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Yeah, new announcement from Nintendo on October 2nd-3rdish. Linkage.

In this event, Nintendo announces their uberhuge 512 meg expansion hard drive, manufactured under exclusive contract with Sun Microsystems. Because it wouldn't be cool to be able to store all your shit on one drive.

Let us speculate.

Wait no, y'all speculate, I'll just make fun of Nintendo. Make sure you bash the games industry too so we can get John 'Wangless' Burnett in here to make imprecations from his pregnant widowskin chair.


Let it be a decent game and not more silly attachments... Seriously, with all the crap you have to buy to play the Wii wouldn't you be better off just buying a system that comes complete as is? and has better games? (cough cough xbox360)


The FF13 for Xbox360 was the kind of thing that could probably only happen at E3 though. Some of the games simply didn't make it as well. Other than that, I thought E3 was fine.

Also, the next 'big' game will probably be Kirby. I'll yawn while I wait for the DS Kirby game.


I do not want to see the following:

- Minigames, VC titles for new systems, VC titles in general, new peripherals/attachments, games coming out in 2+ years (which only guarantees that, gee, I won't be playing my Wii for another 2+ years), new Channels that mean nothing to me, eventual price drops, new accessories that don't classify as "Attachments" or "Peripherals" (whatever that might entail), casual games, applications for NDS (IE cooking utilities, language utilities, etc.), musical performances, more ways to use Friend Codes, a new version of Pokemon, and lastly, some kind of new

As a hardcore gamer, I want to see Zelda, and a damn good Zelda. Nintendo has clearly forgotten the audience in which I would be classified into, thus a Zelda is what is required to get my attention. Without this I will merely not care.

IF Nintendo announces a Zelda title, I expect to see the following additions to the game, and for it to be available Q3 to Q4 2009:

- A free-roaming Hyrule field (a la Elder Scrolls). I NEVER want to see a mysterious black chasm separating me from another area EVER again. If I see another one of these I may give Zelda up for good. It's just a lack of innovative thinking. Come on Miyamoto. You're Mister innovative aren't you? You're wreaking of laziness ... and geritol.

- Multiple side-quests. There's a reason GTA sells so much, and besides the stealing cars, shooting cops, and beating hookers, it's the amount of options and exploring you can do.

- a REAL story that doesn't crap on you half-way by tricking you into thinking theres an actual story (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWILIGHT PRINCESS... you give us an awesome new bad guy and presentation only to have the game go back into the "trying to be Ocarina of Time" formula... give me something fresh damn it!). OOT, for it's day, was amazing. TP was spending too much time trying to be OOT. Give me something meaty. Something with half a thought in it. I thought TP was going there during/after the first three dungeons (that half was amazing), but I quickly realized, wait, nope, same old thing. Fun game, but come on. A twisting storyline, an addition to the story as you progress from one dungeon to the next... *sigh* pipe dream. I'm okay with a completely linear story... I'm not even asking for choices because I realize that's asking too much.

- Avoid cliches. That means reducing the number of element themed dungeons (earth, wind, fire, water, heart, go planet, sheesh)

- AND PLEASE, don't limit interactivity. Twilight Princess gave you two freakin' clawshots that you couldn't use them unless you had a freakin' target to shoot at. If memory serves if didn't even latch on to trees. The hookshot in Ocarina of Time 10 years ago could do that and more!! You could climb up freakin' everything. COME ON! In fact, half the items you could get in TP were of virtually no use to you after each dungeon. There were so very few little areas you could grind on with that spinny thing, and clawshot (psh, already bitched about that). Same with those cool Magnetic areas.

- Last but not least, add some shiney graphics. I liked both Twilight Princess and Wind Waker's style, so you pretty much get a free pass here as long as you don't go too crazy.

If this series doesn't get shaken up then they should NOT make anothe Zelda title... oh but wait, I'm in my mid twenties now... surely there must be some little 10 year old that hasn't played ANY Zelda titles so anything rehashed and relabeled will be new to them...

