The Damned Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 In short, we're bitching about what Nintendo did as opposed to what they COULD have done.On a side note: This generation of gaming shall forever be remembered as the generation of SKU revisions. Time for a heaping spoonful of QFE. Quote
Lyrai Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I still have my GBA SP so I don't even give a shit about the removed GBA port on the DSi. Also, so far the only DSi exclusive software (aka the region locked stuff) is downloadable versions of Brain Age 1 & 2. Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 ah jeez, I keep thinking you're DarkeSword Quote
Overflow Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 ah jeez, I keep thinking you're DarkeSword There was a thread about that... Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Nintendo could be making a much better product, rather than wasting their time and money developing for this crappy "update." Meanwhile people like him (and me) will be using our current DS Lite for another 2 years, rather than enjoying what could have been a satisfying, newly updated system. He's right, you know. Currently Nintendo is simply trying to make as much money as possible instead of making good games. Examples: The new DS update. Wii Fit (my parents want one ._.) Too lazy to make new games because of money they're making now. A Zelda game that tried too hard to be like the best one in the series and ended up being disappointing. Not actually checking a game before it comes to their system, therefore tons of terrible games (ninjabread man, chicken shoot, and especially carnival games) Nintendo doesn't care about us anymore, boys. They just want your money. I mean, yeah, in reality they all do, but now there's little support for us hardcore gamers within Nintendo. And nintendo has always done terribly with third parties, so unless they get going it'll be Gamecube all over again (heck, so far it sort've is that way) And Wii is only a good system (right now) because of the oh-so-sexy Virtual Console. Quote
The Damned Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Unless the DSi downloadable games include classic Gameboy and Gameboy Color titles, and even then they would have to be really good title, it's not going to be very interesting if it's just things like Brain Age. Considering the success of the Wii's Virtual Console, having the same for the DS would be great. But seriously, no more fucking Brain Age shit. Give me that Mega Man collection for the GBA that got axed a few years ago. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 But seriously, no more fucking Brain Age shit Another example of Nintendo not pleasing their fans and trying to appeal to the mainstream for $$$$$ Quote
zircon Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 What *is* ridiculous as of late is for people to say that Nintendo is "screwing over" their fans and that it is "infuriating" and that you are an "unhappy customer" about something you don't have and probably never will have, because last time I checked they haven't used transporters to instantly vaporize every DS Lite in the world. You can say the DSi sucks all you want and that's all well and good, but actually getting mad about it is just beyond pointless. I don't think it's that ridiculous. Of course, this is a forum so my emotions aren't really getting across. I'm not literally mad The issue is that I do want the functionality of the DSi. I'm a *current* customer of Nintendo's, being a DS owner (I've owned basically every one of their handhelds since the original GB) and upgrading has always been straightforward. GB -> GBC, sell the GB. GBC -> GBASP, sell the GBC. GBASP -> DS, sell the GBASP. But now, I can't sell the DS before upgrading to the DSi. I have to give up functionality OR essentially pay a premium, as I can't sell my older hardware. Imagine how mad people would be if the next version of Windows just dropped support for all DirectX 9 and below games. Yes, new games are being made for DX10 and it's probably better that way. But we'd still be pissed about it because we'd have to keep an install of an older Windows just to play games that aren't that old. Quote
The Damned Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I think it's a matter of Nintendo scrounging for money for the future. It's actually a small company (barely even 4000 employees worldwide) so every billion they make is that much more they can live off of in the event of a market crash or something. Nintendo is constantly in the black after each generation, even with Microsoft and Sony coming in and gaining ground. Think about it: Sony and MS have other divisions they can live off of. Sony has electronics galore, and MS has that thing called Windows. What does Nintendo have? Two systems and a handful of game series. The profits they get now are what will keep them alive in the lean times (should they appear... with the mess going on in the international markets, it's kind of up-in-the-air right now). But if you're going to complain about the quality of DS and Wii games, I'd like to point out that the most popular console gets the most shovelware. The NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2 all had large libraries, but a lot of them were just awful games. