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Shmups. They kick ass and makes your palms sweat. What's not to love?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoot_%27em_up - I mean pretty much everything here but run'n'gun, but I guess that's okay too.

Am I really the only one into this lovely little genre?

Anyone wanna share high-scores or replays, perhaps even give some suggestions on fantastacular shmups do it here, because this.. is.. The OCR shmup-thread!

Personally I've been enjoying a lot of PS2 conversions 505 Games brought to europe without any pressrelease or marketing whatsoever. All Psikyo's titles (Gunbird, Sengoku Ace, Dragon Blaze) are amazing and I can't wait to try the not-so-classic verticals like Homura and XII Stag.

In other news, play R-Type Final or go to hell.

Now.. Discussion.. GO!


I like the Raiden series. Is Raiden 4 ever coming out in the North America? I hope it does.

Now to wait for Coop's Thunder Force post.

Is Raiden III any good? Saw that 505 Games released that one also for the PS2 but it seems harder to get than the other releases..

Raiden 3 is good. I haven't played it in a while so I don't remember any specifics but I remember having fun playing it.

Star Fox!!!!1!1!!

I own an Ace Combat but I still go back and play Star Fox about ten times more often.

EDIT: This qualifies, right?

Star Fox - Yes

Ace Combat - No

Raiden 3 is good. I haven't played it in a while so I don't remember any specifics but I remember having fun playing it.

Good enough for me, gotta hunt it down on SwedeBay

In other news Omega Five for XBLA is a great horizontal. Try it out! Quite easy on the normal setting but on the harder (1 shot, 1 kill and so on) high-score hunts can be insanely addictive. The soundtrack rocks socks too!

I believe Contra isn't a Shoot 'em up game...

You shoot things up...


What genre does it fall under then?

Edit: Okay, I get it now.

Biohazard Battle is way fun.

You shoot things up...


What genre does it fall under then?

Apparently Run and Gun is a sub-genre of Shoot 'em up games(according to wikipedia)...I did not know this. Most people think of Bullet hell or Scrolling shooters when you say Shoot 'em up games.

My favorites would have to be either 1942 on the NES or the underrated Tiger-Heli, also on NES.

If you liked Tiger Heli definitely look into its sequel, Twin Cobra (aka Kyuukyoku Tiger). While it's also on the NES, that was a pretty bad port. Look for the TurboGrafx 16 or arcade versions for a much better experience.

I also love me some Ikaruga. More recently, I have played through Shikigami no Shiro 3. Played through the whole game with a level select, but I run out of lives on the 4-2 boss without. Pretty crazy bullet hell if you're into those


I'm a major addict for anything in the Darius series of shmups, but the latest one I've been playing is Ikaruga. It's fun, but I find myself not liking it as much as say Darius Twin, or U.N. Squadron.


Ah, shmups. A genre I've held near and dear to my heart for a long, long time.

I've never considered Run 'N Guns part of the shmup area. We've got Vertical (Ikaruga, Raiden II, Kyukyoku Tiger II Plus, etc.), Horizontal (Thunder Force IV, Border Down, R-Type Leo, etc.), Isometric (Viewpoint, Zaxxon, Raystorm, etc.), 3D (Galaxy Force II, Star Fox, etc.), Arena (Robotron 2084, Geometry Wars, etc.), free roaming (Granada, Time Pilot, etc.), single-screen (Space Invaders, Galaga, etc.), tube (Tempest, Gyruss, etc.), and the bullet curtain/manic sub-genres (along with the "Euroshmup" sub-category too). When set next to them, games like Contra and Metal Slug simply don't feel or play the same. In those kinds of games, you're running on platforms, falling to your death, grabbing on to things, all that kind of stuff. And really, FPSs definitely aren't shmups IMHO. I have no clue how they ever got lumped in with the likes of Gley Lancer and G-Darius.

Sure, there are the occasional oddball titles like Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 for the 32X, where you can jump onto enemies and take their firepower for yourself, but they're the exception that proves the rule. But since there's no real definition of what is a shmup, what we end up with is a "what is a shmup?" debate that can get pretty anal and volatile at times.

Oh, and yes, Raiden III is good. There's a PS2 and a PC version, and they both have the same music, options, and so forth. I have the PC version, which looks a bit nicer. Now if someone would just port Raiden IV to PC, I'd be stylin'.

<3 Gradius V

Quoted fror truth!

Oh, and yes, Raiden III is good. There's a PS2 and a PC version, and they both have the same music, options, and so forth. I have the PC version, which looks a bit nicer. Now if someone would just port Raiden IV to PC, I'd be stylin'.

Yeah, Raiden IV looks pretty damn sweet from what I've seen.. Probably an easy converting process too!

Xbox live would be good too.


in other news I'm getting Dragon Blaze for PS2 by Psikyo in the mail tomorrow. That's a good game :3 And I placed an order for Sol Divide even though it's not nearly as good..

Most of all I'm longing for my new TV so I can start playing R-Type Final and R-Type Delta for REAL.

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