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I've been told that C# is basically just C++ and Java mashed together. It would make sense then that it looked like Java. Of course I'm no programmer so I have no idea.

Anyway, I had a story idea that follows a traditional Mega Man setup and managed to include every character in my sig. I'll wait to post it though.

while this is true that guy said "Javascript"... which isnt even CLOSE to java or C++. Even though it has java in the name, it is not associated with java. Java is an iterative programming language and technically Javascript if a functional programming language (Thought 70% of people use it like an iterative one).. :P I need to stop being all technical

Haha oh yea, I also had this idea that the nice work guy should be this games vile... oh man.. I dont know why but I thought that was a great idea.


Back when the first version of this project got going, I was in the process of fleshing out a tale before Wingless said it was one boss fight on one background (I'd even come up with several background ideas too). I can tidy the tale up and post it when this version gets far enough if anyone's interested.

DJ SymBiotiX- I'll send you the background I made for the first version of this project after dinner this evening (took me a bit to find the damn thing :lol:).

Back when the first version of this project got going, I was in the process of fleshing out a tale before Wingless said it was one boss fight on one background (I'd even come up with several background ideas too). I can tidy the tale up and post it when this version gets far enough if anyone's interested.

Yeah, what I've got so far is basically a fleshed-out version of the points you made in the other thread. Basically, OCR is at peace, until some robot masters show up and start ruining the city, and 1, 2, and 3-Tan all go missing. Pretzel sends 4-Tan out to find her sisters and stop the robots in each of the various sections of the site. Nice Work Guy shows up in various places with upgrades/weapons when 4-tan does nice enough work (like beating a boss). After all the bosses are defeated (I'd say 4 to 6 of them), it turns out that it was all the work of Green who's angry at being kicked out of the spotlight and wants revenge on OCR. He's kidnapped and brainwashed 1, 2, and 3, and you'll have to fight/free them as you make your way through his fortress. The final boss is, of course, Green.

Yeah, what I've got so far is basically a fleshed-out version of the points you made in the other thread. Basically, OCR is at peace, until some robot masters show up and start ruining the city, and 1, 2, and 3-Tan all go missing. Pretzel sends 4-Tan out to find her sisters and stop the robots in each of the various sections of the site. Nice Work Guy shows up in various places with upgrades/weapons when 4-tan does nice enough work (like beating a boss). After all the bosses are defeated (I'd say 4 to 6 of them), it turns out that it was all the work of Green who's angry at being kicked out of the spotlight and wants revenge on OCR. He's kidnapped and brainwashed 1, 2, and 3, and you'll have to fight/free them as you make your way through his fortress. The final boss is, of course, Green.


Here's a quickie run down of my idea...

All is right with OCR, until a ruckus is raised in Community (the BG I made). Dr. Pretzel (the sprite Bean submitted) summons Tan, and asks her to investigate. She arrives at the boss stage (assuming we don't make actual levels), and fights a boss trying to clog up the forum with "favorites". After that, Tan goes to PPR (I have a fun BG idea) to fight a boss representing all the flames and arguments that are disrupting the otherwise calm discussions. Then she heads to Off-Topic (I have an BG idea for this too) to fight a boss that's a battered up robot representing the specter of UnMod, and how it's causing an uprising of "Off-Top SUX!". And finally, she goes to Judges Decisions (I have an idea here too) to fight Queue Tortoise (he's slowing the judging process and must be stopped!). Finally, after quelling the uprisings in the various forums, Tan is sucked into Cyberspace (I have an idea for this BG as well), where she goes up against the final boss (something representing the cost of running the site).

However, I like the Green idea. We could easily turn the final boss in Cyberspace (or some other BG) into Green in disguise, with his having gotten pissed off at having been left behind, and choosing to raise hell in OCR and disrupt it as a means to get back at Dr. Pretzel.

Edit: Fixed a couple things.


One, C# and SDL sounds like a good way to go... hell, I could even assist a bit, or at least compile and see what's what.

As far as plotlines go, I'll throw out a couple skeleton ideas:

MegaCorp. Conglomerates Inc., headed by the evil (and decidedly unpleasant) Dr. Silence, has developed new technology that removes original soundtracks from video games and replaces them with licensed music by mainstream artists. Dr. Pretzel sends out his beloved creation and protector of VGM, OCR-Tan, to do battle against Silence and his minions: lawyer man, corporate marketing woman, product placement man, overplayed alterna-rock boy, talented rapper who nevertheless should not be making video games man, etc. A little edgy, I guess, but it could be cool. Variant:

