatrical debut of Hollywoods next greatest thing!!!!

I'm kidding. You suck, and you're a plagiarist. I was willing to give your movie a shot until I saw this. Now, be original and go make a movie about a guy who fights crime after his parents are murdered.


well, the movie like most hollywood pictures, was finished before the trailer. yeah i used TDK music in the trailer. but not in the actual film, as the soundtrack was NOT released yet in june.

yes i suppose if you watched the trailer you could get a glimpse of joker's character.

if you honestly believe the two characters look alike you don't have eyes. im sorry but come on, they are clowns. white make-up is essential. so is lip stick dumb ass. the clothes are exact opposite, as is the hair. the lip licking was not intended. everyone does it. and oh man, holding a knife and flipping it really does prove it's a rip off.

we made this without even thinking about TDK. as for your "version", i bet you've never made a film, worked on a set, directed anything, won any awards, or been entered in any festivals.

if you can't handle criticism, don't post your terrible movies on public forum.

btw, in film you deal with a lot of criticism.

and you can say that my movie, which btw you have not seen, only a minute long preview, is terrible. it doesn't affect me at all. but i do wish in the future you would respect peoples work, even if you think that ONE of the 12 or 13 characters ACTS like someone who already exists. besides acting like the joker you didn't even give the film a chance. you just say it sucks because of one thing you didn't like.

i'm sorry you believe that i ripped off the joker. had i known we would be so similar i might have re-thought how i acted sweet tooth. but besides all this we did work extremely hard on this project.

your opinion is your opinion.

i bet you've never made a film, worked on a set, directed anything, won any awards, or been entered in any festivals.

but... but i have. i've done all of that. no lie. i won second place with a 4 minute video. and a video of mine has been on [German] TV

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