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So, I've been working with NES hardware on a whim. I began by using FamiTracker, but when I moved on to MML, I started working on this song.

So, here it is so far. It's not done yet, and it still loops around to the beginning. But hopefully it's still full of oldskool chipnes!

MP3 file

NSF file

Sooo... tell me how it's going. Am I doing anything wacky? What kinda stuff do I need to fix? Not original enough? Not enough from the source? To improve this, I need to know what I have to change. So feedback galore, please! :)

-Kenogu Labz


It is reminiscent of the battle music and it's enjoyable to listen to. It's amusing to imagine playing Chrono Trigger on the NES. Just a tip, but you may want to state _somewhere_ in your post what track you're mixing. EG: "I've remixed the Battle Music from Chrono Trigger." Chrono Trigger is mixed quite a bit and you may have trouble calling attention to your mix if you don't mention what track your mixing anywhere in your post.

I think you have some great ideas and variety. I would still encourage you to shy away from doing anything the exact same way in any phrase or verse. For the most part, you've followed that mantra except when it comes to the main theme.

I think some people aren't into the whole chiptune thing, but IMO, it's just another instrumental choice. I say keep it up.


Let me echo checking with a judge. Or if a judge happens to see this thread, SHOW US YOU CARE!

A chip music goes, this sounds pretty good, lots of cool chip effects, but I doubt it's ocr material. I think there was also some clashing or key conflicts after about half the track, when the bass gets fast and the percussion drops out. Cool track.


Wow, that was pretty damn awesome! I still need to get my Fami-skilz up to at least this level before I can leave this world in peace.

However, I agree with Rozovian that this is not OC material. MrSneak, listen to Mazedude's Cyborg-blobby again. Can you imagine that playing out of NES hardware? Bad-ass as that would be (as that's one of my OC favorites), no, the NES couldn't support it. Why?

Mazedude isn't strictly using chiptunes. He's EQing, he's mixing multiple instruments and synths, he's working in at least 44hz, etc. Just because a song uses chiptunes doesn't mean it's strictly a chiptune song. I'm sure OC won't accept pure Chiptune, but it may accept variations of them.

If you used this as the intro to a larger remix of this music... well, I can imagine that already, and that could potentially be very awesome. Listen to


for an example of this; it's very effective.

Otherwise, if this is what you want, take a look at OLRemix.org. It's not a site for 'bad' mixes; on the contrary, I love some of the things that come out of there. It is a site for mixes that create awesome music using strange and interesting means. As is, your chiptune is perfect for the site, and I'd encourage posting it there.

By the way, I'm keeping this for my own library. It's pure awesome.


Mazedude is a tracker. I can hear it in his stuff (which is some sweet stuff, by the way). Limited, but much less so than the NES. Aaanyway, thanks for the feedback; I'll keep working on it, though I doubt it'll make it here. ;)

As far as the NSF, I didn't post it because most don't have NSF players. Also, it's having looping problems (though I can't figure out where). But I'll put it up anyway, on the first post.


Cool arrangement, lots of fun new ideas in there that work very nicely. It sounds like you have a good grasp of using FamiTracker too. It sounds pretty much done to me - have you considered posting it up on 2a03.org or the famitracker forums? I'm sure people there would appreciate it :)

I wouldn't bother submitting this on OCR. Perhaps Remix:ThaSauce would accept it?


I agree. I like it for what it is but OCR would reject this. I doubt it would get to the judges :P

Its not bad at all, I think making chip-tune music makes you think differently because you don't have worry about production, you can focus solely on the arrangment. Sometimes, I make a piece of music as a chiptune (I know, I'm I sad bugger :razz:) and remake it later properly. Maybe you should try remaking it now.

I wouldn't bother submitting this on OCR. Perhaps Remix:ThaSauce would accept it?

Oh, ReMix:ThaSauce would take it IN A HEART BEAT. Probably in both formats.

My only beef is the lack of a proper ending, but I'm listening to the MP3 and I'm assuming that's probably because the NSF loops? Which would be an even better reason to host the NSF as well.

Maybe you could just cut off the last few seconds of the MP3 version or something.

Either way expect to hear from my people sometime soon. Or you can just submit it on your own terms.



'Just saw that you got this accepted on Remix:ThaSauce. Great! now people can hear this piece of awesome chiptune goodness!

Actually, I never heard of Remix:ThaSauce before... Well, time to eat up the rest of my weekend Dl-ing music from there... :)

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