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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Allright, I've decided to start up a kinda custom map a week thing. Whether or not this'll be worth it is yet to be seen, but once every week (or just whenever I feel like it) I'll download a bunch of popular custom maps, pick the best one, then recommend it here for a little server time. Sound good? Okay.

This round's finalists were;




Aerospace: Great concept, this ctf map takes place in RED and BLU airbases, it's a beautiful map and contains airport, lumberyard, AND underground cave themes. It appears as though it will play well and should be a good candidate for the server.

Spacebase: Interesting idea, this map is all based inside a space station, it's got winding passageways and a small underwater section. However the lighting makes my eyes bleed and it could use a lot my detail and some textures are missing.

Avante: A 2 round cp map, practically a second dustbowl (in a good way). This map reminds me of dustbowl a lot, but has a completely different layout, this would probably be the winner but there are still a few graphical and gameplay glitches (such as jumping into a bit of water and not being able to get out) as soon as these are ironed out, this map will be coming back.

And this rounds winner is... Dun dun duuuuuh! ctf_aerospace_b1 !!!

It looks like a great map and I'd be interested in playing this on the server sometime, this is Zephyr's map pick of the week, if anyone else is interested in this map, post about it and maybe we can actually get it on the server. Be warned though, it's filesize is atrocious, so you'll want to download it ahead of time if it does get on.

Bye till next time. *poof*


[from the steam forums]

Players of TF2,

I present to you, today, a modest proposal.

It may have occurred to some of you that this game is not balanced. Pyro is too easy to play and rewards the less skilled, the demoman is plain out too good, the sniper can only be beaten by another sniper, etcetera, etcetera. But I want you all to THINK. What could take it away? What could take away all of this unbalance; what could make scouts align with sentries, what could make heavies a fair match for snipers, what could make soldiers a fair match for pyros?

The obvious answer is to take them all out. That's right, take them all out. The first 6 classes in the list need to go. The sniper as well. This leaves us with medic and spy.

However, the blutsauger and the needle gun are unbalanced with eachother, as well as the bonesaw and the ubersaw; naturally, we have to take these out. So why bother even having a medic if all he does is just heal with nothing else to do?

Cut the medic out. This leaves us with spy. However, shoddy netcode leads to backstabs not connecting every single time, even on a non-moving target while the spy is standing still as well. We should take the backstab out for this reason. The revolvers' range is too long, yet it is not as strong as the shotgun up close; remove the revolver as well.

You think I'm done? Oh no, not quite. Disguises are quite easy to see through, so the disguise kit should be taken out. The cloak doesn't last long enough as well. You should make it last as long as the user wants. It's also quite underpowered as you can't move through enemies with it, and they can see you when you bump them. Remove these two aspects.

This leaves the sapper and the cloak. Without engineers and without weapons, there is no unbalance. There CAN'T be unbalance. Think about it - a world without demomen, a world without underpowered spies, a place without scouts, a place without sentries, a place without snipers, a place without heavy medic combos...

Only balance.






[from the steam forums]

Players of TF2,

I present to you, today, a modest proposal.

It may have occurred to some of you that this game is not balanced. Pyro is too easy to play and rewards the less skilled, the demoman is plain out too good, the sniper can only be beaten by another sniper, etcetera, etcetera. But I want you all to THINK. What could take it away? What could take away all of this unbalance; what could make scouts align with sentries, what could make heavies a fair match for snipers, what could make soldiers a fair match for pyros?

The obvious answer is to take them all out. That's right, take them all out. The first 6 classes in the list need to go. The sniper as well. This leaves us with medic and spy.

However, the blutsauger and the needle gun are unbalanced with eachother, as well as the bonesaw and the ubersaw; naturally, we have to take these out. So why bother even having a medic if all he does is just heal with nothing else to do?

Cut the medic out. This leaves us with spy. However, shoddy netcode leads to backstabs not connecting every single time, even on a non-moving target while the spy is standing still as well. We should take the backstab out for this reason. The revolvers' range is too long, yet it is not as strong as the shotgun up close; remove the revolver as well.

You think I'm done? Oh no, not quite. Disguises are quite easy to see through, so the disguise kit should be taken out. The cloak doesn't last long enough as well. You should make it last as long as the user wants. It's also quite underpowered as you can't move through enemies with it, and they can see you when you bump them. Remove these two aspects.

This leaves the sapper and the cloak. Without engineers and without weapons, there is no unbalance. There CAN'T be unbalance. Think about it - a world without demomen, a world without underpowered spies, a place without scouts, a place without sentries, a place without snipers, a place without heavy medic combos...

