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$15 is not that bad really, especially when I saw the Painkiller "Special Edition" for $14.99 which was a gimped version upon further research.

Thankfully I managed to replace my older painkiller discs (they were scratched up) with the Painkiller: Triple Dose for $19.99

As for the game, it was enjoyable with the movement being rather smooth and responsive; for me at least.


This game is awesome! I played about 3 hours of 3 player last night and it was a blast. The leveling up is cool and keeps multiple playthroughs interesting. Each character has slightly different magic attacks which is nice, the action is pretty good, the graphics look great I think, and the game is pretty hilarious. We played about 3 hours and I think we're only like 1/2 done the campaign, so I think this game is worth $15.


I'm really thinking about this one. But BC:R took my Microsoft points, so I'd have to buy even more. It all depends on whether I can get into this type of game (which I usually can't).

I wasn't impressed with the demo, especially at a $15 price point. Is there anything later on to distinguish it from the millions of Final Fight clones I already have available via emulation?

Call me crazy, but this game is leagues better than Final Fight in multiple regards. Final Fight and other beatem-ups were iconic, but they simply don't have the variety Castle Crashers has.

The bosses are a ton of fun, the normal enemies can be a major pain (which is a good thing in beatem-ups) and the 4 player Co-Op is maybe the most fun I had with the genre since TMNT4.

The only negative I have of the entire game is that sometimes the action gets way too frantic, so the entire screen is filled with carnage, but again, that may be seen as standard fare for beatem-ups anyway.


I seldom post on these forums, but for what its worth, I can tell you this game is absolutely worth the 1200 points it costs to get this game. My friend bought it because we were bored, and me, him, and another friend played until we beat it, which took around 8 hours. Haven't sat down and played a game that long since the ps2 came out. Not saying this game is the fucking God of all games, but it's extremely fun. The weapon system, pet system, leveling system, and the amount of characters that you can unlock/play are all great. Not the mention the music is fricken amazing.


Oh yeah, the music is really something else entirely. Just like the creators in Newgrounds, they got a lot of truly original talent to do the music this time and it is epic. Flash animation style epic, but epic nontheless.

Also, though Alien Hominid was a nice re-styling of Metal Slug type of shooter, it was much too difficult. This game however, is just the right mixture of challenge and fun.

And the final boss is easily the most epic beat-em-up boss you can ever fight.


I'm really enjoying Castle Crashers myself. I've already finished it with two characters, so we'll see how much longer it can entertain me. The art and animation are epic, the game's engine does exactly what it's meant to do, except when it doesn't (heh, has anyone else been beaten into submission by a flurry of uncountable hits while surrounded by enemies?), and the music isn't bad either, though I think the title theme is the best track (as it's the only one I can remember).

Though, does anyone else think that the way you unlock most of the characters is kinda lame? I can't help but think that before I've unlocked them all I'm going to be tired of running through the game.

Overall I give Castle Crashers two thumbs way way up. Between Braid, Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Castle Crashers this was an epic month for XBLA. Now if only Mega Man 9 will hurry up. :)

Overall I give Castle Crashers two thumbs way way up. Between Braid, Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Castle Crashers this was an epic month for XBLA. Now if only Mega Man 9 will hurry up. :)

Yeah, this summer there haven't been a whole lot of $60 games to buy, but I've spent $60 or so on downloadable games....Pixeljunk Monsters, Eden, Braid, Geometry Wars 2, Castle Crashers. I've been eying Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty also...

People don't realize (or want to realize) that their peers and fellow fans are capable of making far more kickass games than 60% of the professional games out there right now.

Are you referencing XNA?


Okay, my friend bought this over the weekend, and me, him, and my other two friends spent 3 great hours playing this game. I'm definitely gonna get it. I just have to get MM9 first. And Kirby Superstars DS. And Mega Man 2. And Super Mario RPG. And rent The Force Unleashed. And...

Looks like I'm gonna be a while...

People don't realize (or want to realize) that their peers and fellow fans are capable of making far more kickass games than 60% of the professional games out there right now.

And yet like total online newbies, the Newgrounds team can't get the netcode right and it's probably one of the buggiest online games on Xbox Live. They did say they were working on a patch. Hopefully it'll come out soon.

Besides being single player ONLY with two modes of game play and five levels... It was lackluster IMO...

Better value than a re-release of geometry wars. But then again, I didn't like the first Geometry Wars very much. I like Galaga legions because it seems to have the perfect difficulty, and is a good pick-up game.

The five levels are hard enough to be challenging without making you want to cry (Ikagura).

As for castle crashers;

It was fun. Like a faster paced Golden Axe, but not worth the price tag. Like Braid; I'll be waiting for the price to go down.

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