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I must first suggest that it is pretty important that you mention what game or track you are remixing in your title, or at the very least, somewhere in your post. The only reason why I knew what game (series) this was from before listening was because of the filename you have linked.

For myself, I usually browse the WIP forum to see if anyone is making mixes where I am familiar with the source material before I spend the time to check out the WIP.

Now onto the commentary.

First, let me mention that you have definitely made a bold move by making Saria's Song quite creepy compared to the happy and upbeat source. It's like... Saria's Song: Halloween Dance Party Edition.

Beyond that, it's certainly not something I'd listen to in my spare time, just because the style is weird. But also it gets quite repetitive.

You should check out "Spinlock", a remix for Mario 64. It too changes an otherwise happy and upbeat tune into something much stranger and kinda creepy. However, it does so without feeling ... grating and hard to listen to.

I wouldn't say stop what you're doing, but I will say I think there's other ideas you can explore that will be more successful along this line of thought.


I couldn't agree more. There is definately alot wrong with it and it is repetitive because I only wrote a few unique bars them copy and pasted them to make the track, its flabby and all over the place at times. This is my first time using midi also I just wanted to break the ice with a track, it took me about 3 hours to do. I'll probably start a new project that's worth doing when I get home.

Thanks for listening...

Also I just listened to it on a different computer on normal earphones and it sounds very very different to what it sounded like at home. Maybe I need monitors.


Welcome to ocr. :D

Detuning instruments is a great way to give a track a creepy feel, but this is a little too far to be enjoyable. You could draw some inspiration from how this song was treated in Twilight Princess.

Basically, my advice to you would be to work on making something less creepy and more musically challenging, just to get your music writing and mixing skills up. Your writing and mixing aren't as bad as this track make 'em sound. This track sounds a bit like an experiment, so make a more serious attempt. If it turns out great, fine, but even if it doesn't, it's a good way to get better.

  • 3 months later...

I actually did enjoy this in a way. It's one of those songs that are so wrong in an interesting way. The repetition isn't in an interesting way, but the general sound is.

You might make the strings more audible in the mid-sections.

You use the same instruments throughout the song and don't change the notes either. There are songs that do nothing but play the same tune with slightly different notes and instruments on each go, and sometimes they work pretty well. I'm definitely not suggesting that extreme, though.

I have actually heard a song something like what you're trying--or at least a small part was. Have a listen to Navi Gate. Not sure if it'll be helpful or not, but it isn't a bad song even if not!

Conclusion: I think you could whip this into something good, but it'll take more time and exp. Good luck with that.


hahahahahaha Saria's Song: Halloween Dance Party Edition.... yeah i think so too :D

im liking this remix though, reminds me heavily of the MIDI midgit remix i found once upon a time on vgmusic.com...

i love it :D im not terribly fond of the instruments however, but the composition, or what is it, arrangement? it's swell. the beat, the notes, the timing, that's all well done.

took me a sec before i could tell what song it was though. probably more to do with the instruments of choice than anything else.


Wow... I can't help but think of Saria's head rotating and spewing green slime.

You actually have a nice mixture of sounds going on for the first 45 seconds or so. After that things get too heavy and tend to go south. This is certainly an oddball. The closest example I can think of that actually made it into a game were some of the fighting tracks in No More Heroes. So that may be some comfort to you. :razz:


Listening now.

Before I begin, I want you to disregard anything anybody ever says against making Saria sound creepy; it's a great idea, and a great way to vary the song.

Now, I also stopped the track about fifteen seconds in. You need to understand music theory before you go doing this. It's not just fuzziness that makes something creepy, and you MUST know this from listening to it yourself. You need to make this track full of minor-key intervals, and diminished sounds. It's the notes used that makes Saria sound so happy, not the ocarina instrument. (Yes, you need to change some of the ACTUAL NOTES of this song)

there are other modes you can use to make this sound dark, minor isn't the only one. But I think you should look into all of them on your own.

I will tell you one mode that... might work with this one. Locrian. I give this one away because most of the people who will teach you about music theory are arrogant assholes who think Locrian is a terrible, terrible key. It's not.

Happy learning.


Y'all do know the remix hasn't been updated, so that's three months of inacticity after my feedback post and then a series of feedback posts on a wip the remixer might have forgotten about.

If you want to help people with their wips, it'd be better if you'd go for stuff that's recent, preferably something that hasn't got a lot of attention. Just... check the dates. :P


Heh, I wasn't gonna say anything about the date, there; I thought people would catch on...

To those that are still coming here, here's some general advice. Look at the date of the last post. If it's an old thread (like this one was), I'd leave it alone, in general. The remixer probably isn't paying attention to it anymore, and the thread will get bumped to the top of the chart (like my post will do here in a second :P), confusing those trying to critique WIPs... It's best to leave these things alone.

Since this thread is already at the top of the page, I'm going to indulge myself and point out how ironic and useless your posting this was.

Edit: So this doesn't pop to the top again, I'm using an edit, here. I'm just gonna clarify that I was emphasizing Rozovian point, and this was at the top when I posted, already. This thing's been getting a lot of attention, so I figured I'd try to help him steer people away from it, is all.

Heh, I wasn't gonna say anything about the date, there; I thought people would catch on...

To those that are still coming here, here's some general advice. Look at the date of the last post. If it's an old thread (like this one was), I'd leave it alone, in general. The remixer probably isn't paying attention to it anymore, and the thread will get bumped to the top of the chart (like my post will do here in a second :P), confusing those trying to critique WIPs... It's best to leave these things alone.

Since this thread is already at the top of the page, I'm going to indulge myself and point out how ironic and useless your posting this was. :|

P.S. I was also going to make some joke like 'who died and made you deputy forum moderator,' but I decided against it. So that was a close one.

Since this thread is already at the top of the page, I'm going to indulge myself and point out how ironic and useless your posting this was. :|

P.S. I was also going to make some joke like 'who died and made you deputy forum moderator,' but I decided against it. So that was a close one.

I midi-modded before him. :P

There's always newbs showing up, newbs that search the forum for their favorite song and comment on that wip despite that it might be several months old. They don't know better. This is _so_ not the first time. Check the post date and last edited date of the post with the link to the file. That should do it.

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