Only balance.






Yes, a game without weapons would be balanced. Pointless, but balanced!

On a more serious note, certain classes are designed to be easier to play than others. Valve even admits that in the developer commentary; the example they use is Heavy, not Pyro.

Still, some classes are intended to counter each other. Spy counters Sniper, for example.


LOL @ video.

And am I the only person who doesn't think Demos are too good? I mean...they're good, but they're not overly good. IMO, soldiers are better.

Not saying they're busted either, mind you.


the thing about demomen is that they're only overpowered at high levels of play - ie you actually have to know what you are doing

soldiers are the opposite - they are pretty much the nub nub nub class


Demoman does require some degree of skill to play in its entirety, especially to be really good with the primary Grenade Launcher. But almost any idiot can lay down a couple of stickies and get some easy kills. Yes, the most effective demomen need to practice with stickies to be absurdly good with them, but in my opinion Demoman isn't really all that difficult to do well with if you just spam the Stickies.

Obviously, Sticky-Spammers will not necessarily achieve the highest level of play, but they can be more irritating than Soldiers, I find.

Plus, Soldiers tend to be powerful for a number of reasons. Yes, it does have a low learning curve overall, but as the *primary* offensive class, they're supposed to be reasonably strong. The other two offensive classes are Scout and Pyro, but those roles are niche at best. You need someone that's functional at all around combat and that's what the Soldier is. At the same time, the Soldier's vulnerable in a lot of ways. Slow reloads, slow run speed, and their projectiles are slow. I think the Soldier's pretty balanced for what it's supposed to be: the vanilla shock trooper.

And I respectfully disagree with Bleck that the Soldier is the easy path. Truthfully, I find it easier to play as a Pyro, though that's a matter of personal preference at this point. I will agree that the skill curve to be a decent Soldier is gentler than say, being a good Sniper or especially being a good Spy. But I say, just because you play Soldier doesn't automatically make you a noob, especially after seeing people like Bahamut or Pyrion wipe the floor with people in a respectable fashion.

Slow reloads

this is offset by the ability to fire every individually reloaded shot

also when I say soldier is the noob class I am referring to the fact that for some reason everyone recommends the soldier to noobs because it's 'the most reminiscent of any other FPS', despite the Sniper obviously filling that role

this is offset by the ability to fire every individually reloaded shot

also when I say soldier is the noob class I am referring to the fact that for some reason everyone recommends the soldier to noobs because it's 'the most reminiscent of any other FPS', despite the Sniper obviously filling that role

Ah, okay. That makes sense, then. I see where you're coming from now, definitely.


I'm sad to say that I think the easiest class to pick up and be good at is the Pyro...

I maintain the fact that there's a visible difference that's easy to see between a good and a noob pyro, but I really think they went from being the worst class (pre-update) to one of the easier ones to play.


Since we're talking about classes I'll give my thoughts :)

Demomen are very strong, if not slightly overpowered. The sticky bombs are almost ridiculously strong and it happens very often that I see demo's not even using their grenade launcher and still being quite effective, and that's where the problem is.

It just feels cheap, despite demo being my most played class, when I miss a scout four times with my grenades, switch to stickies, and blow him up right away. Same goes for most other situations, it happens too often that demomen can just cheese their way out of an encounter with sticky spam.

Soldiers, on the other hand, are strong, but balanced. Yes, if you have just picked up the game and you start with a soldier, you'll be able to rack in quite a few kills due to the splash damage and crits, but it isn't exactly effective, and any decent player, no matter what class, will still roll you in a direct encounter. And there's always soldiers who are able to pull crazy stuff like mid-air rocket hits and have rocket jumping down to an art, so to say that there's no skill involved would be taking it a bit far.


I've done some minor editing to the map cycle. It is now:















This is basically just reordering what we already had to move the two custom maps apart and to split up clumps of pl and cp maps.

why do we still have two dustbowls

I was going to remove one, but I seem to recall people saying that I should keep it in because Dustbowl is "the lowest common denominator" map that everyone knows.


Bleck, I'm not sure you said what you meant. I don't think it's hard to deny the fact that most people know Dustbowl...

That being said, I'm not too big a fan of it. :-(

Also, I really miss being able to jump on the server whenever. Good times, those were. :-(


whether or not people 'know' dustbowl is irrelevant

it doesn't mean we should have to play it any more than any other server - ESPECIALLY since the server defaults back to dustbowl whenever something goes wrong AND everyone mostly votes for dustbowl whenever we rock the vote anyways

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