miyako Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 As a reserve slot holder typing !votescramble will instantly start one. I was neither the only admin nor the only reserve slot holder in that game. you're one of the admins, you should be forcescrambling there that's what admins should be doing during a roll not letting everyone rtv off a map and endorsing all 5cp maps to be taken out of the rotation so that we can play dustbowl all day
miyako Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 the prediction and trajectory thats involved in the arrows in incredibly similar to aiming pipessure they can headshot but have you SEEN how much direct pipes do? they do ~100 which is a heck of a lot more than an uncharged bodyshot from an arrow charging shots as a sniper is just a waste of time youll find that the snipers that spend the least amount of time charging and much more of their time aiming before they scope, scoping, and then immediately headshotting are the snipers that are the really good ones the only class you should really ever charge for is a heavy how did you go from uncharged huntsman bodyshots to sniper rifle uncharged shots charged huntsman headshots do a heck of a lot more than a pipe and go faster and go in a straighter line see i can do it too!
Brushfire Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 you're one of the admins, you should be forcescrambling therethat's what admins should be doing during a roll not letting everyone rtv off a map and endorsing all 5cp maps to be taken out of the rotation so that we can play dustbowl all day I'll field this one. Up until recently, I have been forcing scrambles in order to preserve balence. But earlier this week, in the admins social group, we have been discussing weither or not we should be doing that, instead of doing a votescamble. With vote scramble being at 50% required, there is no reason, other than the losing team having some sort of losing fetish, for the vote not to pass. Nextly, do you want us to pass some sort of resolution preventing RTVing from a map in the 1st 5 minutes or something? Lastly, all 5CP maps will be removed in favor of CTF and Payload, not Dustbowl. I don't speak for the rest of the admins on this one, but I am sure they would all agree with me.
miyako Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 no i dont care that teams arent being forcescrambled when one side is getting rolled. i don't care enough to bring up a vote and if one does come up ill vote yes if it is a roll. what i do care is when instead of a scramble people go off and rtv instead and so we get to play dustbowl and pl_badbowl and pl_dustrush over and over i also care when there are admins present that can and should be doing the scramble when the score is 5-0 instead of blaming the regs (wtf?). no one did the !votescramble prob because they saw that there were admins on that were able to do it. why would someone voteban a hacker when there is an admin on that can ban him instead. same thing here
FireSlash Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 My general guidelines for a /votescramble: Push maps - Score is 3 0 and the losing team hasn't pushed beyond mid OR 5 0 otherwise. I find often it takes a few rounds for a team to get it together (Such as in waste last night. Two rolls, then we pushed back and had some great matches after that) A/D maps - Winning team caps all stages/points, losing team fails to cap first stage/point. Just because you got rolled one way doesn't mean the reverse isn't true. Sometimes both teams suck at defense. CTF maps - 2 0 shutout. PLR maps - 2 0 shutout. I suppose the point to posting these is to point out that just because your team is losing, doesn't mean teams are unbalanced. It's impossible to get a perfect team balance every time. The key is a setup where neither team is being flat out rolled. If your team is putting up a good fight but consistently losing; Teams are balanced. I should also remind you that I play TF2 because it's fun. To that effect, it's easy for me to lose sight of the scores or rounds. I'm sure other admins run into the same problem. Don't be afraid to call out for a scramble if you think it needs done.
atmuh Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 how did you go from uncharged huntsman bodyshots to sniper rifle uncharged shotscharged huntsman headshots do a heck of a lot more than a pipe and go faster and go in a straighter line see i can do it too! yeah i was all over the place in that post and charged hunstman headshots take a ton of time to charge and unless youre close to the enemy (where you risk dying a lot) theyre incredibly difficult to land also WHERE IS TURBINE
Eulogic Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 My general guidelines for a /votescramble:Push maps - Score is 3 0 and the losing team hasn't pushed beyond mid OR 5 0 otherwise. I find often it takes a few rounds for a team to get it together (Such as in waste last night. Two rolls, then we pushed back and had some great matches after that) A/D maps - Winning team caps all stages/points, losing team fails to cap first stage/point. Just because you got rolled one way doesn't mean the reverse isn't true. Sometimes both teams suck at defense. CTF maps - 2 0 shutout. PLR maps - 2 0 shutout. I suppose the point to posting these is to point out that just because your team is losing, doesn't mean teams are unbalanced. It's impossible to get a perfect team balance every time. The key is a setup where neither team is being flat out rolled. If your team is putting up a good fight but consistently losing; Teams are balanced. I should also remind you that I play TF2 because it's fun. To that effect, it's easy for me to lose sight of the scores or rounds. I'm sure other admins run into the same problem. Don't be afraid to call out for a scramble if you think it needs done. By the time most of those conditions roll around, I'm done with the map anyway. Votescramble at the first sign of imbalance. It's not like teams are meant to be long-lasting anyway.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 yeah i was all over the place in that postand charged hunstman headshots take a ton of time to charge and unless youre close to the enemy (where you risk dying a lot) theyre incredibly difficult to land also WHERE IS TURBINE Sniper Rifle takes 5 seconds to charge iirc. The Huntsman takes 1.