MegaCorp. Conglomerates Inc., headed by the evil (and STILL decidedly unpleasant) Dr. Silence, has developed new technology to steal the world's video game music from games everywhere. No platform is safe - handheld, console, arcade (what's left of them... mostly in Japan), and computer games alike are all being sucked dry by Silence and his minions. Only Dr. Pretzel and his robotic creation, OCR-Tan, can stop this foul deed and restore the world's VGM. Using her psionically-enhanced mega-guitar, OCR-Tan must battle each of the eight robots Dr. Silence created to oversee music removal (uhh... let's see here... Drum Man, Guitar Man, Synth Man, etc.... Cowbell Man would be fun... Shakuhachi Woman amuses me, as does Ethnic Instrumentation Boy...you get the idea), while collecting chiptunes on each level to power-up her guitar for new and increasingly awesome attacks (i.e. lens flares or some shit)...

Variant: Instead of the bosses being musical instruments (or types of instruments) they could be musical genres...

Variant: Instead of musical instruments or genres, maybe Dr. Silence kidnapped the world's most famous game composers and created robotic alter egos of them... why?... I have no idea, this is what makes him a mad scientist... but anyways, yeah, he kidnapped them to... have them compose music for educational documentaries... and created robotic alter-egos that fight using the power of music, should anyone come looking for them... oh hell, this doesn't work at all... but STILL the idea of Robo-Nobuo, Mega-Mitsuda, and King-Kondo really appeals to me... good way to incorporate actual OC ReMixes of said composers as part of the game soundtrack, too...

Yeah, didn't really think these through, 100%, but some of the concepts (chiptunes as powerups/energy, Dr. Silence, bosses as musical elements and/or composers) could be used without my skeletal (and lame) narrative... I guess, in general, it'll be cool if the plot weren't soooo focused on in-jokes and community insider trivia and were more accessible, but that's just my two cents...


Variant: Instead of musical instruments or genres, maybe Dr. Silence kidnapped the world's most famous game composers and created robotic alter egos of them... why?... I have no idea, this is what makes him a mad scientist... but anyways, yeah, he kidnapped them to... have them compose music for educational documentaries... and created robotic alter-egos that fight using the power of music, should anyone come looking for them... oh hell, this doesn't work at all... but STILL the idea of Robo-Nobuo, Mega-Mitsuda, and King-Kondo really appeals to me... good way to incorporate actual OC ReMixes of said composers as part of the game soundtrack, too...

Yeah, didn't really think these through, 100%, but some of the concepts (chiptunes as powerups/energy, Dr. Silence, bosses as musical elements and/or composers) could be used without my skeletal (and lame) narrative... I guess, in general, it'll be cool if the plot weren't soooo focused on in-jokes and community insider trivia and were more accessible, but that's just my two cents...

I actually think this idea is by far the best of the three.


haha good ideas :D. Just wondering if its fine with everybody if I have the biggest word in what gets chosen. As for story.. I dont have anything set in mind so that is still out there, but personally I was hoping that this game be as Original as it can be. That being said, I would love it if we used all original (megaman x'esque) music for this. Thats really the only thing I really want to be original anyways. Though, brand new SFX would be nice too.


The creator always has the most say in what ends up being created if you ask me. It also helps projects to be completed faster and better if the maker is interested in what he's doing.


C#, huh? Have you considered XNA Studio? I worked with that over the summer when I made an educational biology game in my REU and I liked it a lot.

My idea was to actually have bosses that were OCR judges/moderators. It would give us/you the chance to poke a little fun at them.

\]My idea was to actually have bosses that were OCR judges/moderators. It would give us/you the chance to poke a little fun at them.

If I might make a comment, the reason why I dropped the "kidnapped judges" idea, was to eliminate the "I wanna be a sprite/character in the game/whatever" syndrome that follows a lot of projects here. No posters involved at all means it's no longer an issue on any level (even Dr. Pretzel in my tale was based off of a smiley rather than djp himself). I also stayed away from adding stuff like the Nice Work Guy, and Tans 1-3, because that means a lot more sprite work. I figured between Tan, the bosses, and the backgrounds, there was already enough visual work for a game being done in peoples' spare time (and that's just keeping it at boss fights only). Tack on sound effects, music, coding, and any smaller amounts of sprite work (effects, weapon blasts, etc.), and there's a lot more to go on top of that.

Obviously it's not up to me on any level, as it's not my project. Chances are, I won't be involved in making the sprites, as sprite making was never my strongest area (sprite editing I'm decent, but 100% original sprites? Not so much). But IMHO, simpler has a better chance at seeing completion in that area.

a boss that's a battered up robot representing the specter of UnMod

I immediately thought "UnMod Mantis" when I read this and proceeded to doodle. In about 15 minutes, this guy popped out:


Whether or not he's used, I don't care. I had fun drawing him at any rate. I think he needs a scythe though.

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