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Anyone have any favorite mods? I went looking for some yesterday and so far all I've tried is the "Hidden: Souce" mod. It's actually a lot of fun and I'm interested in trying some other mods, in Hidden, one person is almost completely invisible and has a knife, they try and hunt down and kill the IRIS, a special forces attack group, the IRIS have guns and everything, but must work together to avoid being killed by the hidden.

What's your favorite mod/mods? (single player, multi-player, or both)


SMOD a japanese mod for HL2 with lot of fun weapon.

Scisosr, stuff gun, Singularity bomb, strider cannon etc

Random ennemies when running the game and new ennemies (stronger CP, Jumping Combine-soldier)

most of the mod is better handled via the console .

Cinematic Mod is my second favorite, but it need a lot of memory to run (3 to 4 GB)


Haven't played The Hidden since it was first released. It was pretty good back then, but hopefully improved now. I need to go back and download a lot of HL2 mods again. Dystopia and Gary's Mod are also great. And I haven't played it since the initial release but Eternal Silence was pretty decent. I hear they've fixed the lag that was rampant in the first beta and added a bunch of new features since so I'll have to give it a go again. Sourceforts was another pretty fun one. I'm blanking on some of the others I've played, but I haven't really kept up with the HL2 mod scene since they started releasing them so I'm a little out of touch with the whole thing.

I still miss some of the classic Half-Life mods though. Natural Selection was brilliant before they added the Combat mode. Combats fun and all, but almost every server runs it instead of the classic mode. Still an excelent blend of an RTS and FPS though. I also miss Science and Industry. Last I tried installing it the online community was pretty dead, but the game was brilliant, particularly at it's peak of popularity.


Here's a few of my favourites, mostly single player:



Mistake of Pythagoras


Heart of Evil: Source [a source port of a classic HL1 mod]


And yes Garry's mod. Get Gmod10 off Steam if you have the 10 bux :3

I am playing through something right now called "Get a Life" which is kind of a silly mod but scary at parts, it's good but some things bug me about it, it has the "Doom 3 flashlight feature" for example. Also spiders.

I should probably go mod-hunting again once I have the time. I had a shitload of great mods for HL1


As I'm sure most of you are aware, Steam started hosting some mods on their servers...specifically, there are 5 that they're more or less advertising ATM.

DIPRIP, some type of vehicle carnage game

Synergy, [edit] is not a futuristic FPS, but rather something that allows single player Source games to be cooperatively played...right?

Age of Chivalry, a knights of ye round type multiplayer game

Zomibe Panic! Source, a survivors vs zombies game

and Insurgency, a hyper realistic FPS set in Iraq

Out of these, I've played AoC, ZP!S and Insurgency...and I really like the first two. Insurgency is just a bit too realistic for me and, well, that's just not my thing.

But AoC and ZP!S are amazing. The first really gives you this feel of epic army vs army action and the latter is terribly atmospheric.

You can download them both through Steam right now, and I'd honestly recommend you try it out.

(Also, Black Mesa Source [a remake of HL1 using the Source engine] looks promising...if they'd ever finish. :-( )

As I'm sure most of you are aware, Steam started hosting some mods on their servers...specifically, there are 5 that they're more or less advertising ATM.

DIPRIP, some type of vehicle carnage game

Synergy, a futuristic FPS

Age of Chivalry, a knights of ye round type multiplayer game

Zomibe Panic! Source, a survivors vs zombies game

and Insurgency, a hyper realistic FPS set in Iraq

Out of these, I've played AoC, ZP!S and Insurgency...and I really like the first two. Insurgency is just a bit too realistic for me and, well, that's just not my thing.

But AoC and ZP!S are amazing. The first really gives you this feel of epic army vs army action and the latter is terribly atmospheric.

You can download them both through Steam right now, and I'd honestly recommend you try it out.

(Also, Black Mesa Source [a remake of HL1 using the Source engine] looks promising...if they'd ever finish. :-( )

Synergy isn't a futuristic FPS. It's a mod that allows you to play single-player Source games like HL2 in a co-op mode.



As you can see, I didn't look very much into it. From what I saw, which was apparently way WAY off, it looked to me to be some type of futuristic, green LEDs FPS.

My b.


Nice, I just recently tried Hidden:Source, which was quite fun actually, but you can get tired of it fast, and I also tried Perfect Dark Source (which is dead, there were no players so don't bother with it)

I'll be getting minerva eventually, but I'm still working on the original HL2, so I won't get there for a while, I'll probably try ZP!S and AoC soon! Thanks everyone, keep the discussion going.


Oh Zephyr. You think that after HL2 you'll be able to play anything other than Episodes 1 and 2...you're so mistaken. :-D


Also, someone mentioned GoldenEye Source. How is it? Are there enough players to make it worth my time?

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