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Pretty up to date version, we rewrote everything, rerecorded, slowed it down, etc.

OLD: (Watch this mix transform)

WIP6: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/t/tilp-splashnewshit2.mp3




WIP4: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/filestore/j/janq-splashwoman_mix2.mp3

WIP3: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/filestore/h/hgwx-splashwoman11.mp3

WIP2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/filestore/k/kref-splashwoman10.mp3

WIP1: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/filestore/s/sbjd-splashwoman7.mp3


I dunno, I just got this idea like two days ago, imagining what Splash Woman would sound like if it was hiphopped out. It's still pretty early, and I plan to get a friend to overdub the acoustic guitar, but look, a Megaman 9 remix even though MM9 has only been around for maybe a day?

Don't mind the vocals, they are also placeholder until I export to Sonar. What I do when I draft vocals is overdub a track in FL Studio's very limited audio recording tools and mumble jibberish.


All the instruments sound incredibly mechanically sequenced. Try some velocities variation to give them a little more flow.

Right now the texture is very thin and sparse, making all of your slightly sub-par instruments stick out a little more. Vocals are mixed decently, but when you get to words, I can't understand the majority of them. Arrangement could definitely use some beefing up, with some original material here and there.

Not a bad start at all, keep working at it.


MichiyoYoshiku, that's a completely non-constructive and useless post. It's got nothing to do with the remix. It's like saying "techno sucks". a) it doesn't, and B) saying it doesn't contribute anything.

Please be more encouraging or constructive next post.


Shadix, I'll have a listen later.

Splash Woman's theme is Bland as it is.

Try Jewel Man instead

haha, you know, I actually want to do Jewel Man's song next. It's laid out perfectly for a vocal track.


Dude, I doubt you should stick to these instruments. The harpsicord-ish thing (oh right, gonna be recorded... its a guitar) just doesn't sound good atm. The ticky hihats aren't really on my top anything list of great sound choices, tho it works better in the genre. I do think you could untickyfy them a bit. Overall, you need some reverb on it all.

I'm not gonna comment on vocals, since you're gonna fix 'em up later. Posting lyrics would be nice, it's easier to analyse lyrics from text. If you're going for the pitch-fix sound, don't overdo it.

It's a pretty nice track. I hear source, and it's an interesting interpretation. It is sparse, tho, so it could use a few more layers and some more obvious source bits. Good luck with it.


Rozo: Overdoing autotune is "in" right now though, just listen to Lil Wayne. :P

By layers, you mean like adding more instruments? I was kindof going for a laid back, minimal style, because in the past I always end up having way too much crap going on at one time. What do you think I should add to thicken the sound up a bit. (I actually just fixed it a bit, the bassline for whatever reason decided to disappear once the rhythm came in haha.)

Regarding lyrics, maybe I didn't state it well enough here, but there aren't lyrics haha. There isn't anything decipherable because I'm really just mumbling the first word, syllable or random line that comes to mind. It helps me get a vocal line down and then I can go in and modify whatever jibberish I said into something meaningful, the same way you would go about changing the lyrics to a commercial song when you want to make a parody.


Snare could use a little bit of reverb, as could the piano. Snare is also a bit weak on the lows, you could add some.

You know, some of your problems could come from the master EQ, it doesn't sound like you've got enough lows, or that you've got too much highs.

More indepth when you've got the guitar in. The current guitar tracjk might be throwing the frequency balance off.

Good luck.

Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.


I like it - it's catchy and assertive.

Like the poster above me (or below me...?) said, the piano is begging for some reverb. Also, I think that really fierce beat is just a little TOO hard-hitting... it makes me think of the 80's for some reason. Anyway, if it were up to me, I'd make it a tiny bit less, er, "listen to me instead of the rest of the mix or I'll punch you in the tooth!". For lack of better wording.

Now, I think the song is good at keeping new things in the mix, but you can only get so many minutes out of so many instruments. Therefore, I really think you oughta try shortening it up a little bit - even if it is just a LITTLE bit, keeping things moving will keep the listener from feeling it's repetitive. I was feeling that the mix was getting repetitive at 2:00 and 2:45, and both of these situations could have been avoided if you had just brought the next section up a few measures sooner.

Other than that, it's great. I loved the power the last go-round's synth, and I truly think the track has potential. If you just shortened it up a bit, its repetition would help it (getting it stuck in the listener's head later on) without hurting it (getting tiresome). Keep at it! :]

I like it - it's catchy and assertive.

Like the poster above me (or below me...?) said, the piano is begging for some reverb. Also, I think that really fierce beat is just a little TOO hard-hitting... it makes me think of the 80's for some reason. Anyway, if it were up to me, I'd make it a tiny bit less, er, "listen to me instead of the rest of the mix or I'll punch you in the tooth!". For lack of better wording.

