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I'd say I'm somewhat convinced, but not to the degree that the piece originally set out for. :?

Since when have you moved on from IRC to Forums? >=()

Also, Doug, this sounds pretty good. I wouldn't exactly call it orchestral though, it would need some, well, orchestration for that.


Hey I like this. 2nd update is better. The ending gets a little crzy. Not bad by at all means. I guess this is the part were the disaster piece is thrown in. (like you said.)

Overall this sounds pretty good. I can't pick up any production issues. Arrangement may need some work, besides that this is cool. Me likes.


Hmmm, everything feels too... centered. Try to play with panning and volume to create the illusion of different locations. Right n ow it feels as if the musicians are all sitting on each others' laps at some points. Even if you have a specific instrument playing the melody, it should be close to the other similar instruments.

But I might be misshearing things. I've been kinda tired today, so my opinion might not be as accurate as I'd wish. Picture in your head where everyone would be sitting, and adjust accordingly... I think... Later on in the song I didn't get the same "stacked" feeling.


Overall, the piece sounds coherent and moves along quite well. It feels like its going somewhere, and I can't wait to find out where (which isn't something I can say about all minimalist music). The orchestration sounds good so far, and the spacing is okay, although I personally would use a little more of the bass area every so often (The bassoon touching below C3 in the ostinato just doesn't feel like enough for me). I understand its not finished, so I can't critique any compositional ideas your incorporating as I can't know what they really are until its finished, although I have to say I love the oboes and flute in 2:35 - 3:33. It gives a very 'Ives' sound, the way you juxtapose it against the harmonic background. Beautiful.

I don't know if you ever want this performed by live musicians or if you plan on having it remain self contained as a sound file. If you want it performed, then I'd look at how your using your winds. Understandably, with a few horns the line from 0:00 to 3:33 can be staggered, but more performers decreases the odds of it ever being performed, so giving it some place to breathe would be nice. The same thing can be said about the flutes that enter at 0:40... and any other ostinato wind instrument in this you plan on having. Its all possible, but you can increase the chances of a performance if you give places to breathe, allowing individuals to perform the parts instead of requiring groups of performers. I'd also advise giving the performers a little bit of variety in their individual lines; in my experience musicians hate performing long ostinatos, even if the piece sounds great as a whole with them. Orchestrating the ostinatos so multiple instruments share them, or having the repeated music move through different instruments is a way to retain the ostinato, yet give the musicians something interesting to play. Again, this is only if you want a live performance; these are not problems at all if you don't want one.

I'll be watching for updates, as I like this piece so far!

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