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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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I plan on doing a simple CS show on Sunday sometime shortly after VGF83 on Saturday night, so gimme the stuff. :lol: And if it's not then, it'll have to be VGF83 itself (as there's not much music out this week) or after next week's show with no calls. That's about all I have time for until I'm done.


I've had to put that show off since New Year's/VGF75, more than enough time for at least some SE stuff to be done. I'd like to get this show done before I leave, and it's not a big deal to just use the RE material. Roland or anyone else involved needs to let me know what SE material is available and get it to me before VGF83 as teaser material for SE's eventual release. Because I have my own more pressing and inflexible deadlines to think about, that's pretty much how I'd prefer to do it at this point. I can hold off for next week if it's really really necessary, but I'd likely hold the same format as the Kong in Concert & Hedgehog Heaven shows, where I play regular stuff first, then spotlight the album during the rest of the show.


Well I thought you do a "dedicated show", like you did with "Kong in Concert" and "Doom", but it's okay. I can hook you up before midnight (my place) with some exclusive bonus material. Unless you really wanna do the show on Sunday (I just need a definite date and time)

Did you reach Claado now? I think he's entitled to call in too, as he is the project leader and a bit more important than I am - I'm just the engineer (and coordinator of the SE, but still under control by Claado).

Well I thought you do a "dedicated show", like you did with "Kong in Concert" and "Doom", but it's okay. I can hook you up before midnight (my place) with some exclusive bonus material. Unless you really wanna do the show on Sunday (I just need a definite date and time)

Did you reach Claado now? I think he's entitled to call in too, as he is the project leader and a bit more important than I am - I'm just the engineer (and coordinator of the SE, but still under control by Claado).

Like I said, the KiC show was a like a regular show followed by the second half dedicated to the album, so it's still a dedicated show. I never did a DSoP show as that came out during the summer. Hook me up with any SE material you want me to play ASAP. As far as definite date & time, it's either tonight or next Saturday; take your pick and tell me ASAP on that as well.

In terms of reaching Andrew, AFAIK from the Summoning of Sprits thread, he's been MIA for a little while so I wouldn't necessarily bank on him being around tonight. I honestly don't know what his availability is, but I hope to do right by him with the CS show nonetheless.


I think Claado's too busy to call :(

Alright, well, I definitely jumped the gun. I thought I would have more time...or more inspiration...but I don't. With 5-7 day work weeks of 12 hours each, I don't have the energy to work on any music. I'm sorry to say, but the Navy is kicking my ass time-wise. Those 2 days off are the only time I have to not go crazy, and I can't afford to utilize them making music.

Again, sorry. I really hope you find someone else to take the song, as it's fun and all to listen to, but the premise of remixing it is a little havy considering my workload. I'll see you all again when the project is released.


Even Kyle and Usa wanted him to maintain contact on their own projects. See how they must be feeling too.

[EDIT: Well I be a monkey's aunt; Larry beat me to it. UK connections to OCR suck. :lol:]

...Hook me up with any SE material you want me to play ASAP. As far as definite date & time, it's either tonight or next Saturday; take your pick and tell me ASAP on that as well.

In terms of reaching Andrew, AFAIK from the Summoning of Sprits thread, he's been MIA for a little while so I wouldn't necessarily bank on him being around tonight. I honestly don't know what his availability is, but I hope to do right by him with the CS show nonetheless.

*nervous fingertipping*

Hm... *sigh*

Can I hook you up as PM? And can you send me a phonenumber (PM) where to contact you by chance? Then I hook you up as soon as stuff cools down within the next 2 hours.


I forgot about WWE Saturday Night's Main Event tonight on NBC at 8PM. No way I'm gonna make tonight's VGF now, but there's actually not enough new material from the community this week to actually do something this week. So I hope to be able to spend the extra time getting some appropriate additional material I may have missed in order to provide at least a 2-hour show. It's tentatively scheduled at 6PM Sunday night, but may be earlier or later depending on when I can get to the studio and finish up some editing of older episodes.


Well, bearing in mind I came home for the weekend, mostly for the purpose of calling in :x I can understand cancellations for technical reasons, but surely you knew about Saturday Night Main Event before just now.

As it stands, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to phone in tomorrow. But I'll see what I can pull.

Well, bearing in mind I came home for the weekend, mostly for the purpose of calling in :x I can understand cancellations for technical reasons, but surely you knew about Saturday Night Main Event before just now.

As it stands, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to phone in tomorrow. But I'll see what I can pull.

Oh don't get me wrong, I knew OF it, but did I remember it was tonight? Nah. I thought it was closer to WrestleMania, like A1.

I forgot about WWE Saturday Night's Main Event tonight on NBC at 8PM. No way I'm gonna make tonight's VGF now

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Way to go, radio personality of the year. :P


You do not mock me on the way out! :lol:

Aight, so some (NON-WWE) crud came up requiring me to not do a show tonight either. It looks like I'll have to do it on Monday or later in the week. Not really a big deal when as I have the actual playlist ready.

In other news, VGF84 on 3/25 will be the last Saturday show and should be on schedule featuring whatever regular community music comes out followed by Crono Symphonic along with some bonus material from the upcoming Special Edition. Calls will be limited to Crono Symphonic members only in order to not bloat the show too badly. I don't mean to not let people get their calls in, but it's not a funeral so I'm not gonna play it up as one.

Provided I'm still going strong after VGF84, I may try to do the VGF84.99 finale immediately after VGF84, but otherwise may do it on the night of 3/27 sometime shortly before I leave Atlanta for good. Details will be forthcoming and all that jazz. And after the show's over, the thread will continue to have informal plugs for stuff, as well as updates when I finally release more stuff from the MP3 backlog.

Home stretch, people.


When you say 2AM Monday night, are you talking 7AM GST Monday or Tuesday morning? If it's the former, I'll be able to phone in.

Latter, and I won't be calling in for the entirity of VGF, unless you want to make an exception for the CS show.


i told cyan and chz that this would happen

this is better anyways. i wouldnt be able to hear the show today anyways cause of work

20:28 -!- Arek [~arektheab@adsl-71-142-248-110.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #vgf

20:29 -!- mode/#vgf [+l 18] by ChanServ

20:29 < Arek> wtf

20:29 < Arek> where is everyone

20:29 <+CHz> Check the thread.

20:29 < Arek> figures

20:29 < Arek> odds are it is gong to get pushed back again to monday

20:29 < Arek> odds are it is gong to get pushed back again to monday

20:29 < Arek> odds are it is gong to get pushed back again to monday


I think now's the time to panic. O_o It's 2:10AM at Larry's time, but no sign of the stream or anyone in the studio. Any idea what's going on, anyone?

[EDIT: ohok... CHz beat me to it *that* time. :lol: They call me the slowest bugger in the West.]

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