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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Good, drama over?


So, how about those maps?

Also: When this plugin is updated, will people need to download new versions of the files in the maps directory? Those don't appear to have version numbers, which could cause problems.

It seemed to work fine for the few hours we had it running, and forced us to download new files.

I honestly didn't check to see if the particle files had actually been updated or not. Either way, I don't think this is going to get enabled again until valve fixes the particle engine bug. Hopefully this add-on will spark enough bug reports to get their asses i gear.

Also of possible interest, Icarus just released pl_waste_v2 for those who liked the old pl_waste, but thought it had some balance issues.

How about I reset psychostats, and we leave HL? THis gives fresh stats for people that want them, and old stats for the rest.

well the people that are for the resetting of stats are more for the hlstats rank so i think you should do the opposite

psychostats could serve as the long term k/d ratio and other things stat keeper

How about I reset psychostats, and we leave HL? THis gives fresh stats for people that want them, and old stats for the rest.

I don't really play much anymore (although I did hop on for ~30 minutes earlier today!), but this seems like the clear solution.

I enjoy keeping up with my kills to deaths, but at the same time see that competition's a big deal for a lot of people. Having two sets of stats going (one designated for long term stats and the other for short term, maybe even monthly stats) is, IMO, the best option.

well the people that are for the resetting of stats are more for the hlstats rank so i think you should do the opposite

psychostats could serve as the long term k/d ratio and other things stat keeper

psychostats ranks just like hl. You can even get cool forum signature things if you want.

also hlstats isn't wasting 300mb of database on my server :-P

psychostats ranks just like hl. You can even get cool forum signature things if you want.

also hlstats isn't wasting 300mb of database on my server :-P

Speaking of which, have you tried out HLStatsX Community Edition?

psychostats ranks just like hl. You can even get cool forum signature things if you want.

also hlstats isn't wasting 300mb of database on my server :-P

yeah but psychostas isnt the points system that displays on the server after every kill

Speaking of which, have you tried out HLStatsX Community Edition?

No, but I'd really like to. Psycho isn't actively maintained anymore, and I'm not sure how accurate it is anymore with the recent updates. It still seems to be correct, but I can't say for certain, or for how much longer. The tf2 branch is still in experimental I think :<

No, but I'd really like to. Psycho isn't actively maintained anymore, and I'm not sure how accurate it is anymore with the recent updates. It still seems to be correct, but I can't say for certain, or for how much longer. The tf2 branch is still in experimental I think :<

I don't know if you need FTP access for HLStatsX CE, but there's a user in the GameServer's control panel that has been set up with just FTP access to the server.

I was thinking about testing Psychostats LiveStats thing, but I didn't want to try it on our server in case it broke something.

I know how good an admin he was. I know how much shit he puts up with, especially some of those ZUZ guys who seem to be smartasses with him on purpose. I even vouched for him when he was in that little feud with Ubel. I know Ubel can be a hypocrite when he complains about teamstacking and does his little spectator thing when it scrambles. He was patient and acted mature all throughout with them. I've never seen him do anything affecting the game using admin besides scrambles. I knew how seriously he took the job. He was also an admin that was on late enough to take care of any random retards on the server.

I wasn't going to even post about this incident on the forums. I didn't come to the forums until 5 hours after the incident and I wasn't coming to post about it either. I was going to let it completely slide. All I wanted to know was what happened with that hydro vote. I wasn't even going to reply when I started reading his post but when he actually said Fireslash acted out of line and complained about his 10 minute ban, that's when I got pissed off. He has no problem blinding me for 5 to 10 minutes yet he can't take a temp ban which is basically the same thing. I had to tell my side because I didn't want Fireslash taking flak for doing something out of haste because he didn't. It irked me greatly how I had to waste Fireslash's time by making him come on the server for me, and he had to do it to pretty much babysit another admin? I felt so fucking disappointed that I had to do that because I like the server and everyone in it. There's not one person I hate and the admins weren't like some of the other TF2 servers where they are 13 year olds with too much power in their hands for them to know what to do with it. This is one of the reasons I stuck on this server instead of continuously looking for random pub servers everytime I wanted to play a bit of TF2. Anyway, there was no way I was going to let him make Fireslash look bad. So I had to keep on posting in order to prove that it wasn't uncalled for and no I assure you it was not me being 'superserious' and the blinds were not in good fun.

It's clear D-Lux lost his temper because he mistakenly thought one of us said he was crying about the doors. He targeted us with blinds and replied with his who's crying now everytime I asked him to stop the blinds. Am I rioting for him to have his admin stripped? No. I don't care enough for that. Whatever, we all lose our temper, we're human. However, I did not like how he was implying that he was innocent when talking about FireSlash, and that's certainly not an in-the-moment thing. I think he's still fit for admin but my opinion of him has changed and I hope this doesn't repeat in another instance.

I hadn't replied to anything you had said because I had little to nothing to say. My reply was only with respect to powerlord's condescending admin purge comment.

