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PRC125 - Participation fee: an arm and a leg! (Rayman)

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The People's Remix Competition 125


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last compo's Golden Sun theme saw a very hefty turnout - a grand total of SEVEN entries came to seek domination amidst the Venus Lighthouse. It housed quite a fair amount of trance, and amidst the competition Flexstyle pulled through with his first win with his own genre-adaptation of the source tune.

The only connections between said GBA RPG and the source game for PRC125 is that they're both dependant on 2D sprites and have both existed in some form or other on Nintendo's purple handheld. This is all the more appropriate for this franchise coming as pretty much everything about the titular character is completely disconnected. :D We're looking at the first outing for the most famous videogame icon to spawn from France!


Here's my choice for the source tune for PRC125. It's (this piece of music) in Rayman 1, probably the first serious videogame I ever played. I'm still a big Rayman fan. Anyways, the original (at least the PC version, which was the one I played) had some pretty neat music. Sorry I couldn't find any MIDI files, but hopefully everyone can play this one by ear fairly easily--I tried to pick a somewhat easy tune.

I'm still totally thrilled about winning :D

Rayman - Band Land BGM 1


First things first - since I'm now undertaking work experience, the deadlines for the mixing and voting stages are later than the usual. Now that that's out of the way... hell yes, Rayman rocks, yadda yada and so on and so forth. ;)


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, July 26th at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifee, and we'll help you out.


You have MIDIs of Rayman that aren't limited or in short supply? Grab the toilet paper 'cuz you're the shit.

OMG, you stole my idea! I'm in it, man, I'm in it. Edit: Oh, this is the first Rayman... that's cool, I'm still in, unless otherwise declined.


Not necessarily. Remember, I can still extend the competition deadline by a maximum of 48 hours. So if by the deadline tomorrow there is still not much activity, the first 24-hour extension might be the case. And it stimulated many a PRC in the recent past. :P


I was interested as soon as I noticed this thread. I remember Rayman very well (although I lost the game a few moves ago). Unfortunately, tonight is the first chunk of time I've really gotten to work on it. (Rexy, if you were to extend the deadline, that'd be sweet.)

So, um, just wanted to post and say that Flex and Chicken and Salluz aren't the only ones interested. But my schedule got randomly chopped up this past week. (And I'm a total noob, so my remix probably won't be much. But practice is good.)

So...just fyi.

I was interested as soon as I noticed this thread. I remember Rayman very well (although I lost the game a few moves ago). Unfortunately, tonight is the first chunk of time I've really gotten to work on it. (Rexy, if you were to extend the deadline, that'd be sweet.)

So, um, just wanted to post and say that Flex and Chicken and Salluz aren't the only ones interested. But my schedule got randomly chopped up this past week. (And I'm a total noob, so my remix probably won't be much. But practice is good.)

So...just fyi.

Everyone was a total noob at one time.

Check out Crash and Burnout. I guarantee your mix will be better.

In my defense, it was made for OLR

Edit: Due to job woes, I will be unable to sub my mix on time. It looks there will be an extension anyways, and I hope that we get a decent turnout with the extra day or two.


it must be in mp3 format and I believe you can have up to 5 Megs ie 5000kb. And it's ok. There are two people in this world, noobs that feel noobish and noobs that feel confident. And it takes a while to build up your confidence and then one bad song and strip it all away so don't feel bad...this was supposed to be uplifting advice but I stayed up all night watching Fruits Baskets with my sister and then Idiosyncrisy and then I started to work on my song so I'm a little fried.

it must be in mp3 format and I believe you can have up to 5 Megs ie 5000kb. And it's ok. There are two people in this world, noobs that feel noobish and noobs that feel confident. And it takes a while to build up your confidence and then one bad song and strip it all away so don't feel bad...this was supposed to be uplifting advice but I stayed up all night watching Fruits Baskets with my sister and then Idiosyncrisy and then I started to work on my song so I'm a little fried.

Thank you, and I've been working on my remix al night (although I did grab four hours of sleep). So I know what you mean, a little fried.

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