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Currently at work during lunch at my spot.

Earlier went out to my local retail store and by chance in the software section I came across 2 tin boxes of Fallout 3. Collector's Edition I suppose..? Upon further deliberation I decided to buy it. Never really saw what was the big deal and I've so far avoided any reviews.

So here's my point (finally)

If it runs like shit on my PC for what ever reason and I can't fix it, I'm considering putting the collectors edition on the sale/want thread for $60 with all that comes with it, art-book, making of dvd, bobble-head and lapel pin that the shop threw in.

Why don't I go for ebay one my ask...?

I hate ebay with them trying to shoe-horn paypal which I distrust and dislike even more...

Why bother making such a post if I haven't tried it yet..?

Basically, I'm trying to temper myself into finally giving up keeping my old stuff which I never play/use. I'm something of a packrat/collector when it comes to games. Still have all the old nes games Ive ever had as well as games from other systems, sadly they've not been used in years ever since I've discovered emulation.

I'm too lazy to even bother with fixing my old systems so...

Once again, I'm just trying to temper myself into actually selling some of my old shit that some one else would be happy with...

= = = =


lulz, werks grate for me. Broke street date. I'm level 15 right now.

Antagonizing post!

Leveled guy..? So it's some weird OtSSRPG (Over-the-Shoulder Shooter Role-Playing Game) with Mad Max themes..?

Cool :lol:

Better be better than Crysis was on medium settings with hardmode...


if you watch them all you will want the game bad enough to kill.

a steam powered gun that shoots railroad spikes

pickpocketing and leaving a live grenade on the person.

a fist that ripps people to shreds with its force.

a better oblivion.

Not that this is saying much.


I thought you nerdy types liked that game...

from what I can see, its like oblivion without the hackneyed "oh i am the hero of avalon my breastplate of thor will kill ye" theme, better character design, wepons that dont just change color as they get better, and hopefully better AI.

I still don't get why you made this thread. To tell us that you bought a game and might be getting rid of it before even playing it?

Dhsu pretty much answered it but I'll elaborate.

Not so much not actually playing it, it's more based on whether my pc can play it. What good is a game that won't play at least decently enough on my system..? Rather than letting it sit aside as nothing more than paper weight, I'd wouldn't mind selling it to some one who can play it and enjoy it. Which also made me consider selling my older stuff since currently they are all nothing more than one time expensive, now relatively cheap paper weights.

As for not considering getting the PS3/360 version, I just don't have an xbox360 nor a ps3, still waiting for the titles that would eventually push me enough to get a system; more likely the PS3...

Dhsu pretty much answered it but I'll elaborate.

Not so much not actually playing it, it's more based on whether my pc can play it. What good is a game that won't play at least decently enough on my system..? Rather than letting it sit aside as nothing more than paper weight, I'd wouldn't mind selling it to some one who can play it and enjoy it. Which also made me consider selling my older stuff since currently they are all nothing more than one time expensive, now relatively cheap paper weights.

As for not considering getting the PS3/360 version, I just don't have an xbox360 nor a ps3, still waiting for the titles that would eventually push me enough to get a system; more likely the PS3...

Nice that you want someone else to enjoy it, however, the game won't go bad. You can keep it and then somewhere along the line when you DO have a better computer, you can enjoy it in all it's glory.


What r ur system specs? I am incredibly interested in the game despite not being terribly interested in the 3 hours of Oblivion.

I have a quad 2.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM and NVidia 9600(GT?) graphics card. I want to know if it'll work on that with at least medium settings. Anyone know?

I have a quad 2.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM and NVidia 9600(GT?) graphics card. I want to know if it'll work on that with at least medium settings. Anyone know?

I trust you're kidding right? Because if you are the sarcasm wasn't well conveyed over the internet.

On the off chance you aren't kidding, then yes, your computer should handle it just fine.

I trust you're kidding right? Because if you are the sarcasm wasn't well conveyed over the internet.

On the off chance you aren't kidding, then yes, your computer should handle it just fine.

Heh, no, i wasn't kidding... I don't know a hell of a lot about graphics cards and one of my friends has my Crysis disc so i can't test with a new game.

Heh, no, i wasn't kidding... I don't know a hell of a lot about graphics cards and one of my friends has my Crysis disc so i can't test with a new game.

If you are curious of a game running on your computer, you can try this site: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest It will give you a general answer of if a game will run on your computer or not, now it is not the final word as sometimes it tells you you can't run a game and yet you can. Conversely, I do believe that if you go to purchase a game on Steam, it will tell you if your computer can not run the game.

Dhsu pretty much answered it but I'll elaborate.

Not so much not actually playing it, it's more based on whether my pc can play it. What good is a game that won't play at least decently enough on my system..? Rather than letting it sit aside as nothing more than paper weight, I'd wouldn't mind selling it to some one who can play it and enjoy it. Which also made me consider selling my older stuff since currently they are all nothing more than one time expensive, now relatively cheap paper weights.

As for not considering getting the PS3/360 version, I just don't have an xbox360 nor a ps3, still waiting for the titles that would eventually push me enough to get a system; more likely the PS3...

I... nope, that still doesn't explain the existence of the thread. From what I can understand (which still isn't much, as you aren't being very explicit with your motives...) you might as well have made a post in the sale/want thread, especially since this thread becomes misleading with "Fallout 3" in the title when it's only indirectly about Fallout 3.

I... nope, that still doesn't explain the existence of the thread. From what I can understand (which still isn't much, as you aren't being very explicit with your motives...) you might as well have made a post in the sale/want thread, especially since this thread becomes misleading with "Fallout 3" in the title when it's only indirectly about Fallout 3.

May as well redirect it then, because it's pretty fucking awesome; At least based off what I've played. Turns out I forgot how much space I had on my hard drive and ended up storaging/deleting a lot of stuff. Nonetheless I was rather impressed more so than usually. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I can't help but think some of the npcs being cock-eyed. The expression doesn't have to be a sort of death glare but I keep noticing at times, one eye is looking at me while the other seems a bit off; in terms of the humans for now. Still early so maybe it's just some weird stuff I'm seeing... or it was intentional...

Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I can't help but think some of the npcs being cock-eyed. The expression doesn't have to be a sort of death glare but I keep noticing at times, one eye is looking at me while the other seems a bit off; in terms of the humans for now. Still early so maybe it's just some weird stuff I'm seeing... or it was intentional...

Bethesda is good at many things. Character models and animation are rarely one of them.


Haha I found it really funny the first time I installed it.

"Fallout 3 will now detect your video to set the settings accordingly"


"Video settings set to Ultra High Quality"


Me:".... What?!"

I guess my computer is good enough lol, I mean I knew it was decent but didnt think it was that good. I took at look at the setting myself and every single setting was set to max, and it looks awesome :D.

Specs btw:

3.4 GHz Dual Core (Intel), 4 GB OCZ Platinum Ram, Radeon 4850 GFX Card.

I think so yea. Is that like way better?

P.S. I really dont know much about vid cards, I said "Hey what card should I buy" and my friend said "Radeon 4850" so I did. Yea on the box it says HD.

Good choice, I got one of those recently myself. Kicks the butt of those 8800s everyone was raving about a few months back. :)

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