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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Yeah, that should be getting better. I ran TF2 prefectly fine on my athlon 3500+ with 1 gig of ram and a FX 7300. Like, great frame rate. And even this raedon 2400 I got in my quad core dominates it.


TF2 update today! From the notes:

Added rate limit for several client commands to prevent server spamming

Added consistency checking for particle systems

Updated r_particle_timescale ConVar so it can only be changed if the server has sv_cheats set to 1

Updated loading/disconnect dialogs so they're easier to read

Updated Dustbowl, Granary, and Badwater Basin with several exploit fixes

Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates

The server should now be updated as well (I ran the Steam Update command from the server's website). It also appears to be up and running; I did not do a lot of testing on it... just logged in and made sure the round started correctly.

Valve's servers are apparently being hammered, as the Linux server updates are taking much longer than normal for the small number of files that have been updated.


"Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates"

Yes, Valve. Thank you. You've realized the error of your ways and repented. We forgive you.

Weird, considering Source's ridiculously low requirements, I'd think for sure you'd be getting more than 10fps out of that setup. Is that seriously the number you're getting from your fps counter? What resolution/settings are you running the game at?

Here is a screen shot I took one day while spectating, you can see the FPS in the upper right-hand corner.


On occasion it will temporary go up to the 20's and if I look at a wall or the sky I can get 40 fps. If the server has under 6 people in it, I can get around 20 fps, but anything above 6 people and the framerate plumets. I've done defrags, scan disks, made ample room on my HDD's, scanned for viruses and closed all unnecessary programs. I am also using a config file that is supposed to remove things such as blood, gibs, fancy lighting, eyeballs, teeth, ejected bullet casings, limited the number of decals, ect, though for some reason some of the configs don't work.

Game settings are everything turned to low, except textures, which are set to high (I like looking at peoples sprays) with a resolution of 1024x768.

Thank you for all the feedback thus far. It was much appreciated.

"Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates"

Yes, Valve. Thank you. You've realized the error of your ways and repented. We forgive you.

Yes, but the other notes make me wonder if they also removed the thing in Badwater where you could build teleporters in the blue spawn room...

Aww... not a fun update.... oh well it'll be coming eventually.

Someone linked to me an article last week sometime (maybe even in this topic?) that said TF2 wasn't going to have its next content update until 2009 because most of the TF2 team are currently working on Left 4 Dead.


@ Powerlord: That's perfectly fine by me. T'was silly to begin with.

@ Meeting Gman: Hm...that's odd. You should probably be getting better framerate than that. Have you considered turning down your resolution?


@ Meeting Gman: Hm...that's odd. You should probably be getting better framerate than that. Have you considered turning down your resolution?

I'll give that a shot today, see what comes of it!


That's the thing though, she should be getting at least 5-6 times that framerate even at that resolution. I mean, 10fps is something you'd expect from integrated graphics...I apologize if this sounds insulting, Gman, but is your card installed and updated with the latest drivers. And if so, is your monitor plugged into an output on the card instead of your motherboard?

Off topic, I've always been kinda curious about your Steam name. :P What's the story behind that?

That's the thing though, she should be getting at least 5-6 times that framerate even at that resolution. I mean, 10fps is something you'd expect from integrated graphics...I apologize if this sounds insulting, Gman, but is your card installed and updated with the latest drivers. And if so, is your monitor plugged into an output on the card instead of your motherboard?

Off topic, I've always been kinda curious about your Steam name. :P What's the story behind that?

No need for apologies. I appreciate the help and information. The monitor is plugged into the jack on the graphics card, my driver is dated from Jan-Feb of this year, I am unable to update it to ATI's latest because, from what I have read, ATI does not support the AGP version of my card. The Sapphire website, also does not offer downloads for this card. I get this error when I try to install the updated drivers: "Setup did not find a driver compatible with your current hardware or operating system. Setup will now exit."

About the name: Someone asked me via voice chat yesterday and I get so nervous when men talk to me directly that I'm not even sure if I answered him correctly and then Crowbar_Man stated I sounded angry, so I felt very bad. Wasted opportunity to inform, but you've given me a second chance!