... that's the "Nintendo new product model" for crying out loud. Rehash, Relabel, Repeat.

AND BY NO MEANS DO I WANT TO SEE "ZELDA RACING" OR "ZELDA LINK'S CROSSBOW TRAINING 2" OR "ZELDA: COLLECT A CUCKOO" franchise based spin-off titles. Give me a traditional, yet ground breaking Zelda.

Love ya Nintendo, but come on...

*goes back to waiting for LittleBigPlanet*

I've been enjoying atma's posts too much I think.


OH, and if Miyamoto, Reggie, or any number of Nintendo execs want to commit ritualistic seppuku on stage in an act of forgiveness to the hardcore audience, then I MIGHT accept that.

... keyword, "MIGHT." You may substitute all of them for that annoying woman at E3 or, bonus points, for getting that goofy, spiky haired, Indian kid that played the drums at the E3 presentation (and I use the term "presentation" loosely here, as "Snoozefest," "sleepy-time," and "cluster-f" seem like more applicable descriptive terms).

Honestly, this single post is the most interested I've been in Nintendo for almost half a year.



the new zelda needs a twist where ganondorf is born a good guy who quests to find the triforce so he can wish for a better home for the gerudo but he has to go through the fanatical religious knights of hyrule who believe that the gerudo people are less than human and are not allowed to touch the triforce and also the leader of the knights is link

I am not joking that would be awesome

I do not want to see the following:

- Minigames, VC titles for new systems, VC titles in general, new peripherals/attachments, games coming out in 2+ years (which only guarantees that, gee, I won't be playing my Wii for another 2+ years), new Channels that mean nothing to me, eventual price drops, new accessories that don't classify as "Attachments" or "Peripherals" (whatever that might entail), casual games, applications for NDS (IE cooking utilities, language utilities, etc.), musical performances, more ways to use Friend Codes, a new version of Pokemon, and lastly, some kind of new

As a hardcore gamer, I want to see Zelda, and a damn good Zelda. Nintendo has clearly forgotten the audience in which I would be classified into, thus a Zelda is what is required to get my attention. Without this I will merely not care.

IF Nintendo announces a Zelda title, I expect to see the following additions to the game, and for it to be available Q3 to Q4 2009:

- A free-roaming Hyrule field (a la Elder Scrolls). I NEVER want to see a mysterious black chasm separating me from another area EVER again. If I see another one of these I may give Zelda up for good. It's just a lack of innovative thinking. Come on Miyamoto. You're Mister innovative aren't you? You're wreaking of laziness ... and geritol.

- Multiple side-quests. There's a reason GTA sells so much, and besides the stealing cars, shooting cops, and beating hookers, it's the amount of options and exploring you can do.

- a REAL story that doesn't crap on you half-way by tricking you into thinking theres an actual story (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWILIGHT PRINCESS... you give us an awesome new bad guy and presentation only to have the game go back into the "trying to be Ocarina of Time" formula... give me something fresh damn it!). OOT, for it's day, was amazing. TP was spending too much time trying to be OOT. Give me something meaty. Something with half a thought in it. I thought TP was going there during/after the first three dungeons (that half was amazing), but I quickly realized, wait, nope, same old thing. Fun game, but come on. A twisting storyline, an addition to the story as you progress from one dungeon to the next... *sigh* pipe dream. I'm okay with a completely linear story... I'm not even asking for choices because I realize that's asking too much.

- Avoid cliches. That means reducing the number of element themed dungeons (earth, wind, fire, water, heart, go planet, sheesh)

- AND PLEASE, don't limit interactivity. Twilight Princess gave you two freakin' clawshots that you couldn't use them unless you had a freakin' target to shoot at. If memory serves if didn't even latch on to trees. The hookshot in Ocarina of Time 10 years ago could do that and more!! You could climb up freakin' everything. COME ON! In fact, half the items you could get in TP were of virtually no use to you after each dungeon. There were so very few little areas you could grind on with that spinny thing, and clawshot (psh, already bitched about that). Same with those cool Magnetic areas.