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I think it's a matter of Nintendo scrounging for money for the future. It's actually a small company (barely even 4000 employees worldwide) so every billion they make is that much more they can live off of in the event of a market crash or something.Nintendo is constantly in the black after each generation, even with Microsoft and Sony coming in and gaining ground. Think about it: Sony and MS have other divisions they can live off of. Sony has electronics galore, and MS has that thing called Windows. What does Nintendo have? Two systems and a handful of game series. The profits they get now are what will keep them alive in the lean times (should they appear... with the mess going on in the international markets, it's kind of up-in-the-air right now). But if you're going to complain about the quality of DS and Wii games, I'd like to point out that the most popular console gets the most shovelware. The NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2 all had large libraries, but a lot of them were just awful games. o_o You just...owned me. In every way. Thank you for proving a very good point. *high fives damned* Quote
The Coop Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 So with no GBA slot, I'm guessing it's the final nail in the coffin of the long rumored GB MegaMan compilation. Bummer. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Ebay, bro. That's where I got the GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge from. MM2 I got from a used game store. What I really want is MM5 because of all the original bosses and story. Hard to find though. Quote
Dhsu Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Imagine how mad people would be if the next version of Windows just dropped support for all DirectX 9 and below games. Yes, new games are being made for DX10 and it's probably better that way. But we'd still be pissed about it because we'd have to keep an install of an older Windows just to play games that aren't that old. I will laugh when that's *exactly* what they do. Quote
SoloGamer Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Ebay, bro. That's where I got the GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge from. MM2 I got from a used game store. What I really want is MM5 because of all the original bosses and story. Hard to find though. Yeah, but the GBA collection was supposed to have them in color, plus having them all on a single cartridge is better than carrying around all five. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I certainly remember seeing an ad of that in a magazine. And yes all of them in one cartridge would be awesome. Was it really cancelled? Quote
Faulken Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 In all fairness to everyone crying about the DSi lacking a GBA slot, everyone made a big fuss when the original DS lacked backwards compatibility with retro GameBoy games for the principle of it too. Hell, people moaned about the way the GBA games stick out of the lite, but everyone seems to have forgotten that now. Let's face it, if you're the sort of person to be bothered by these things and interested in the new hardware, you're likely to keep the old version AND buy the new. Yes it's arguably a bit stupid to cut it out, but I'm sure this is like the PS3, and cutting backwards compatibility will result in cheaper production costs, and thus a more reasonable price at the end of it all. It's nowhere near as inexplicable as, for instance, the GBA Sp lacking a headphone slot. I don't personally care, my GBA got tons of use back in the day, meaning I've played most of the best the GBA had to offer to death-only new GBA play through in the past year has been FF6 Advance. If I really feel a burning desire to replay through my GBA library, worse case scenario, I still have my SP lurking around somewhere. DS to GBA compatibility, has been minimal, I can count the amount of DS game GBA bonuses on two hands max; a lot of those unlocked content more easily that there were OTHER in game ways to unloock and only Pokemon provided anything more than a passing novelty. Actual GBA slot peripherals for DS games have been minimal and for the most part not very good (only significant loss is Guitar Hero, which pretty much sucks balls on the DS). Unless you were absolutely dead set on buying a DSi right up until they announced lack of GBA slot, I wouldn't complain too much. People complain about them not offering exactly what the DS Lite offered, then complain about not getting the new features on their Lite. Buy it or don't buy it, I'm sure nintendo won't care. Going by their track record, the DSi will continue to print money. But don't get all antsy if you weren't willing to buy one in the first place because you're missing out on the new features; they do have to provide SOME sort of incentive to upgrade. As for the actual press conference, the game reels were really encouraging. Lately all Nintendo had to offer was Animal Crossing for me in the coming year, but come 2009, there are lots of games on that trailer I'm looking forward to. Honourable mention goes out to the new handheld Mario RPG in the reel, with seemingly playable Bowser. And it's nice to see that DS Kingdom Hearts finally with something to show. I'm psyched for Punchout-style looks dead on, here's hoping it doesn't just turn into stylised Wii boxing+ though. Quote
zircon Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Let's face it, if you're the sort of person to be bothered by these things and interested in the new hardware, you're likely to keep the old version AND buy the new. Nope, I'm not going to buy it. Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Hell, people moaned about the way the GBA games stick out of the lite, but everyone seems to have forgotten that now. I just bought an SP specifically because it bothers me that much. but I'm just one person Quote
