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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Then I'd be a bad admin :-(

i'm like captain s, everything GETS THE KICK! most of the regulars are very well behaved but a lot of pubs and semi-regulars are kinda douchey. don't be afraid to enforce the no trolling rule, usually being polite about what they're doing wrong is good enough and they cut it out... and if not, use the /kick command against their name, and provide them with a snarky comment pertaining to what they're doing wrong. you've seen how i've done it!

PS: i will kick people who have been idle for 20+ minutes while i'm on the server, or have been reported to be idle for more than two maps, when the server is highly populated. it's pretty rough getting on and there is no need for people to be choking up the pub slots because they stepped away (yes that means feel free to kick me when i go afk and don't return because i got distracted). nothing "wrong" with what they're doing, but for some reason the server doesn't have a maximum allowable idle time anymore.

PPS: maplist looks great :D


Can we please change the MOTD to reflect what's being enforced in the server? Regarding the sticky camping of doors. Darke and I have been telling people it only pertains to spawn doors, while Garian and D-Lux have been applying it to all opaque doors. I don't care which way it's ruled, I just want a concensus. Thanks!

Can we please change the MOTD to reflect what's being enforced in the server? Regarding the sticky camping of doors. Darke and I have been telling people it only pertains to spawn doors, while Garian and D-Lux have been applying it to all opaque doors. I don't care which way it's ruled, I just want a concensus. Thanks!

just make it totally legal and everyone can enforce it the same really easily!!!


Arena is currently ignoring the maxplayers setting in arena_config.cfg. Meaning that teams are now locked to 8 players (25/3, throwing out the remainder).

As far as I know, the only fix is to set tf_arena_use_queue 0

Unfortunately, this also makes it possible to have uneven size teams.

Can we please change the MOTD to reflect what's being enforced in the server? Regarding the sticky camping of doors. Darke and I have been telling people it only pertains to spawn doors, while Garian and D-Lux have been applying it to all opaque doors. I don't care which way it's ruled, I just want a concensus. Thanks!

I've revised the wording a bit

NO Demo sticky camping opaque spawn doors, including primary spawn exits (i.e. shortcut door from red spawn on pl_badwater

To further clarify, sticky camping other opaque doors is FINE.

There is a bit of admin discretion here on what make a door a "primary spawn exit", but the general thing you should as yourself is "Is there any other route to get to me from spawn? Is it practical?" If your answer to this is "No" then go somewhere else.

Arena is currently ignoring the maxplayers setting in arena_config.cfg. Meaning that teams are now locked to 8 players (25/3, throwing out the remainder).

As far as I know, the only fix is to set tf_arena_use_queue 0

Unfortunately, this also makes it possible to have uneven size teams.

i checked the cvar list of your server and it seems that runteamlogic has been removed for some reason


that was what was giving you full arena teams

for the record i hate more than 8 people on an arena team theres a good reason why its 8 unless the map is sawmill or watchtower

I've revised the wording a bit

NO Demo sticky camping opaque spawn doors, including primary spawn exits (i.e. shortcut door from red spawn on pl_badwater

To further clarify, sticky camping other opaque doors is FINE.

There is a bit of admin discretion here on what make a door a "primary spawn exit", but the general thing you should as yourself is "Is there any other route to get to me from spawn? Is it practical?" If your answer to this is "No" then go somewhere else.

Thank you. :)

So after some talking and disagreements in #ocrtf2, I came up with this rotation for Tuesday:















No to follower AND granary. Pull one out for dbheights.

i checked the cvar list of your server and it seems that runteamlogic has been removed for some reason


that was what was giving you full arena teams

for the record i hate more than 8 people on an arena team theres a good reason why its 8 unless the map is sawmill or watchtower

I wasn't aware that we were using any extension to modify this, rather choosing to up the the maxplayers settings (to 32, which allowed 11 player teams) while setting the visible max players to 25.

I wasn't aware that we were using any extension to modify this, rather choosing to up the the maxplayers settings (to 32, which allowed 11 player teams) while setting the visible max players to 25.

Yeah, I had installed that extension way back to make it possible.


On a completely unrelated subject, it might be funny to replace Quake Sounds with Kill-Streak Orgasm, which, despite the name, uses the TF2 Announcer's (unused?) arena kill streak quotes (announcer_am_killstreak01.wav - announcer_am_killstreak11.wav in the tf2 vo stuff).

On a completely unrelated subject, it might be funny to replace Quake Sounds with Kill-Streak Orgasm, which, despite the name, uses the TF2 Announcer's (unused?) arena kill streak quotes (announcer_am_killstreak01.wav - announcer_am_killstreak11.wav in the tf2 vo stuff).



hoodoo is still horrible

but yeah valve thanks for the variable for first blood and ctf crits i actually just emailed them about both of those


The update currently breaks the game for people using dx8.

There's a TF2 community forum with many people claiming this as the problem anyway.

TF2 Patch Notes:

-Fixed some stuff

-Broke some stuff

-The stuff we broke is more severe than the stuff we fixed



I want to play, but packing up my computer for the big move back to school. I'll be back tomorrow, and with a much better ping finally.

That's right, I'll complain a lot less now, because I won't get lag spikes every 5-10 minutes anymore~ (or so I hope)

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