- Last but not least, add some shiney graphics. I liked both Twilight Princess and Wind Waker's style, so you pretty much get a free pass here as long as you don't go too crazy.

If this series doesn't get shaken up then they should NOT make anothe Zelda title... oh but wait, I'm in my mid twenties now... surely there must be some little 10 year old that hasn't played ANY Zelda titles so anything rehashed and relabeled will be new to them...

... that's the "Nintendo new product model" for crying out loud. Rehash, Relabel, Repeat.

AND BY NO MEANS DO I WANT TO SEE "ZELDA RACING" OR "ZELDA LINK'S CROSSBOW TRAINING 2" OR "ZELDA: COLLECT A CUCKOO" franchise based spin-off titles. Give me a traditional, yet ground breaking Zelda.

Love ya Nintendo, but come on...

*goes back to waiting for LittleBigPlanet*

I've been enjoying atma's posts too much I think.


OH, and if Miyamoto, Reggie, or any number of Nintendo execs want to commit ritualistic seppuku on stage in an act of forgiveness to the hardcore audience, then I MIGHT accept that.

... keyword, "MIGHT." You may substitute all of them for that annoying woman at E3 or, bonus points, for getting that goofy, spiky haired, Indian kid that played the drums at the E3 presentation (and I use the term "presentation" loosely here, as "Snoozefest," "sleepy-time," and "cluster-f" seem like more applicable descriptive terms).

Honestly, this single post is the most interested I've been in Nintendo for almost half a year.


As The Gunslinger would say "Say true, say thankya". I found myself pretty disappointed as well with TP.

I think that Nintendo is all about the money these days. Why else would you make a system to attract to the barbaric mainstream people? Or be too lazy to make new games and simply ride the wave of profit you're making? Or give us a halfhearted, (yes, HALFHEARTED) Zelda? Or be SO lazy as to not even judge the games that come on your system and just let ANY game any freaking producer wants to be on it, therefore, your system being flooded with terrible games?

Seriously. Nintendo is greedy. That whole deal with Sony that fell out said it all.

the new zelda needs a twist where ganondorf is born a good guy who quests to find the triforce so he can wish for a better home for the gerudo but he has to go through the fanatical religious knights of hyrule who believe that the gerudo people are less than human and are not allowed to touch the triforce and also the leader of the knights is link

I am not joking that would be awesome

Nintendo needs extreme thinkers like you :)


I don't care how they make a Zelda game as long as there's any chance of dying due to difficulty of enemies and their tactics. It feels like YEARS since I actually died because a Zelda game was hard. Usually it seems I die only when I flub myself and not because the game themselves were difficult. The last time that seemed to happen was with Zelda Oracles games.


Honestly, I don't care that Nintendo is greedy. A company's exists soley to make a profit.

I just want some kind of evolution from things I played years ago, and Nintendo just keeps churning things with minimal innovation.

I mean, I remember the days when people called Nintendo the innovative developer. Now, I mean, yeah, they have the Wii, but that's it.

Usually when you see a company make MASSIVE amounts of money they're more willing to take creative/artistic risks, but with Nintendo it doesn't seem to be the case. Again, yes, they did take a risk with the Wii's input device, but that's it. In terms of games, there are no risks, nothing new being created that makes people say "wow."

That's my issue with Nintendo. I hope they make gobs of money, but it's up to the consumer to tell them what's good and what's bad. It sucks though, because a lot of us are fans of franchises that they have, so we are going to buy the games they make and make a decision after the deed is done.

... I look back on all the good franchises Nintendo had, and honestly, they're kind of a shell of their former glory. I miss the old StarFox and StarFox64, the buzz when Mario64 and Super Mario World came out... Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye/Perfect Dark from Rare... hell, I remember Donkey Kong Country making a huge splash with people. When I saw the first Smash Bros screenshots in EGM I said wow. Then I saw the first screens of Melee and I was blown away. Those were truly days when things just blew you away and made you excited. Nintendo just isn't cutting it these days and it makes me kind of sad since I (and I'm sure all of you guys, too) have followed them for over 20 years.

