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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I had a tablet. The backlight on it died, and the repair estimate on it was, "It'd be cheaper to buy another laptop." I'm using it right now, in fact, although I have to use an external monitor.

Also, I am moving from Kansas . . . to Alaska. I want to move as little stuff as possible.

I dunno...I still don't understand the laptop in college thing. Sure, a desktop might give a little more trouble when moving, but otherwise I've found there to be little reason to have a computer outside of the dorm.

Digital notes?


I have a desktop and a tablet. Tablet goes with me to class/work, for either taking notes or distracting myself when it gets boring (which is always). Desktop is for gaming. The tablet is theoretically capable of playing TF2, but it's really not worth the effort.

As far as class limits are concerned...In general, with the size of our server, I see little need for more than 2 of any class, ever - provided we're playing 'serious' TF2, of course. Even then, when you're trying to push a cart and half your team is 2 snipers, 2 spies and 2 scouts...But that's for another rant.

Despite what I just said about 'generally needing no more than 2 of a class', I tend to disagree with forced class limitations. It can be a fairly frustrating restriction, and I just don't feel comfortable making class limitations a regular part of the server. Like Rambo brought up, what if the 2 engies you have are total wankers? It reminds me of the spy/sniper update, where both spies or snipers would be terrible, bog down the team, and yet not want to switch out. Class restrictions tend to sound good in principle, but I find them bringing about other issues too.

That'll be awesome when a team has 2 offensive engies, and someone can't change class to defend the intel.

Turtlebine intel room is easily held by a good demo or soldier.

Assuming your offensive engies have something up in the middle, they should clean up anything you miss.


My last night has shown me that I am rusty as all get out. I need to get back into shape.

Also, I need to get my sprays working again but I can't seem to get them to work. I have the .vtf files and they atre saved in the right folder, yet they don't seem to want to work. Anyone got any pointers on that?


I also use a tablet in class and a desktop at home. Although I don't use the tablet as much as I'd like, it did come in handy during those few classes when my professor had the rule "no laptops in class." There hasn't been a single problem with me using the tablet in those classes, since it's easy to tell that it's only being used for taking notes. The laptop also helps with getting through work without hanging myself with an ethernet cable. It also helps that the entire campus is wifi-enabled.

The desktop is used primarily for gaming and projects. I also recommend dual-screen on the desktop. Having research open in one of the screens and the paper in the other is a godsend.


I tend to disagree with class restrictions. What if the server decides to have fun and sniper huntsman rush? Or scoot rush? Or what if we want to play hide and seek?

Turtlebine intel room is easily held by a good demo or soldier.

Assuming your offensive engies have something up in the middle, they should clean up anything you miss.

I'm assuming they don't. lol

Like Rambo brought up, what if the 2 engies you have are total wankers? It reminds me of the spy/sniper update, where both spies or snipers would be terrible, bog down the team, and yet not want to switch out..


Wait there's class restrictions now?


Just for Turbine, and just for engineers. 2 max.

Also, Orwell: You only really use dual screens for playing WoW and porn. Admit it.

Just for Turbine, and just for engineers. 2 max.

yeah it's not like two engineers can shut down the whole team if they know what they are doing or anything

I hate to say it, but due to the mass number of people playing Engy on Turtlebine, it's now restricted to 2 per team (but only on Turbine).

So are you doing it because it bugs you, or because it's actually a problem? Because honestly, I think it's a bad call on your part. Maybe you could stick around long enough to at least fix the class limit to something other than one while you are gone. :roll:

So are you doing it because it bugs you, or because it's actually a problem? Because honestly, I think it's a bad call on your part.

One team had five Engineers on Turbine holding down the center area yesterday.

So, yes, it was a problem.

Maybe you could stick around long enough to at least fix the class limit to something other than one while you are gone. :roll:

I have a day job and Turbine was the last map I played prior to going to bed. See the next section for the other half of the response to this.

The Engineer cap isn't just for turbine.

You can't have more than 1 engi on any map now.

Something messed up <__<;

Apparently settings carry over to the next maps. Should be fixed next map change.

Still not sure why it would stop you from having more than one, though...

Class restrictions tend to sound good in principle, but I find them bringing about other issues too.

This man has the right of it. It's all well and good to say that class spam on one side can make for a poor experience (for an example not related to sentries, youtube "soldier defense"), but restricting players' options is not the answer.

There are just so many ways for the game to break down. Class spam, pubstars, entire rounds where no one talks, pissing and moaning about ultimately trivial things like stock maps vs. customs... If you think about it, it seems sort of miraculous that we have as much fun as we do.

Anyway. I won't pretend to know the answer, because I don't. The community's out-of-hand rejection of the mapcycle I designed is proof of that. Nevertheless I stand by my opinions; updates/customs will keep the game alive, and server events will strengthen the community.


So...a two engineer class limit...

...can't we just take them outta the game yet? No one really WANTS to play engy, they just get stuck with it.



They are fun to play if you're going battle engy and actually succeeding. It's always fun setting up a base near enemy intel that can't be brought down.



Now, will these hats have the same billion to one drop chance as the current ones? I mean, I play 20+ hours a week and have yet to get my first hat, let alone the 9 current ones or 18 new ones.

Of course, they also haven't implemented the trade system yet, so maybe we'll see that, too.


Frustrated scout makes me laugh. And oh god I want a viking hat. The win in that picture alone is incalculable.

I would think it likely that, with the tripling of the hat pool, they're probably going to up the droprate. The current system rewards newbies but offers jack to everyone else, especially now that weapon drops don't have variable levels.

lol at Valve still pushing arena. Not that I mind, I quite like the change of pace, and this looks like a good one; it just seems like dead-horse-beating at this point, given the majority stance.

EDIT: http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/ o.O Hat-betting...?


Additional goodies found buried in the update page:




So...maybe poisons? And maybe rewarding hats for killing people with hats? I'm betting if they do item trading, it'll be in this update too. There's a good chance we might see a new meet the class video, too. We shall see.

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