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I've always been fascinated by the way music is put together, so a lot of my early inspirations were just the artists I liked where I thought I had a decent shot of recreating their music: Depeche Mode, Orbital, Underworld, Daft Punk, other electronic stuff. I love music of all types, but I didn't know how to play any instruments (and barely do still), so all my stuff tends to sound like these guys. :razz:


nothing inspired me to get into music.. i was always a musician from the beginning (started playing piano when i was 4). as for getting into arranging vg music.. all the classic NES/SNES music i loved caused me to start arranging/transcribing when i was about 11 or so. SMB3, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Kart, Super Adventure Island.. all that good stuff

As cheesy as it sounds, my mom and dad. They're both musicians in the Hartford Symphony Orchestra in Connecticut, and are basically the reason I'm studying classical music now. I've always been surrounded with music, I guess it's no surprise that I decided to pursue it as well.

Well, its a huge luck to have that musical ambience at home.

My dad was a hobbyist jazz drummer, but I've never been interested in jazz until now. In fact it wasnt my dad who introduced me to music, but my uncle who first taught me how to use a sequencer. At first i wasnt really interested, but hearing Yasunori Mitsuda's Chrono Trigger OST totally changed that.


when i was in 7th grade i wanted to be in the elementary school band, so i was given the choice of either a drum, a trumpet, or a clarinet. i picked the clarinet. bad choice. I should have picked the trumpet. what inspired me to pick the clarinet? my mom probably pushed me towards the clarinet because she loved big band music and benny goodman in particular. the big band era loved their clarinet soloists. so i guess that was the dream early on.

fast forward to college, i was in the marching band 2 years and got tired of it. a clarinet player in a marching band? that's ridiculous! we were merely window dressing for the real marching band: the BRASS and DRUMS!

i gave up music for about 10 years and then a friend of mine brought his electric guitar over and started playing popular metal songs. I wanted to play popular metal songs from that point forward so I......wow this is starting to sound like a biography. I'll stop now.

what got me into remixing video game music? probably the liss brothers' early stuff from late '04 got me into it, and snappleman's 'break the silence' got me to practice enough to actually pull something off. I never got serious about music until I heard about VGMix around late '04 (i guess) and then finally DoD a little later.

The concept of online community competition, or simply music competition is what inspired me to get into music....the creation of it. If VGMix never existed, I probably would have never done any music seriously.


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