Now, I think the song is good at keeping new things in the mix, but you can only get so many minutes out of so many instruments. Therefore, I really think you oughta try shortening it up a little bit - even if it is just a LITTLE bit, keeping things moving will keep the listener from feeling it's repetitive. I was feeling that the mix was getting repetitive at 2:00 and 2:45, and both of these situations could have been avoided if you had just brought the next section up a few measures sooner.

Other than that, it's great. I loved the power the last go-round's synth, and I truly think the track has potential. If you just shortened it up a bit, its repetition would help it (getting it stuck in the listener's head later on) without hurting it (getting tiresome). Keep at it! :]

haha, I thinks that probably because the mix dies at 2:00. It's sortof where I quit working on it save for the piano segment. I need to do some work to keep up the energy there and climax it without it getting too repetitive.

The vocals might help.

  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you weren't too discouraged by that "you sound like you're in a boy band" comment. I just meant your actual voice, not the way you sing.

As for the track, I like it better than the source at this point. I don't feel it was best suited to be a chiptune.

  • 1 month later...

vocals are back, DnB infusion, etc. Sure I like what I hear right now, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if I'm starting to overwork this piece instead of just finish it. XD


So which version is what?

New Shit has a lot of noise. Could be fromt he recordings, could be something else. It's also a but painful to listen to, could be because of compression, frequency balance, or just plain messy music. The delays/multitap/multiple overlapping vocals were especially annoying, so you should clean that up.

Waterworld 9 has some noise or clipping about a quarter in (playing in broswer, no timestamp, I'm lazy, I know). Fix that. Better synched guitars and piano would be good too, It's less annoying when you've got drums there, but when you don't, they kind'a screw with the rhythm. You should watch the general feel too, you've got the electric guitar way too loud when the pad starts coming in, those kind'a clash in sound/feel.

Short crit, but I suspect you'll have a lot to work with if you start fixing the guitars. Good luck.

  • 2 months later...

Hey, I remember this one! Back when I heard it, though, it had vocals... It sounds like you took them out to focus on other things. I think it's ready to have them put back in, again. The genre calls for vocals to be the focus of attention; the background textures and harmonies are interesting and cool, but need vocals in order for this to sound complete.

At 4:12 - 4:15 and 4:30 - 4:32, you have an electric piano in the mix. Don't get me wrong, the jazzy harmonies are nice, but the melodic work in it sounds off at those parts. Fix the melodies up, there.

At 4:52, I really like the slap bass. Does anyone remember the game 'Utopia' for the SNES? It's bringing that to mind, for me...

After a while, though, that cool bass becomes stale. I'd hold off on it after about 45 seconds...

The ending needs some cleaning up. The guitar work is messy and doesn't work very well on it's own, right now.

I'd say even though the source doesn't change up the harmonies much, you must. The four harmony sequence you repeat eventually just sounds lazy. Your gonna sing over this, right? Make a significant harmonic change for where you plan on putting your chorus, it'll help distinguish it from other parts.

There's a part (1:12 - 1:16) where the volume turns down (or suddenly is hard-panned); whether that was intentional or not, it sounds like a mistake, right now. I'd change that.

In general, it sounds good. It'll sound better when you get those vocals back in, though, so I'll keep an ear out on this one, again!

Hey, I remember this one! Back when I heard it, though, it had vocals... It sounds like you took them out to focus on other things. I think it's ready to have them put back in, again. The genre calls for vocals to be the focus of attention; the background textures and harmonies are interesting and cool, but need vocals in order for this to sound complete.

At 4:12 - 4:15 and 4:30 - 4:32, you have an electric piano in the mix. Don't get me wrong, the jazzy harmonies are nice, but the melodic work in it sounds off at those parts. Fix the melodies up, there.

At 4:52, I really like the slap bass. Does anyone remember the game 'Utopia' for the SNES? It's bringing that to mind, for me...

After a while, though, that cool bass becomes stale. I'd hold off on it after about 45 seconds...

The ending needs some cleaning up. The guitar work is messy and doesn't work very well on it's own, right now.

I'd say even though the source doesn't change up the harmonies much, you must. The four harmony sequence you repeat eventually just sounds lazy. Your gonna sing over this, right? Make a significant harmonic change for where you plan on putting your chorus, it'll help distinguish it from other parts.

There's a part (1:12 - 1:16) where the volume turns down (or suddenly is hard-panned); whether that was intentional or not, it sounds like a mistake, right now. I'd change that.

In general, it sounds good. It'll sound better when you get those vocals back in, though, so I'll keep an ear out on this one, again!

Oh, there are vocals, I'm just not sure I'm at the inclination to show the other half of the track. This was mixed with Random's Splash Woman track as a bonus track on his Megaran 9 album. I'm not exactly satisfied with the track as is though, so I'm trying to clean the track up some more and submit it to OCR.

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