FireSlash Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 By the time most of those conditions roll around, I'm done with the map anyway. Votescramble at the first sign of imbalance. It's not like teams are meant to be long-lasting anyway. cp_waste last night First two rounds were a roll. then we started to mesh well and things were awesome for the rest of the map. Some of the best 5cp action I'd played all week. It often takes a few rounds for a team to figure itself out.
miyako Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 all admins except one are good with scrambles just dont blame regulars for not scrambling if you're an admin scrambling isn't the solution to a roll anyway
atmuh Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Sniper Rifle takes 5 seconds to charge iirc. The Huntsman takes 1. yes and that second where youre moving really slow if youre anywhere near the guy you wanna hit (the point of the huntsman) youre an easy target
Bleck Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Lastly, all 5CP maps will be removed in favor of CTF and Payload, not Dustbowl. great now we can play goldrush and turbine all day
Vivi22 Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 yes and that second where youre moving really slow if youre anywhere near the guy you wanna hit (the point of the huntsman) youre an easy target If you're so close to your target that you don't have time for a full charge then why would you wait for the full charge? Odds are popping off a quick arrow to the head will do just fine.
Rambo Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 i also care when there are admins present that can and should be doing the scramble when the score is 5-0 instead of blaming the regs (wtf?). no one did the !votescramble prob because they saw that there were admins on that were able to do it. why would someone voteban a hacker when there is an admin on that can ban him instead. same thing here As I said, I wasn't the only admin present. I was the only admin on the losing team however. This particular example aside, I've heard of plenty occasions and seen the screenshots of games that have been terribly unbalanced (when no admins were present) where reserve slot holders on the rolling team could have taken it upon themselves to right the game. Being a reserve slot holder means being part of the community. If someone has no interest in preserving the status of the server (not using their privileges when they can/should be used) why should they then have a reserve slot. I'm not saying that I couldn't have scrambled the teams. The server rules are intended to serve the regulars in the community. But when one team is down 3 players due to rage quits, and the opposing team (full of regulars) waits around to potentially be screwed over by an autobalance instead of attempting to level out the game, bother inforcing rules to protect those same regulars? Rather, why moderate a server that has no interest in moderation? Why not just go to any other server that has the same lack of integrity? If you have a reserve slot, you're trusted with responsibilities. Use them when they're best needed instead of hiding behind ignorance. Don't wait for someone else to protect the server you call home when you have been given the power to do that yourself. With a server full of trusted reserve slot holders, admins should rarely have to be called upon. That or there should be a lot fewer reserve slots I suppose.
atmuh Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 some of just wanna play tf2 rambo you gotta calm down
Nabeel Ansari Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 I'm probably a minority, but I don't see the big point of who's winning. I don't care who's winning, my team or the other, I just like to get on the map and start shooting/stabbing/sniping. I really just like having fun in this game, I'm not sure why no one else should. It's just a game, and if people keep winning 5 times in a row on the same map with the same time, I'll just stop playing because I'm not playing anything different anymore; I'm just replaying what I played earlier. I'm a reserved slot holder, but I don't know how to votescramble or nominate a map. I didn't know that I was expected to, but if I am, I'll definitely try to do more of that when it's needed.
atmuh Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 youre not youre expected to play tf2 and enjoy yourself its hard i know....
Nabeel Ansari Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 youre notyoure expected to play tf2 and enjoy yourself its hard i know.... I enjoy myself just fine, but Rambo said reserved slotties should do their part more. Which is more important?
atmuh Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 if you dont want to votescramble why should you be expected to votescramble
Brushfire Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Honestly, I would prefer it if reserve slots only had the power to have the slot and nothing more. But seeing as many of our admins can't be around 24/7 (or like 13/5?), they actually need those powers. Weither or not they choose to use, is entirely up to them. But if they have the power to do these things, and don't, and then complain on the boards that nothing is being done... Wel it is a tad rediculous. Oh well. @Miyako: I really doubt that the 5CP maps will be going away. Maybe one of them, but definetly not all of them.
atmuh Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 most of the admins dont even play the game at all anymore and 95% of reserved slot holders have no idea as to what they can do
ParanoidDrone Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 This is mostly @ Rambo: I don't force scrambles because... 1. I didn't know I could until relatively recently 2. When we're getting rolled, I don't think "stacked teams," I think "stupid teammates." Usually. 3. I'd rather not have to defend my decision to force a scramble in the face of power abuse accusations. 4. RTV tends to cause less of a ruckus anyway. In unrelated news, 4-Sentry farms are a BITCH to take down. Even with two Ubered Demomen.
Powerlord Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 3. I'd rather not have to defend my decision to force a scramble in the face of power abuse accusations. Yes, because no matter how stacked the teams are, there's always going to be someone who bitches. I coUld do namecalling here, But Everyone probabLy knows.
Brushfire Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 I coUld do namecalling here, But Everyone probabLy knows. AHAAHAHAHAHAH!! I totally see what you did there.
atmuh Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 if youre trying to refer to me i dont really get it at all
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