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I went and saw it in theaters, but I fell asleep before the last race started, so I never saw then ending.

Whether you want to attribute that to me being tired or the movie being bad, you decide. I can't.

Horrible movie. Bad acting, looks like a bad acid trip. Bastardization of the show.

Excellent movie, purposefully bad acting, masturbation for your eyes.

Don't go in Speed Racer expecting Gone With The Wind. It's fun, fast paced, hilarious, and feels like your eyeballs just ejaculated. Next to Dark Knight, Speed Racer was my favorite movie this summer. Don't listen to the the critics on this one, Speed Racer is sure to become a cult classic. But if you missed it at the theatres, you really missed out on one of the best movie going experiences this decade.


After getting over the initial eye strain of adjusting to a movie that is 100% in focus this movie was just like eating delicious cake. Although I can see why other people would see this movie as a cheesy overload it is certainly not a departure from the anime. I remember watching this way back in the day when it first aired on Cartoon Network and thinking it was ridiculous but so endearing and watchable at the same time, and that is just how the movie is too. The insane design of the race tracks and the crazy car combat was the definition of a great popcorn flick, not to mention Matthew Fox played a really badass Racer X.

I mean I even enjoyed the downtime because all of the characters were just so fun to watch, I've not been to a PG movie that had a more amusing villain than Royalton. How can you hate a movie that does a live action interpritation of the anime action lines backgrounds? Plus the sound of those wheeljacks on the Mach 5 was near orgasmic!

Excellent movie, purposefully bad acting, masturbation for your eyes.

Don't go in Speed Racer expecting Gone With The Wind. It's fun, fast paced, hilarious, and feels like your eyeballs just ejaculated. Next to Dark Knight, Speed Racer was my favorite movie this summer. Don't listen to the the critics on this one, Speed Racer is sure to become a cult classic. But if you missed it at the theatres, you really missed out on one of the best movie going experiences this decade.

Thing is I didn't go in expecting a classic movie. I went in as a fan of the original cartoon. I know the cartoon was cheesy, but this was borderline ham acting. I was depressed as hell that John Goodman was in this. And even when I didn't think it was possible, his younger brother Spritle and Chim Chim were more annoying than the cartoon. Wow.

Stop replying to threads. Damn your posts are annoying, even if I don't know you.

Givin time, you'll see the logic behind that post of his...

Out of all the threads started by LuketheXjesse, there's not one that didn't make me want to do pull off some crazy beat down on him.


Of course that's just me... :)!!

Oh ya the speed racer movie was shit, made the old cartoons look a lot better.


I wasn't a fan of the original show (never saw it). I went into the movie with low expectations. What I got was a good movie. The directing was interesting, the story got my attention, and the visuals were great. I have no complaints with this movie, which is why I got the Blu-Ray this week when it came out.


Just saw the movie last night. Loved it. Couldn't agree more with what NNY said. If you haven't seen it yet, you should. Maybe you'll end up being in the group of people that hate it, but if not you're in for a real treat.

Thing is I didn't go in expecting a classic movie. I went in as a fan of the original cartoon. I know the cartoon was cheesy, but this was borderline ham acting. I was depressed as hell that John Goodman was in this. And even when I didn't think it was possible, his younger brother Spritle and Chim Chim were more annoying than the cartoon. Wow.

I just don't see how it's possible to have gone the serious route with this movie. It wouldn't have been nearly as charming or fun. It's a film where everyone was perfectly cast, it had a clear family message to it that wasn't shoved down your throat. I didn't find Spritle annoying at all. He was funny and had some pretty big balls for a kid. John Goodman as Pops was badass. The family rock. No one else could have pulled it off the way he did. On one hand, he's a father, the other, serious race car entrepreneur who can beat up ninjas. The scene where Speed talks about the night he watched the championship race with Pops show's that he's got depth. Mom was the glue that held the family together.

To be honest, it's not a 100% accurate adaptation of the cartoon. The cartoon is extremely two dimensional. The movie gives depth to a cartoon that had none.

Saw this movie at our university theater a couple of weeks ago. By the end, I felt like I had been laid.

I cannot see what everyone is so utterly butthurt about.

It was one of those rare movies I dare call perfect. It accomplished everything it was supposed to, and did not do anything that felt beyond the scope of what it was presented as. It was funny, witty at times, entertaining all the way, and by god, that last 15 minutes had me on the edge of my seat.

