The Mutericator Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 ... Can I have a reserve slot? I think the main reason I don't play on OCR's servers much anymore is because I keep getting kicked for reserve slots. ;_; EDIT: Also Brushfire I need your Paypal account name.
Brushfire Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 We are working on it right now Mutey. Give it a couple of days, and you should have one by next Saturday.
Eulogic Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 jimmy still needs a reserve slot please his current name is jerrybean
The Mutericator Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 We are working on it right now Mutey.Give it a couple of days, and you should have one by next Saturday. Thanks mang.
ParanoidDrone Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 So as I mentioned last night after Turbine, I'm planning on entering a mapping contest, the theme of which is "Competitive CTF." My personal issues with motivation and actually finishing any map I've ever conceived aside, my current goal is to make a CTF map that, aside from being playable in a 6v6 format, can be enjoyed in pub servers without devolving into an impenetrable turtlefest and not offer the ability to trap a team in their own base. I know I asked several questions ingame, but something tells me that reiterating them here would be better for the sake of more detail. 1. We all know 2Fort sucks, but apparently Turbine is passable as a CTF map. What part(s) of each map contribute to this? 2. I noticed that all official CTF maps have a main central area, and the team that controls it need not worry about their intel being taken because the enemy would have to go through it first. Is such an area necessary, or would a secondary route that bypasses it entirely be preferable? Why? 3. On reflection, Question 2 seems to boil down to whether intel defense should exist primarily in the intel room proper or wherever the team's forward location is and hope no one gets past. The former can be quite boring for the defenders, while the latter implies the map can be locked down somehow. Again, which is preferable and why? Thanks guys. :3
atmuh Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 turbine is excellent because it has the middle section that is completely open and one team can fight to take control of that it also is virtually impossible to lock down the intel room with engineers, and the only people that say it is i guess have no idea how to play demo or even heavy (as ive destroyed 2-3 sentries as both classes even without a medic) if youre gonna do a competitive ctf map dont make weird alt routes just make it straight and to the point, like turbine 2fort is probably the best ctf map valve has made to be honest, mostly because its somewhat small and very straightforward both sawmill and doublecross are incredibly awful, and ctf_well would be a lot better if the intel room wasnt gigantic, because with that you can put a zillion sentries all over the place
atmuh Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 doubecross is about as bad as ctf maps can get not only does it not allow for a general open area for all classes to run around and dm on (the bridge is way too narrow) but its absolutely GIGANTIC because its so big snipers can go just about wherever and chill out clicking without really having to worry about anything the intel room is so far away that its basically impossible to get there without a medic unless youre a scout but if theres a sentry in there you cant get the intel its also optimized poorly its basically a huge version of 2fort
ParanoidDrone Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 2fort is probably the best ctf map valve has made to be honest, mostly because its somewhat small and very straightforward What is this I don't even.
atmuh Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 What is this I don't even. youre really telling me youd rather sawmill well or doublecross?
ParanoidDrone Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Over 2Fort? Very yes. (Doublecross in particular. Whether it turns out to be good or bad, it still has novelty going for it in my book.) Tangent: Doublecross or Double Cross?
Eulogic Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 i'd rather never play ctf for what it's worth
atmuh Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Over 2Fort? Very yes. (Doublecross in particular. Whether it turns out to be good or bad, it still has novelty going for it in my book.) what novelty because it was released somewhat recently? all thats shown me is that valve has no idea how to make a decent map anymore (i mean gorge is as bad as a/d gets and before that we had maps like pipeline and sawmill) the only hope for decent maps nowadays lies with the community which is completely upside down from what i used to think because back before and around the scout update id despise anything from stock maps
ParanoidDrone Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 /me would rather not get into an internet debate over whether Valve's new maps are/are not up to par. Really.
Powerlord Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 I would rather play Double Cross than Turbine any day. Turbine has this terrible problem where the middle gets locked down by one team (didn't we already discuss a few hundred pages back?).
atmuh Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 if in turbine one team locks down the middle the other team is just godawful it really isnt that hard to blow up a sentry or two in the mid section if you have even a couple competent players
ParanoidDrone Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 1. We all know 2Fort sucks, but apparently Turbine is passable as a CTF map. What part(s) of each map contribute to this?2. I noticed that all official CTF maps have a main central area, and the team that controls it need not worry about their intel being taken because the enemy would have to go through it first. Is such an area necessary, or would a secondary route that bypasses it entirely be preferable? Why? 3. On reflection, Question 2 seems to boil down to whether intel defense should exist primarily in the intel room proper or wherever the team's forward location is and hope no one gets past. The former can be quite boring for the defenders, while the latter implies the map can be locked down somehow. Again, which is preferable and why? Since I'd rather not let this devolve much further...AHEM! Atmuh can ignore this since he already provided input, but he's also the only one who has so far.
atmuh Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 my name isnt capitalized holy crap also outstanding
Bleck Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 /me would rather not get into an internet debate over whether Valve's new maps are/are not up to par. Really. Why did you say /me instead of I. I mean seriously, now.
ParanoidDrone Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Why did you say /me instead of I. I mean seriously, now. I'm a nerd. Sue me. <.<
moooonpie Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 keeping in mind that i'm just some pubbie, 2fort and doublecross = hate ahte ahta htae htahtha hate, such incredibly tedious maps. i think i like well, simply because i haven't played it much at all and it's still kinda fresh for me. um turbine is pretty solid all around, and as a scout i really enjoy the middle of sawmill but hate the intel rooms. the thing i notice the most is that the middle of the three ctf maps i'm okay with allow much more lateral movement. the upstairs/downstairs/basement elements of 2fort and doublecross i think could be made better if movement between floors was easier. as it is now if you are on low ground you are generally committed/stuck and at an obvious positional disadvantage, and feeling trapped makes gameplay really annoying for me.
FireSlash Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 2fort has been replaced with ctf_well sawmill has been replaced with cp_yukon_final
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