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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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How about this:















This leaves in most of the "popular" cp maps, but buffers them more. It also adds two customs in, and we can swap those two out as we get tired of them.

I also removed 2fort AND turbine.. there's always RTV.

Nightfall looks interesting. And thank you for removing turtlefort and turtlebine.

How about this:















This leaves in most of the "popular" cp maps, but buffers them more. It also adds two customs in, and we can swap those two out as we get tired of them.

I also removed 2fort AND turbine.. there's always RTV.

I'm quite alright with that.

Though I'm willing to bet Hoodoo isn't going to be accepted haha

Bull poop. I don't like playing Badlands a lot because I just plain don't enjoy the map. In fact, I'll generally leave the server when it comes up now, or if I stay, I'll usually leave after a round. I have almost never played a round of badlands I enjoyed, and a lot of the times I do suck it up and play it lately it seems to be a steamroll.

On the other hand, I actually enjoy dustbowl, goldrush, and badwater so I could play those all day.

bullpoop to what? that all the spam maps are not played as often as badlands/granary? because if so you are very wrong

do not put in hoodoo please it's the worst out of all the payload maps if you take a look at steam stats it shows an overwhelming victory for RED meaning a lot more boring downtime for BLU

bullpoop to what? that all the spam maps are not played as often as badlands/granary? because if so you are very wrong

Okay, I thought I was being obvious but I'll clarify. You claim that people who complain about Badlands or Granary being played too often should be complaining about Dustbowl, Goldrush or Badwater being played too often. I'm not going to say those don't get played just as much, but I'm certainly not going to complain about those maps because I like them. I hate Badlands though and wouldn't be bothered one bit if I never play it again.

If I wasn't clear enough there: people aren't going to complain about playing maps they like a lot, and saying they shouldn't complain about the maps they don't like being played often until they're willing to complain about the ones they do enjoy being played often is stupid.

















Swapped hoodoo for hydro. Better?

edit: ninjad harvest and waste on as well.

No Pipeline saddens me. But I'm excited to play on Nightfall and Premuda, so it's all good. :<


I support axing turbine and 2fort. I'd also be down with axing badlands and gravelpit, but that's just me. I'd rather see well switched from CP to CTF instead of axed entirely. Also, why is harvest listed twice?

Okay, I thought I was being obvious but I'll clarify. You claim that people who complain about Badlands or Granary being played too often should be complaining about Dustbowl, Goldrush or Badwater being played too often. I'm not going to say those don't get played just as much, but I'm certainly not going to complain about those maps because I like them. I hate Badlands though and wouldn't be bothered one bit if I never play it again.

If I wasn't clear enough there: people aren't going to complain about playing maps they like a lot, and saying they shouldn't complain about the maps they don't like being played often until they're willing to complain about the ones they do enjoy being played often is stupid.

...my point was that people can't say badlands and granary are played too often when there are maps out there that are played more often than them because that's being hypocritical

if people want to say they don't like badlands or granary and would want to see less of them then that is a different thing


I'm all for axing 2fort. I'd love it if you'd ax dustbowl, too.

Also, updating ctf_premuda on the mirror and server (it's b1a on both, not b1b)... done. Both are now on b1b.

5CP maps are the best kind of maps because except for the engineer every class is viable on it and there is no lame spam fest going on for 10 minutes like on payload or A/D maps.

PL and A/D maps (except gravelpit i guess) just encourage turtling for the RED team and BLU ends up trying to push through RED's defense for the duration of the round, usually through a narrow passageway that becomes the center of attention for every explosives class to just spam (mostly the demo). This makes it incredibly boring (oh boy look at me I can toss stickies at a chokepoint and detonate them) as BLU has to have reliable medics (lolteamwork) to uber unless RED has a bad class composition with no combat classes (in which case its a steamroll which is just as boring). Scouts become useless due to sentries limiting their movement (part of why valve made the sandman oh boy).

Well is an okay map but the problem with it is that it's tough to push that second (or fourth) point because there is a resupply cabinet right there for the defending team and there are only two ways inside their fort. It makes it very stalematey.

2fort is boring because the bases are so well designed for the defenders (narrow, closed in halls/rooms, defenders respawning RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when you're attacking). When the attackers first set foot outside they will have to a) dodge enemy snipers shooting at them, B) cross the narrow bridge and fight through the spamfest (or die to snipers while trying), c) go through sewers (you still might get your head blown off unless you go through the sewers through your own base which takes 5 minutes of walking). Not to mention in a pub no one really cares about winning in a CTF map. The games also always play out on 2fort where one team will be consistently attacking and the other will just be turtling in their base. After awhile the people who try to attack will get frustrated dying and respawning over and over and will stop attacking and will just go engineer or sniper and just play defense and both sides will eventually end up playing defense (stalemate). Cept valve tried to fix this by introducing critboost when the intel is capped (oh boy)

And the people that complain about badlands/granary being played too much should also be complaining about dustbowl/goldrush/badwater since they are also just as played (if not MUCH more since people just auto rtv when one side wins a couple of rounds)

what he said. also, i really dislike hydro i'd rather have yukon or turbine back.

Did Valve forget this was a weekday or something? I was kinda hoping to see an update BEFORE I went to bed, rather than after I wake up in the morning.

read the second word in your post a few more times and then you might have an answer

Aye, I'm right there with ya lad

ye cannae resist the manly force of a sword and shield.

But yeah seriously when I get my computer back I'm also changing my Steam name to Tavish Degroot like everyone else who is a manly man is going to.


This seems counter to the whole Demolitions Man thing if you ask me.

I noticed they didn't reveal his third weapon yet, which may or may not be a replacement for his bouncy bomb launcher.


You know, I NEVER would have pegged the Demoman as a mama's boy. Never mind 5 million a year. (Do you think all the classes make that much?)

Also, I call total bullshit on Miss Pauling's claim that Soldier already said yes to his offer. IMO, Miss Pauling was directed by the Announcer to present both the Soldier and the Demoman with the same offer and leave the same parting shot of "Your friend said yes, by the way." to speed things along, regardless of what they actually said. Remember, The Announcer's trying to break the thing up. And even if Miss Pauling doesn't like the idea, I highly doubt she's willing to oppose the Announcer's orders. (Probably out of fear more than anything, if her face in the first comic is any indication.)

(Phew, that was a lot of edits.)

You know, I NEVER would have pegged the Demoman as a mama's boy. Never mind 5 million a year. (Do you think all the classes make that much?)

That's 5 million in 1960s money, too! I wonder what that'd be now, adjusted for inflation.

This seems counter to the whole Demolitions Man thing if you ask me.

I noticed they didn't reveal his third weapon yet, which may or may not be a replacement for his bouncy bomb launcher.


start guessing

scout resistance (complete it with body armor)

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