And I don't do that often, it was that enthralling.

It was one of those rare movies I dare call perfect. It accomplished everything it was supposed to, and did not do anything that felt beyond the scope of what it was presented as. It was funny, witty at times, entertaining all the way, and by god, that last 15 minutes had me on the edge of my seat.

And I don't do that often, it was that enthralling.


This is why you don't go into a movie theatre exhausted. I knew I should have seen the end.

Saw this movie at our university theater a couple of weeks ago. By the end, I felt like I had been laid.

I cannot see what everyone is so utterly butthurt about.

Perhaps I'm just not impressed by the vomiting technicolor eye candy..?

The whole thing just felt annoying, like a cross between 2Fast2Furious with ADD combined the annoying kid that hops all over you just to piss you off thinking you get your jollies busting your nuts on that.

I've watched the old cartoons a long time ago, I knew the movie wouldn't be something "thought-provoking"; but I at least expected to be entertained. I sure as hell was not.

I would even dare say I'd rather watch "The Love Bug" over speed racer if only because there's something utterly fucked up about a Volkswagen Beetle outracing top racers and their high performance cars. :lol:

...the annoying kid that hops all over you just to piss you off thinking you get your jollies busting your nuts on that.

I've watched the old cartoons a long time ago, I knew the movie wouldn't be something "thought-provoking"; but I at least expected to be entertained. I sure as hell was not.

Sprittle was probably the movie's biggest flaw. He was pretty much there for kiddie comic relief anyway. He's only funny when you're watching the movie with your parents. The movie was somewhat thought-provoking though, what with the whole "racing is about business" aspect. It made it really cool. I was scared the plot would be a total joke.

Of course, this movie wasn't near as thought provoking as The Dark Knight.

The movie was somewhat thought-provoking though, what with the whole "racing is about business" aspect. It made it really cool. I was scared the plot would be a total joke.

Of course, this movie wasn't near as thought provoking as The Dark Knight.

What the hell are you talking about? Speed Racer's not meant to be thought provoking as it's meant for entertaining; in particularly with pulling off awesome shit with the mach 5 to gtfo of trouble. Not to mention win races...

The whole thing was a joke, the kind that ends with some fat guy wagging his ding dong at you demanding you stare at it longer just because it knew it felt you wasted your cash so it wanted to rub it in some more.

What the hell are you talking about? Speed Racer's not meant to be thought provoking as it's meant for entertaining; in particularly with pulling off awesome shit with the mach 5 to gtfo of trouble. Not to mention win races...

The whole thing was a joke, the kind that ends with some fat guy wagging his ding dong at you demanding you stare at it longer just because it knew it felt you wasted your cash so it wanted to rub it in some more.

Things that are thought-provoking are entertaining. Unless, you know, you're a barbarian. Or an uncircumcised philistine. The only movies that end "with some fat guy wagging his ding dong at you demanding you stare at it longer just because it knew it felt you wasted your cash so it wanted to rub it in some more" are those movies from that guy who makes the Scary Movie series/Epic Movie/Date Movie. Those movies are a complete and total JOKE. The concept of thought doesn't even exist in those.

Scary Movie series/Epic Movie/Date Movie. Those movies are a complete and total JOKE. The concept of thought doesn't even exist in those.

You sure that's not what you've seen there when Speed racer came on, because that's what I saw. Perhaps I was expecting some awesome racing bullshit that occured in the old cartoons but done better on the movie. Sad to say I didn't see it and instead got garbage.

Glad it didn't make any real money; now if only the douche bags who's making "Another Disaster Movie" would die off already...


A monkey drove around a go-kart thing while Spritle air-guitared Freebird while running away from security guards at one point. I enjoyed every minute of him on screen. I can understand in some movies when children can be annoying, but Jesus Christ, everyone automatically writes off every child in every movie as "annoying." Is being an uptight asshole the new cool?

The kid who played Spitle's got some serious acting chops. I see a bright future for him.

Is being an uptight asshole the new cool?

The kid who played Spitle's got some serious acting chops. I see a bright future for him.

It's called having standards :lol:

But I will say the kid will have something of a future, be it pigeoned holed in the same role or some how getting a mix of roles...

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