Faulken Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Nope, I'm not going to buy it. Yes, but would you buy it without a 2nd thought if there was a GBA slot? You kind of ignored everything else I had to say except that one sentence Besides, what I meant with the quoted remark was not that "EVERYONE WILL BUY BOTH", but if you're going to buy it anyway for the pittance your Lite would sell for when the new model is out, you're more likely to keep it rather than eBay/trade in towards a cheaper DSi. Thus you'd still have access to a DS Lite GBA slot. To be honest, I think people being happy with their Lites until this is cheaper/the downloadable store content gets too tempting is going to be the bigger thing than a lacking GBA slot. I don't know about you, but I didn't think I'd upgrade from a chunky to a Lite, but when I did I was impressed with the difference. I never yearn for my chunky for a neatly fitting GBA slot. The screen quality and lighting alone made enough of an aesthetic difference to merit the upgrade for me, so I'll look forward to seeing how good the DSi's supposedly improved screens are. Quote
zircon Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 No, I'm not more likely to keep it rather than eBay/trade in. I would definitely sell it. I'm extremely cheap. Would I buy the DSi if it had a GBA slot? Yes, though not right away, I would wait until the price came down. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I don't remember people making a big fuss that the DS couldn't play Gameboy games, but it doesn't seem like a logical step to include gameboy compatibility on the DS. It did to have GBA though. I don't think it's quite the same though comparing the DSi to people complaining about something like the cart sticking out, or even lack of an old gameboy slot though. They set a precedent by having the GBA slot in there and making DS games that made use of it. Whether it has been used well, and in many games or not doesn't really come into it. It's still being used. Although I don't really care that they're doing this personally, because I have no intention of side grading my DS even if it stops functioning well. If it does I'll probably either wait for a real upgrade, or get a DSlite. Quote
Faulken Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 No, I'm not more likely to keep it rather than eBay/trade in. I would definitely sell it. I'm extremely cheap. Would I buy the DSi if it had a GBA slot? Yes, though not right away, I would wait until the price came down. Ah see, looking at DS Lites now, they tend to go used for £60 (still sell at about £100 brand new) I figure when the DSi is out, I'd be lucky to get £40 for it, probably less with scratchings on the finish (not the screens). The same happened with the DS chunky, but worse. I kept mine in the end and gave it to my brother and his girlfriend. Unless I desperately need the cash, selling on old consoles just doesn't generate enough cash for my liking. Even when my GBA was made more or less redundant by the DS, the tiny amount of cash I'd have gotten for it seemed ridiculous. Moreso if you leave it until the new model is established/price cut. So if you upgraded to DSi and sold your DS Lite, would you have no way at all of playing GBA games? Also cobaltstarfire, there was a fairly big fuss over the lack of GBretro games: the precedent was set before, because the GBA featured backwards compatibility. People would assume in the same way that a DSi does everything a DS Lite does unless stated otherwise, that a GBA slot would do everything a GBA does. Hence complaints. Now that there are minimal big selling GBA games, and with the minimal even first party efforts to exploit the GBA backwards compatibility, I just think it makes financial sense to have backwards compatibility removed to be able to market an affordable, flashy new model. Casuals who buy the console new won't care, most hardcore interested in the upgrade will likely still have a way of accessing those old GBA games-that's all I'm saying. Quote
The Coop Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I certainly remember seeing an ad of that in a magazine. And yes all of them in one cartridge would be awesome. Was it really cancelled? The last thing I recall reading, was that somehow Capcom lost the original code for the GB games, and that they were going to be coding the games from scratch or something. After that, nothing. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 The last thing I recall reading, was that somehow Capcom lost the original code for the GB games, and that they were going to be coding the games from scratch or something. After that, nothing. Possible re-releases with updated (NES-esque) graphics, Megaman9 retooling (mapping/difficulty ect ect) for said re-releases of the old GB games..? I can only hope... Quote
The Damned Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 The last thing I recall reading, was that somehow Capcom lost the original code for the GB games, and that they were going to be coding the games from scratch or something. After that, nothing. Couldn't they have just, I don't know... grab one of the old carts or even a ROM and then use that? I think it was more like there wasn't "enough interest" in it to spend any money on doing it. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Quote
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