I was in the server when this happened, and I know that one of you did egg him on. I clearly recall "cry more" or "stop crying" coming from one of you before anything started. When I saw the blind go up I thought little of it because as I said, yahoo takes enough shit from other people on the server, that I was glad he wasn't taking more from two random pubbies. I didn't catch any of the dialog that happened during the next two blinds, but I did see the threat of having fireslash come in.

Just from experience of being human, being threatened when you're already angry doesn't bode well. Especially when it's someone you have no obligation to you. At the time he thought you were just some pub scum. (and don't any admins tell me there shouldn't be a difference. There is obvious favoritism recurring in this server for regulars)

I've seen pubbies kicked for harassing admins on occasion in this server. Never by yahoo mind you.

I'm not going to say what yahoo did was right, or what I would have done, but it's not unbelievable. Similarly, fireslash didn't take the best approach. I firmly think that every admin on this server should have every other admin friended on steam, just for reference. Admins are the people you should be trusting most, and there's always going to be bias in everyone's story. He should have heard him out. The ban wasn't completely out of line, but he wasn't there for this, and he only got one person's story.


see this is why you should have stv demos theres no "i think you said this" or stuff since you have a full demo

i know fireslash was thinking of adding that support im not sure whatever happened with that (and dont worry people you wont even notice its been added besides there being a 26th ghost slot with a stv bot in it)

see this is why you should have stv demos theres no "i think you said this" or stuff since you have a full demo

i know fireslash was thinking of adding that support im not sure whatever happened with that (and dont worry people you wont even notice its been added besides there being a 26th ghost slot with a stv bot in it)

You read my post? I was even gonna include: atmuh: tldr!


To miyako:

In my opinion, I was having fun with commands. I wasn't targeting you both specifically, but I can see how you could have thought that. garian did the admin commands to other people before I could, so I don't blame you for taking it the wrong way.

In your opinion, Fireslash didn't act out of line because you felt like you were being harassed. I did because he didn't even ask or wait to see what was going on. I think that as admins, we should have an open line of dialogue and at least deserve some credit before action is taken. That didn't happen, so I am objecting.

I'm not going to say what yahoo did was right, or what I would have done, but it's not unbelievable. Similarly, fireslash didn't take the best approach. I firmly think that every admin on this server should have every other admin friended on steam, just for reference. Admins are the people you should be trusting most, and there's always going to be bias in everyone's story. He should have heard him out. The ban wasn't completely out of line, but he wasn't there for this, and he only got one person's story.

Everyone is quick to dismiss the incident and move on, but this needed to be said. Just as parents should speak with one voice when disciplining a child, admins should speak with one voice when dealing with problems on the server. I endorse this and it should not be overlooked.


wow all this drama is almost enough to make me happy I'm sick right now and really pretty much incapable of playing... almost. xD

but yeah I just thought I'd leave this here incase Brushfire is around I'm pretty much not going to be online for some time due to medical reasons so I may not be able to finish the logo in time for the flags. if I can't I'll say on the 14th the day before you said you wanted it.


For those still getting waffle textures, do this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\maps

Delete all of the mapname_particles.txt files. you can quickly do this by sorting by file type and deleting all of the .txt files. None of them are original.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\particles

Delete custom_particles001.pcf

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\materials\particles

delete everything.

That should solve your problems.


Player -|nQa|- gypsylord joined team RED

Player weiner water soup joined team BLU

[lions]piplup (Pos 11 with 87,530 points) connected (United States)

Giordano (Pos 660 with 1,849 points) connected (United States)

Merktropolis (Pos - with 1,178 points) connected (United States)

Player DEATH BLOW joined team RED

Player Arrownot joined team RED

Player sheik206 joined team BLU

Player atmuh was automatically assigned to team BLU

(=VD=)Drewster (Pos 1,853 with 1,215 points) connected (United States)

FIRERED (Pos 71 with 49,254 points) connected (United States)

Pregame mayhem is active. Friendlyfire and instaspawn active.

Player _________clarinetcandy_________ was automatically assigned to team RED

Player gokurtis joined team RED

Player F4T4L was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player -|nQa|- El ScarCara joined team RED

Player Merktropolis was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player Giordano joined team RED

[sM-RADIO] Welcome atmuh, this server is running SourceMod Radio

[sM-RADIO] Type in chat !radio to bring up the radio menu, or !radiooff to switch the radio off

Player FIRERED joined team BLU

Player (=VD=)Drewster was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player [lions]piplup joined team RED

Player Bark joined team Spectator

Game starting. Friendlyfire off.

Server cvar 'mp_friendlyfire' changed to 0

Server cvar 'sv_tags' changed to cp,increased_ma

Server cvar 'sv_tags' changed to cp,increased_ma

*DEAD* Bark : session

Gladiator Goldfish (Pos - with 1,508 points) connected (United States)

Player Gladiator Goldfish was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player jixi joined team RED

gotta love it

edit i mean if rambo can ban me for flaming through doors which imo is really funny why can he stack all day

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