@ Bleck, that'd be cool, but I wouldn't mind seeing any kind of remix to the story done. Hell, let us play as Ganondorf and see his motivation besides just "being evil." Or maybe let someone be born with both the Triforce of courage and power, thus one person is both Ganon and Link, merged. Hell, I'm pulling it all out of my ass, but anything would be better than the "Go get 3 keys! Go get 7 keys! GO STOP EVIL GANON" formula.

If they made it in a graphical style similar to Assassin's Creed I would whole heartedly approve. Zelda in a really realistic world... I don't know if that type of style would necessarily work, but it certainly would shake things up and that's all I'm asking for. Just don't want the same old games, over and over again.

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed WindWaker's style, but it's glaring flaw was that it was just too short, and too many people didn't enjoy sailing. I happened to enjoy the whole treasure collecting thing, for some reason, but I do recognize that it could be tedious. I mean, that might work, but again, there was a lot of lost potential in WindWaker.


Wow Strike. Your logic baffles me...

Honestly, I don't care that Nintendo is greedy. A company's exists soley to make a profit.

I just want some kind of evolution from things I played years ago, and Nintendo just keeps churning things with minimal innovation.

I mean, I remember the days when people called Nintendo the innovative developer. Now, I mean, yeah, they have the Wii, but that's it.

Whaddya mean, that's it? We're talking about an electronic gaming device that detects your physical movement and replicates it in real virtual time! Except for the Power Glove, that kind of thing has never been done before! You don't seem to take it seriously enough, to give it that kind of simple dismissal.

Usually when you see a company make MASSIVE amounts of money they're more willing to take creative/artistic risks, but with Nintendo it doesn't seem to be the case. Again, yes, they did take a risk with the Wii's input device, but that's it.

There is is again! "but that's it."

In terms of games, there are no risks, nothing new being created that makes people say "wow."

It seems Super Mario Galaxy passed you by...

That's my issue with Nintendo. I hope they make gobs of money, but it's up to the consumer to tell them what's good and what's bad. It sucks though, because a lot of us are fans of franchises that they have, so we are going to buy the games they make and make a decision after the deed is done.

A sad truth. I agree with you on that.

... I look back on all the good franchises Nintendo had, and honestly, they're kind of a shell of their former glory. I miss the old StarFox and StarFox64, the buzz when Mario64 and Super Mario World came out... Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye/Perfect Dark from Rare... hell, I remember Donkey Kong Country making a huge splash with people. When I saw the first Smash Bros screenshots in EGM I said wow. Then I saw the first screens of Melee and I was blown away. Those were truly days when things just blew you away and made you excited.

Way to forget/ignore all of Brawl's achievements...

Nintendo just isn't cutting it these days and it makes me kind of sad since I (and I'm sure all of you guys, too) have followed them for over 20 years.

Another point I agree with. Yet I don't identify with your grossly high standards.

If they made it in a graphical style similar to Assassin's Creed I would whole heartedly approve. Zelda in a really realistic world... I don't know if that type of style would necessarily work, but it certainly would shake things up and that's all I'm asking for. Just don't want the same old games, over and over again.

Um, Twilight Princess was highly realistic. It was just a small step below AC's realism. What game were you looking at?

And not only that, but at the time, people were craving an OOT-like Zelda. Don't remember all the fans begging miamoto (sp?) about it? Thankfully, he provided it for them. Granted it wasn't exactly as good as OOT/MM, but it was a close third for sure! It provided many new gaming elements and clever level design. But I also think the dungeon items could have been better utilized once the dungeon was completed (like the spinner and that staff that could animate statues).

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed WindWaker's style, but it's glaring flaw was that it was just too short, and too many people didn't enjoy sailing. I happened to enjoy the whole treasure collecting thing, for some reason, but I do recognize that it could be tedious. I mean, that might work, but again, there was a lot of lost potential in WindWaker.

Another point I agree with. But it seems to me that your standards are placed impossibly high. No gaming company is ever going to satisfy you.

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