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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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as a credit to you though, its not dumb w+m1 and if youre aim/timing is pretty right on like that you really should move on to soldier

like really

Haha, I get this from people all the time. I understand that Pyro has severe limitations and that I'll have much more versatility and potential with other classes. But I like Pyro and I like surprising players with clever tactics and compression blast use. I'm looking into learning one of the comp classes (Scout or Demoman) but I think Pyro is my main man for life. And yes, man.

also as a tip whenever you record demos that youre gonna put on youtube or something you should voice_enable 0 when playing the demo because the voice added on to things like this is kinda silly

Well, I thought about it whenever I recorded something but in the end I like to include the in-game voice chat. My frag video is pretty light-hearted and I never take it too seriously (see; running into level one sentry gun) and the voice chat works into that. Also, on a lot of my videos, such as my "Fun on the OCR" videos, the voice chat MAKES the video.

Woo, I'm in your video! Twice! It's like where's waldo, except with a hatless soldier.

Nice job with the flare gun.

Oh no, why did you have to say that?! I haven't used the flare gun in weeks. I love it, yes, but shotgun is pretty darn cool. I'll probably switch periodically.

Also, aren't you the soldier who crit rockets me after my Badwater Scout kill? It's always the crit rockets that are impossible to reflect...

Nice vid! I particularly enjoyed the 2 soldier frags on nucleus. Now stop REFLECTING MY DAMN PIPES.

That game on nucleus was probably the best game of Pyro I've played in my entire life. I owned and had so many great kills. But you probably could tell all this, considering Nucleus is half the video.

I've only been getting decent at pipe reflects as of recently. I'm sorry for your lost.

Whoever was taking the screenshots of the Civilian soldier today in Lumbermill, you should totally post them.

I have a decent archive of stuff to post, I think I got some of the soldier though. I guess I need to put them up on photobucket, but I wish there were a better place for game screenshots.

I have a decent archive of stuff to post, I think I got some of the soldier though. I guess I need to put them up on photobucket, but I wish there were a better place for game screenshots.

Xfire .

what about xfire?

With Xfire running all you'd have to do is hit the screenshot hotkey and when you're done playing, it'll ask you if you want to upload. It'd probably be the easiest way to get screenshots up.


Oh I got a Demoman hat a few days ago.. Yay for me! thanks TF2 for giving me the hat of a class I despise. xD

On another note anyone happen to know a nice cheap printing company? I can only find retardly expensive ones. I need to get posters made and sent to Brushfire to be distributed as prizes at Magfest if you're wondering the reason.



:Dr. Fire (RAGE)'s steamID is STEAM_0:0:19214142

Neither of these IDs are banned under steambans or VAC, but they're one session wonders, and both have comments indicating that they're assholes, so I'm trusting the Tiger here.


LOL I was just playing with this guy on another server a few hours ago. Wasn't doing anything except punchan people there, though :/


Well I joined the game and went Sniper,so I sat back with the engi's stuff.

Dr. Gerbil, the one who Bahamut bagged later, was a Demo, and was shooting at the engi's stuff.

Destroying it.

It was OBVIOUS something was up because he kept joining spectator and then rejoining the team.

The Dr.Fire guy was rejoining too, but he was on the other team.

So I asked what the fuck they were doing.

RED said they were teamkilling the buildings using an exploit, and he's pretty experienced so I knew my suspicions were well placed

After we votebanned those two, the other WORLDWIDE CAPS NAME guy was like "STOP QQING ABOUT TEAMKILLING" and then proceeded to start doing it on the team I wasn't on.

It was painfully obvious they were doing it even if I didn't see anyone but Gerbil doing it considering people were saying in the chat "he's destroying our buildings" lawl

Later in the night the Ubel guy was saying he knew how they did it, apparently Vahn knew and told him. So if you want to know HOW, go to them I guess.

Well I joined the game and went Sniper,so I sat back with the engi's stuff.

Dr. Gerbil, the one who Bahamut got was a Demo, and was shooting at the engi's stuff.

Destroying it.

It was OBVIOUS something was up because he kept joining spectator and then rejoining the team.

The Dr.Fire guy was rejoining too, but he was on the other team.

So I asked what the fuck they were doing.

RED said they were teamkilling and exploiting, and he's pretty experienced so I knew my suspicions were well placed

After we votebanned those two, the other WORLDWIDE CAPS NAME guy was like "STOP QQING ABOUT TEAMKILLING" and then proceeded to start doing it on the team I wasn't on.

It was painfully obvious they were doing it even if I didn't see anyone but Gerbil doing it considering people were saying in the chat "he's destroying our buildings" lawl

ohhhhhhhh thats right if you go spectator after you launch a pipe it can kill anything i think

Guyssssssssssssss! Whenever I want to join the server it's always either full or your playing Gold Rush. So cruel. :(

The answer for that is to get a reserved slot!

Oh hey, some people asked for reserved slots earlier today, but I don't remember who all they were...

[lions]Maniac was one for sure, but I don't remember who Brushfire asked me to add (ObliviousOne?) and who else on the server at the time asked me to add one for them.


oh yeah suggestion change goldrush/dustbowl from a ridic timelimit to just maxrounds 2 because even if one team rolls and it takes ~20 minutes for the 2 rounds to finish i highly doubt at that point the majority of the people on the server wanna play yet another round


I will probably fail clefairy's challenge since finding a full server playing db_heights for two rounds is kind of impossible since everyone always realizes about one round in how awful it is

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