My name is taken from a line in "House of the Dead 2". I played it on the Dreamcast back then and the voice acting was so horrible and so emotionless that it was funny. In one scene in the most emotionless voice, the character says, "We're meeting G over there". A memorable line right next to this one:

Since TF2 is a Valve game, it was fun to try and toss a Half Life reference into the name, so instead of "G" it was "Gman".

If you're not familiar, here is a video of voice clips from HotD2:



So, anyway, there was another update to TF2 to remove some of the particle effect checks that were apparently blocking some clients from connecting to servers.

However, I don't want to restart the server at the moment, since people are actually playing.

I'll get around to it tomorrow, most likely.


We had a fun moment last night when we all simultaneously played with our least-used class. Joseki is still good, even as heavy, but the rest of us sucked. It was kind of neat to play against of bunch of sucky people again, except I was also too sucky to dominate.

ALSO: I totally remember that House of the Dead 2 game and its crappy voice acting. I think I even recognized your name from it, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I just had the crappy voice in my head.

haha So the price lured you in too huh? From what I have read, it's a fun and unique game. I'm going to give it a go once I make enough room on my HDD.

For anyone interested, here's some information about it: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/932682.asp?q=the%20ship

I've only done the single player stuff so far, but if multiplayer is the same, the game could get to be quite long, as the single player map is really large.

I'd heard the ship is decent, but I think I'd probably want to play it before buying it, even at this price. Let me know what you think.

I still haven't played it yet, but here's a sobering fact:

There are all of 20 servers (including passworded ones) in Valve's server list. Of those without passwords, from the ping times, only 3 are in North America.


Maybe I'll stick with TF2... if we just had some people in the server! I expect to some of you to be in there tonight. See you then.

I guess the TF2 blog got updated on Oct. 16, those people must be very strange, that's all I can say...




Had some great rounds tonight, ^ This pic made my night, powerlord is the one off to the right. Thank you, Thank you powerlord.


Indeed, last night was a lot of fun. I've been playing as heavy a lot lately and it turns out I'm pretty good at heavy. I'm not sure how because I'm pretty sure I sucked a week ago, but I unlocked 20 achievements in two days and had a 3:1 k/d ratio on another server with some genuinely great players on it yesterday (I've never been backstabbed as effectively, or as often in the entire time TF2 has been out).

I really enjoyed Well before I had to leave. Tons of back and forth caps going on before my fiancee came and told me to get to bed because it was 12:30 am and she had to work this morning.


Haw Haw!! Vivi is totally p-whipped and such. Looks like I finally have a return date for ya'll. November 2nd is when I am scheduled to get back to my home in Japan. I have had a really nice vacanimoon and will be glad to get back to not doing anything in my rut at my house.


I've just accepted what most guys have to, and that's that if they think they're in charge or that a relationship is actually an equal partnership, they're either idiots, or have no interest in ever having sex again.


I've been thinking about an engie update... I have an idea for a dispenser, it wouldn't dispense any health at all, but would automatically repair buildings that are nearby. It wouldn't generate its own metal, you have to come and put metal into it with your wrench. Dispensing ammo to people wouldn't take away any of the metal though. It can't upgrade or unsap the buildings either. This would somewhat encourage engies to leave their stuff every once in a while, especially if they're being damaged. It would help reduce tanking a lot too because they'd need to go get more metal from time to time and they aren't constantly healing. It would be a good for the engies too because they could stockpile metal there for use later when there's no fighting around their yet. If destroyed, it would leave 75% of the metal on the ground.

Also, to replace the pistol (saw this one on the steam forums) you'd get a magnet, it could suck weapons laying on the ground to you for metal, not ammo boxes though.

I've just accepted what most guys have to, and that's that if they think they're in charge or that a relationship is actually an equal partnership, they're either idiots, or have no interest in ever having sex again.

They say that a relationship where the woman wears the pants are the ones that are actually very good, healthy relationships. Not sure how true that is though.

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